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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN's The Last Story Review

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Wagram said:
Did I read that correctly? 20 hours? Really....Really? REALLY!?!?

I'm not paying full price then.

That's a good amount of length. Not every RPG should be 100+ a la star ocean. Besides, I ddoubt she did every single little to do in the game (I havent read the full review but I assume because of time, she focused on main story)

Plus it has online, which does add value to it if you are interested.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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Can't wait to get it!! In NA to be precise =D


Zim said:
.... good god I hate Keza. She has the worst reviews. A 7.5 for graphics because even though it's superb for the Wii it doesn't look good compared to the 360/ps3...... so using this logic why doesn't every single PS3/360 game get at best a 7 because compared to the PC version they aren't as good?

I think it is completely fair to give graphics a lower score for being on the Wii, if a game is Standard Definition and doesn't look as good as games on the HD twins, then it should be scored accordingly. Great presentation and artistic flair can also bump the score up, so it's not like an SD game can't achieve a score in the 8's. Most importantly, the sub score for graphics doesn't affect the overall score, so does it really matter?

Wagram said:
Did I read that correctly? 20 hours? Really....Really? REALLY!?!?

I'm not paying full price then.

They also said 13-2 was 20 hours i think or around there. I think its a bit longer it took a friend of mince 35 hours to beat it, but who knows. 

Mad55 said:
Wagram said:
Did I read that correctly? 20 hours? Really....Really? REALLY!?!?

I'm not paying full price then.

They also said 13-2 was 20 hours i think or around there. I think its a bit longer it took a friend of mince 35 hours to beat it, but who knows. 

Took me 35 as well, and I skipped content. I would like to know if that 20 was with some side quests, or just straight run through of the 20 because for a JRPG that's really low.

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Wagram said:
Did I read that correctly? 20 hours? Really....Really? REALLY!?!?

I'm not paying full price then.

That's if you really rip through it. I've heard plenty of other people talking about 30-40 hours for the main story, and around 60-70 if you do everything.

So a tad short, but still plenty long with plenty of replay value.


Remember, IGN said you'd finish Xenoblade in 40-45 hours. So I wouldn't trust their gameplay times...



OT: Good review, but terrible scoring. The article sounded like at least a 9, and then an 8.5? 7.5 for graphics?? It looks awesome! 

Still getting it from GameStation (not GAME thankfully!) tomorrow! Looking forward!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Panama said:
I'll take 20 hours of quality RPG gameplay over 100 hours of generic sidequesting that Xenoblade is plagued with. To each their own.

No-ones forcing you to do the sidequests. A simple run-through without doing side-quests of Xenoblade lasts a hearty 65-70 hours anyway. And some of the sidequests are great (Melanchony Tyrea, Destroying the City Trade sequence, Elite Captain's sequence, Giant's Sequence etc.). 

Then you have all of the hidden areas, all of the unique enemies, all of the other extra stuff, the Colony 6 rebuild...sure, some of the quests are the same, but most of the named quests (which are the majority) are different, and evolve the game.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Only a noob can say such a stupid thing 'bout The last story graphic...

AstroMaSSi rules

great score

RolStoppable said:
I would give the graphics a 7.5 too, but for entirely different reasons, because I know what I am talking about. The graphics aren't superb for the Wii, because aside from the water there really aren't any great special effects or advanced textures to be seen. Despite this, the game suffers from slowdowns every now and then, both during gameplay and cutscenes created with the ingame engine.

Does it ever stop being brown and grey?

I fully intend to buy the game when it comes to the US, but there are just some choices in its design and presentation I don't entirely understand. Once I read what Sakaguchi had to say about it, almost sounded like he was trying to make a JRPG answer to Gears of War...

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

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