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Forums - General Discussion - "Anti-gay" bill passed in St. Petersburg


What do you think of this?

This is ridiculous, it's 2012! 73 25.26%
Backwards and ignorant 64 22.15%
This makes me sick 24 8.30%
I support this 84 29.07%
This poll is slightly biased 26 9.00%
I'd go gay for Andrespetmonkey 18 6.23%
room414 said:
You BELIEVE it's ok to stick your cock up another man's dirty asshole. I BELIEVE it's an abhorent behavior. You're 100% entitled to your belief and to live your life how you see fit. You have absolutely no right to teach my children in any way, shape or form that this is acceptable behavior.

Disagreeing with another person's behavior is NOT hate speech.

* Sorry to be blunt but i needed to make my point.

That's certainly not ok. They should clean it first. *shivers*

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room414 said:
How do you answer that? Tell me what's wrong with bestiality or incest (maybe nothing in your opinion).
Is it hate speech and bigotry if i say those things are wrong too?

You just need to use common sense.

Beastiality and peadophilia is against the participants (animal/child) will.

Incest (between two consenting adults, is none of your business)

How you can compare having sex with an animal, to an adult consenting male having sex with another (which is closer to hetro sex) shows no common sense, clearly.


@dark lord how am i insulting seece? i mentioned common sexual behavior for homosexual men... lol and im not religious...i despise religion

*posting on ps3 btw...crappy and slow

room414 said:
How do you answer that? Tell me what's wrong with bestiality or incest (maybe nothing in your opinion).
Is it hate speech and bigotry if i say those things are wrong too?

In my opinion, the reason bestiality is wrong is because a "beast" can not give legal consent, therefore making the process essentially rape. The reason incest is wrong is because it leads to severe health problems for any offspring involved, meaning that others get hurt directly from the activity. Those seem like reasonable strikes against those behaviors to me.

Homosexuality though... all the parties involved are reasonable and able to give consent, there are no major health problems absent in heterosexual sex, and the impossibility of pregnency actually makes it safer and more responsible than heterosexual intercourse in some ways.

I'm not saying I like the idea of gay sex. Honestly, I find the logistics of it a bit disgusting. But I find swiss cheese disgusting too. That's not a valid reason to purge swiss cheese from society.

Love and tolerate.

Seece said:
osamanobama said:
Seece said:
osamanobama said:
Seece said:
osamanobama said:

Yeah, Free speech is great, unless its speech i disagree with!!! only government aproved speech is allowed!!

its a good thing i live in America, where we still mostly have free speech. and "hate" speech is still protected. but dont worry we are well down the road to fascism... 1984 isnt too far away.

There is no need for inverted comma's, it's hate speech plain and simple, you need to understand that this isn't solely down to the government, people in general these days frown upon unprovoked attacks on homosexuality, even a lot of religious people.

Hate speech is frowned upon even in America, look at how the westboro baptist church are treated.

saying "gays must die" is much different than "homosexuality is wrong"

and still their speech is protected, even if its inconvienient speech.

and what is inverted commas?

"homosexuality is wrong" is still hate speech. I mean by all means discuss that in your own homes and have that opinion, but in public you should keep that to yourself.

NO, just no, no

and its clear you dont support free speech, in fact you disdain it.

yes Osama, I'm right.

I do support free speech, I don't support hate speech, or speech where people think they have the right to dictate other peoples lives because it's part of their religion, that goes for abortions as well.

Saw this awesome pic on gaf a while ago

your right about what? suppressing speech, supporting totalitarianism. disdaining free speech, having no concept of what hate speech is?

the US luckinly has this awesome thing called the constitution, and even though many people in power hate it and want to get rid of it, the president included, it currently is still mostly effective at combating, the progressives who want to get rid off it. as of now, we in the US enjoy the 2nd ammendment, which protects speech, there is no "hate" speech, just speech, and it is protected, even for people like you who hate free speech.

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That is all sorts of crazy... It makes me sad to think that some are still stuck in the Dark Ages.

osamanobama said:
Seece said:

yes Osama, I'm right.

I do support free speech, I don't support hate speech, or speech where people think they have the right to dictate other peoples lives because it's part of their religion, that goes for abortions as well.

Saw this awesome pic on gaf a while ago

your right about what? suppressing speech, supporting totalitarianism. disdaining free speech, having no concept of what hate speech is?

the US luckinly has this awesome thing called the constitution, and even though many people in power hate it and want to get rid of it, the president included, it currently is still mostly effective at combating, the progressives who want to get rid off it. as of now, we in the US enjoy the 2nd ammendment, which protects speech, there is no "hate" speech, just speech, and it is protected, even for people like you who hate free speech.

You keep getting hate speech and free speech confused and we're just going round in circles.

I love free speech, look at how it's helping the US progress with all these states allowing gay marriage


Seece said:

You keep getting hate speech and free speech confused and we're just going round in circles.

I love free speech, look at how it's helping the US progress with all these states allowing gay marriage

I think his point is that free speech includes hate speech. Honestly, I support both. It makes it easy to figure out who the idiots are.

Love and tolerate.

Seece said:
room414 said:
How do you answer that? Tell me what's wrong with bestiality or incest (maybe nothing in your opinion).
Is it hate speech and bigotry if i say those things are wrong too?

You just need to use common sense.

Beastiality and peadophilia is against the participants (animal/child) will.

child can consent, teenagers have sex all the time, and the consent all the time. We just have set an arbitray age of 18. that means nothing. if a ten year old "loves" a 40 year old, why is it wrong for them to have sex?

furthermore, did pets give consent to being owned? did they agree to you having them? what about removing their genitalia, or having them mate? did they consent to that? im sure you support owning pets, spaying and neutering them, and having them mate, no? so if you can do all that, why cant you "love" your pet?

Incest (between two consenting adults, is none of your business)

So, you think incest is fine? at least you are consistant on one issue.

How you can compare having sex with an animal, to an adult consenting male having sex with another (which is closer to hetro sex) shows no common sense, clearly.

furthermore, im sure you support gay marriage. So what about polygamy? say 3 dudes and 2 chicks marrying each other, or better yet, 2 brothers marry their sister, and 2 other people. is that fine too?

do we ask consent from animals when we slaughter and eat them? who said we can't fuck them too?

you guys are bestialityphobes