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Forums - General Discussion - "Anti-gay" bill passed in St. Petersburg


What do you think of this?

This is ridiculous, it's 2012! 73 25.26%
Backwards and ignorant 64 22.15%
This makes me sick 24 8.30%
I support this 84 29.07%
This poll is slightly biased 26 9.00%
I'd go gay for Andrespetmonkey 18 6.23%

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silly view! but there are worse off countries that have far less press attention and receive billions of pounds of our aid.

osamanobama said:
crissindahouse said:

osamanobama you said you have no problem with gay sex you just don't want to have sex education about gay in sxchool right?
actually i have made no comment on the matter
and you said you only want people to have sex in marriage right?
yes, though i personaly feel it should be within marriage, i am not for any law prohibiting sex outside of marriage.
does this mean you are for gay marriage?

i believe in states rights, i like our federalist system.
if you are against that they can't have sex that's why i ask. many have this argument "yes i have no problem with them having sex" then "people only should have sex after marriage" and then "no gay shouldn't have the roght to marry it's a thing between man and a woman" all three meanings don't sound so bad but in the end everyone should understand what that would mean if you are for all three points together.

like i said, I personally believe sex is only for marriage, that goes for gay and straight, but its perfectly legal to have sex outside of marriage

that's a great trick but that shows how those people really think. no clue how you think but that's how many religious people think.

btw this room guy i crazy wow! if he will get a gay kid anytime the kids life will be horrible!

yeah ok thx was just asking i didn't remeber all of what you've said^^

Is it truly wrong to say that homosexuality is a mental disorder?

You guys seem to like examples so I'll give a few.

A man has consensual sex with another man.

This isn't a 'disorder' because it's not socially wrong. Based on the fact that sex exists as a meanings of reproduction, can it be said that it's wrong on the grounds of say.. it promotes the damage of colon walls? No, obviously penile/vaginal sex can promote physical damage as well. Can it be deemed wrong because it's sexual activity that can't result in an offspring? I'd like to think so.

A man has consensual sex with a minor.

This is seen as wrong but it's hard to say exactly why. Should the man be deemed mentally ill because he desires prepubescent children? Maybe he was born with a gene that makes him want children that's beyond his control. Should the child be considered a victim because he/she has engaged in sexual activity with an adult? Should he or her parents be deemed irresponsible/unfit parents because they allowed their child to have sex with a man? Too much gray area it seems like everyone in this thread that argues against pedophilia seems to think that sexual activity between children and adults are always a violent act.

A man has sex with an animal.

I think this has quite a bit of gray area as well. Should animals that are bred to be companions be considered victims when they engage in sexual activity with humans? Should the man be considered ill because he desires animals for his sexual jollies? I'd like to think not. Yet again, it seems like all sexual activity between humans and animals should be seen as acts of violence. I think that's as closed-minded as saying "Prison rape is violent, therefore all homosexual sex has to be bad." Also if an animal is bred for human consumption, should that limit what should be done to that animal? I honestly believe that all killing is violent but that doesn't stop me from enjoying food that contains or consists of animal product.

Is it not close-minded to say that homosexuality is ok but pedophilia and bestiality is wrong? I'd like to think so.

I'll tell you right now, I enjoy horse porn. Doesn't that make me a bad person? That does that make me less of an asset to society? That does that make me mentally ill? If so, then why should I be treated like an outcast while it's ok to be LGBT? Also why should anyone care what I do in the sexual realm? Is it because it's not between two consensual adults? Fuck you, I'd like to treat anyone who came out as a pedophile or someone who engages in bestiality as another human much like homosexuals are treated. Maybe I should be spewing "It's 2012" "What does what you do in your bedroom matter to anyone else." Maybe they should be "treated equally" as well.

Pixel Art can be fun.

crissindahouse said:
ProdigyBam said:
crissindahouse said:
ProdigyBam said:
Im German with russian parents and Im glad this was done, I wished the same would happen here in Germany but it wont sadly, the small children will still be given the impression that its "normal and natural" when 2 people pof the same gender make out in the public.
I would go on and say why, but my english is to bad for such a complicated topic unfortunately.

Hate me, but thats my honest opinion.

i just wonder one thing. you all think it's not natural (btw i'm not gay but i abosolutely have no probme with that) and we have this "phenomenon"  in almost every creature. we know it's the same for penguins, elephants, lions, bears, dogs....etc. so HOW can't this be natural? if this would be only coincidence for the humans i would maybe think this could make sense but since it's the same for every other creature it can't be something else then naturally.

just watch bonobos for example there you are the "unnatural" if you would be only heterosexual.

so yeah, i find it kind of odd to think something which is part of almost every creature can be unnatural. it's not like lions think "oh humans are gay because we saw that we can be gay then as well if we want but if we would never have seen gay humans we wouldn#t have gay lions!" (this would be some kind of the education logic)

there you see how stupid this sound lol but to think thousands of creature succumb the same unnatural thing, what a likelihood would this be?


btw you are the only straight here having an half naked guy as profile pic (ok i have one as well but i think that's just a caveman problem to have no shirt)  i thinkt this "74% of homophobics are gay" could be right haha. do you like to see a half naked guy with big muscles? if not why do you have such a pic? couldn#t you have the same with shirt? don't suppress it, be what you are lool! ;) 

Thats what i meant when I said my english is not good enough for such a complicated topic.

Ill to have to make it simple, the difference between us humans and animals is, that we humans are more intelligent than them, we should see "uhh, okay, men and men cant have kids, women and women cant make children also, but men and women can, so its not normal and not natural. people of the same gender dont belong together, thats how God/the nature or whatever it doesnt matter, made it". And also, animals act instinctevely, we humans are intelligent and emotional enough, to dont act instincteviely, I hope you understand what I say,like i said my english isnt perfect...



I have a half naked guy there, because im an MMA fighter, and hes my greatest atheltic influence and idol and besides that, hes a great human being and therefore influences me not only in sports but also as a man (hes humble, always friendly, respectful and so on you dont see that today in sports, especially in mma).

And whats wrong with having a profile picture of something youre a fan of? I mean many people have Cloud from FF7 as a profile picturefor example because they are fans of him, not because they are homosexual or something like that and im a fan of fedor emelianenko and MMA in general thats why I have him there ;)

yes i know what you say, you say you are a huge homophobe saying people who are gay have to be stupid like hell because intelligent creatures should understand that this isn't normal and shouldn't act like this.

still it makes no sense, it's a part of every creature, intelligent or not and the funny part is that it's more common for the most intelligent creatures. like i said bonobos for example as well. so i could say otherwise "only the most intelligent creatures have a big gay "community" that has to mean it's a sign to be intelligent!"

sure this is stupid as well but i think it's funny that the most progressive countries say it's ok and people like you say it's a sign of stupidness. isn't it funny that exactly those countries who aren't as educated as others have more problems with offences against the gay community? isn't it funny that in the past at a time people on the whole planet weren't as educated as nowadays the hate against gays was even bigger than nowadays and still there are people like you who think it's a sign of unintelligent creatures? isn't it funny that here in germany (yes i'm agerman as well) most hate against the gay community comes from people living in small villages20 years behind people in duesseldorf or cologne if it comes to many many things? i think it's the same in usa, more hate against gays in places not as educated and progressive than new york for example. i bet in missisippi there is more hate against gays than in california or so.

wow i think this is very funny!

in few hundred years if mankind will still exist nobody will care anymore to say "omg gay" and i surely believe those people will have a bigger and better knowledge/science than we have nowadays.


Sorry lurkers, im going to speak german now.


Sag doch gleich, dass du deutscher bist ^^

alsooooo, 1. sagte ich nie, dass homosexuelle dumm bzw. nicht intelligent sind, ich beschuldige sie in keinster weise, ich denke, es sind eher die medien, die politik und der allgemeine zeitgeist daran schuld, dass es "normal" geworden ist, sich öffentlich zu bekennen homosexuell zu sein und es öffentlich ohne probleme auszuleben.

zweitens, eine phobie ist vor etwas krankhafte angst zu haben, dieses homophob, islamophob etc. wird hier in deutschland viel zu oft und grundlos benutzt, ich habe keine angst vor homosexuellen, noch habe ich, nebenbei gemerkt, was gegen sie. ich finde es nur nicht normal, dass man es mittlerweile fast schon promotet, während die, ich sags jetzt mal krass, normale familie bestehen aus mann, frau kind/er, schon in vergessenheit gerät bzw. immer irrelevanter zu sein scheint, sei es aufgrund der frauenbewegung, die, seien wir mal ehrlich, mittlerweile weit übers ziel hinausgeschossen ist, oder unserer größtenteils linken medien, die eh gegen alles ist, was auch nur annähernd mit konservativismus oder unseren christlich-jüdischen wurzeln zu tun hat. es ist meiner meinung nach falsch, in schulbüchern homosexuelle paare und dergleichen abzubilden und so den kindern zu suggerieren, dies sei normal. das andere problem ist, dieses heraustragen seiner homosexualität in der öffentlichkeit, ich finde das nicht okay, solange sie das unterlassen, können sie von mir aus zuhause tun was sie wollen, nur sollte man mit sowas nicht prahlen, wie gesagt, die natur hat so etwas nicht (für menschen) vorgesehen, genausowenig wie dass menschen und leichen oder tiere zusammengehören (krasses beispiel, aber rational gesehen stimmt es). man sollte sich einfach nur vor augen halten, dass es sicherlich nicht umsonst so ist, alles hat sinn und zweck in der natur und wenn es wirklich so normal und natürlich wäre, wieso können dann nicht zwei männer ein kind zeugen, richtig, weil es eben nicht von der natur vorgesehen, also nicht normal und krankhaft ist, es ist eine genetische störung, objektiv gesehen. mit dem instinktiv vorhin meinte ich, dass menschen im gegensatz zu tieren, nicht nach instinkt handeln, weshalb wir für uns entscheiden können, was richtig und falsch ist, während tiere eben dann nach ihrem instinkt handeln, das unterscheidet uns eben von tieren, deshalb sind wir menschen. ja, mit den ländern hast du recht, aber man kann nicht immer so leicht und willkürlich zusammenhänge bilden, dann könnte ich auch sagen, hey in den letzten jahren gab es mehr autounfälle und der milchkonsum ist gestiegen, die milch ist daran schuld! verstehst du was ich meine? dein weltbild ist eh komisch, wenn man intelligent ist, kann man nicht gegen homosexualität sein und wenn man dumm ist, kann man nicht dagegen sein oder was? du bist lustig, laut den tests meines arztes ist mein intelligenzquotient höher als von 98% der menschen und trotzdem bin ich gegen homosexualität... sollte das deiner logik nach, nicht dein gesamtes weltbild umwerfen? achja, ein tipp, es ist nicht die intelligenz sondern die relevanz von religiösen werten in gesellschaften,  die das allgemeine bild von homosexuellen bildet und da in allen 3 weltreliginen (christentum, judentum, islam) homosexualität eine sünde ist, findet man in solchen länder bzw. gegenden mehr abneigung dem gegenüber. und wie wir alle wissen, verfügen wirtschaftlich fortgeschrittene länder in den meisten fällen über mehr geld und wohlstand und dort geht die religiösität immer mehr zurück (weswegen genau würde jetzt den rahmen sprengen) und man hat mehr geld für die bildung und bildung = intelligenz. also ich erlebe abneigung gegen homosexuelle hier täglich und ich hab freunde/bekannte aus allen gesellschaftlichen schichten, bei mir hat es mehr den eindruck gemacht, dass deutsche im besonderen und europäischstämmige im allgemeinen mehr tolerant gegenüber homosexuellen sind, während menschen aus "anderen kulturkreisen" alles homosexuelle hassen und damit mein ich den homosexuellen selber auch und das ist bei mir nicht der fall, ich habe nur gegen das in der öffentlichkeit zur schau tragen, das "promoten" davon in schulbüchern, medien etc. dass es  normal sei und natürlich und jeder der dagegen ist, ist homophob und wird gleich taub gemacht (soviel zur meinungsfreiheit, die gilt hier nämlich nur, wenn es zur veröffentlichten meinung = medien, politik passt) und gegen homoehen, aber nichts gegen homosexuelle an sich, wenn sie es ncht so krass in der öffentlichkeit zur schau tragen.

mein cousin ist so jemand, der ist schwul aber zeigt es nicht jedem (man merkt es aber), aber ich liebe ihn trotzdem über alles und er hält es auch nicht für nötig es jedem zu zeigen, das mein ich damit, hoffe der lange text ist nicht so langweilig und man erkennt meinen standpunkt, sorry wegen der rechtschreib- und grammatikfehler, aber ich wollte es so schnell wie möglich schreiben, hatte eig keine lust so einen riesentext zu pressen ^^


Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

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ProdigyBam said:
Im German with russian parents and Im glad this was done, I wished the same would happen here in Germany but it wont sadly, the small children will still be given the impression that its "normal and natural" when 2 people pof the same gender make out in the public.
I would go on and say why, but my english is to bad for such a complicated topic unfortunately.

Hate me, but thats my honest opinion.

Biology will quickly tell them what they really want when they reach the right age. In the mean-time, such efforts will hopefully help make sure the children don't grow up to be little bigots.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Just amazed at certain percetanges in the vote. Colour me surprised.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...


ok to your wall of text:

i don't say that an intelligent person can't be against gays (sure there are some super intelligent as well who think so) i just say on average, the more educated people, or at least the more progressive people/countries/places, aren't as much against that than the opposite. like here in germany people from hicksville are more against that than people from hamburg, duesseldorf or cologne.

and still, just because you believe it's unnatural because a man and a woman have to get kids and that's not what gay people can do doesn't mean it's a fact that this is the case. your favourite book is the bible so i understand you believe like that but that doesn't mean it has to be 100% true.

for example, related to gay of the maternal side are more fertile did you know that? i could say maybe this does mean it's a plan from god to have more fertile woman? maybe guys related to lesbians are more fertile as well but i don't know about that... and do you know what this means as well? that, if a woman related to a gay is more fertile, that she isn't normal as well! she is more fertile like other woman because she is related to a gay so that isn't normal! i bet you would never say to your sister that it's not normal that she is so fertile because youruncle or so is gay, would you? no, you would say god was very good to her! i can't imagine you saying to your sister "you just got so many sweet babies because of our uncle"

scientist believe that this could mean the whole mankind will get more kids because of that than if we wouldn't have gay so the related to them wouldn't be as fertile as they are. gays means more kids on this planets crazy ha? wow and all those kids who are born because of that are totally unnatural even when they aren't gay then! maybe you are one of them?

and i stilll don't understand how someone can say what you say seeing that it's the case for every creature no difference between th eintelligence of this creature. it makes no sense that every creature has the same "unnatural problem". if this would be only the case for a few creatures but for all of them? just no...

* Gay and bisexual men remain the population most heavily affected by HIV in the United States. CDC estimates MSM represent approximately 2% of the US population, but accounted for more than 50% of all new HIV infections annually from 2006 to 2009 –56% in 2006 (27,000), 58% in 2007 (32,300), 56% in 2008 (26,900) and 61% (29,300) in 2009.
In 2009, 61% of new HIV infections occurred in men who have sex with men, or MSM. Twenty seven percent of new infections were in heterosexuals, 9% were in injection drug users, and 3% were in MSM who were also injection drug users.

Physical Health
Common sexual practices among gay
men lead to numerous STDs and physical
injuries, some of which are virtually
unknown in the heterosexual population.
Lesbians are also at higher risk for
STDs. In addition to diseases that may
be transmitted during lesbian sex, a
study at an Australian STD clinic found
that lesbians were three to four times
more likely than heterosexual women to
have sex with men who were high-risk
for HIV.
• Mental Health
It is well established that there are high
rates of psychiatric illnesses, including
depression, drug abuse, and suicide
attempts, among gays and lesbians. This
is true even in the Netherlands, where
gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships
are far more socially acceptable
than in the U.S. Depression and drug
abuse are strongly associated with risky
sexual practices that lead to serious
medical problems.
• Life Span
The only epidemiological study to date
on the life span of gay men concluded
that gay and bisexual men lose up to 20
years of life expectancy.
• Monogamy
Monogamy, meaning long-term sexual
fidelity, is rare in GLB relationships, particularly
among gay men. One study
reported that 66 percent of gay couples
reported sex outside the relationship
within the first year, and nearly 90 percent
if the relationship lasted five years.
Encouraging people to engage in risky sexual
behavior undermines good health and can
result in a shortened life span. Yet that is exactly
what employers and governmental entities
are doing when they grant GLB couples benefits
or status that make GLB relationships appear
more socially acceptable.