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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

There I think I posted all the things I saved in office org. I was planning to post some of it when the site went kaboom!!

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Wait, so noctis just admitted that he was mafia? I didn't think the game was over yet

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

No I am townie (watcher/reporter) If my theory was right the scum are hunting for the doc/jailkeeper.


Votes for:

Final-Fan: theprof00, Wonktonodi, theprof00, Linkzmax, radishhead
No Lynch: Final-Fan

Non-voters: NoCtiS_NoX

Player L-3 L-2 L-1 Testing chamber time
 theprof00  Linkzmax  radishhead
No Lynch Final-Fan      


theprof00               votes for           Final-Fan
theprof00               unvotes             Final-Fan
theprof00               votes for           NoCtiS_NoX
theprof00               unvotes             NoCtiS_NoX
Wonktonodi           votes for           Final-Fan
Final-Fan                votes for           No Lynch
theprof00              votes for           Final-Fan
Linkzmax               votes for           Final-Fan
radishhead            votes for           Final-Fan

Signature goes here!

I had a wonderful testing chamber ready for today's lynchee. I had plenty of time to make while you were trying to make up your minds. It had poisonous water, moving platforms, light bridges, required the use of repulsion gel and propulsion gel and was filled with fully fonctional Turrets.

Sadly, the person you elected to lynch is just a stupid Talking Weighted Companion Cube (Final-Fan) so I guess I'll just crush him in the garbage chute instead.

There it is done. You know what? That was just as satisfying as the testing chamber would have been.

Night 3 Begins

Signature goes here!

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I vote to kill morenoingrato


There is still hope for this experiment. You have correctly identified one of the murderous test subjects. Your friend the Weighted Companion Cube was in fact a ruthless killer, those hearts painted on his side were there to hide the original paintings of skulls, knives and guns.

While you’re making progress, this experiment is not over yet. You might think Caroline (Wonktonodi) tripped into that 200 feet deep shaft by accident but I can assure you she had help in getting in her current squashed like a pancake state.

The test subject responsible for it is... oh wait, that’s your job to find that out.

Good luck!

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
There is still hope for this experiment. You have correctly identified one of the murderous test subjects. Your friend the Weighted Companion Cube was in fact a ruthless killer, those hearts painted on his side were there to hide the original paintings of skulls, knives and guns.

While you’re making progress, this experiment is not over yet. You might think Caroline (Wonktonodi) tripped into that 200 feet deep shaft by accident but I can assure you she had help in getting in her current squashed like a pancake state.

The test subject responsible for it is... oh wait, that’s your job to find that out.

Good luck!

Best flavour ever! Just had to say that...


My theory is proving true- the best players are too good, and it's going to be their downfall. I'm going to say that Prof is almost certainly a Mafia member now, following this idea.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~