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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mr. Miyamoto Really Enjoying Pikmin 3!

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morenoingrato said:
Okay, so with that kind of power we can actually get 200 Pikmin at the time, bigger and much more detailed landmasses, and even 60FPS?
Heck, yeah! Count me in.

It'll probably be that. It will most likely have more fluid visuals, better effects, and maybe a Cinematic Mode with better graphics than Real Time. (FF XIII like.)

Around the Network

Too bad all 6 Pikmin fans will be the only ones to enjoy this.




I hope we see something in e3. Its been three e3s now that we expected pikmin 3 to be shown

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

thank god the annoying commercials are gone for now so i can be on the site!!

I'm dying to see something of this game!! i want to see how round a Pikmins butt can be in HD!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Hell yes!

Pikmin with the power of WiiU and HD graphics with a touch screen for far superior strategic command input... I'm VERY excited for this game.

Around the Network

Thanks for rubbing it in my face. I suppose this is to get me back for not buying/playing #2.

Khuutra said:
morenoingrato said:
Okay, so with that kind of power we can actually get 200 Pikmin at the time, bigger and much more detailed landmasses, and even 60FPS?
Heck, yeah! Count me in.

No no no, we already had 200 Pikmin. This would let us see 1000 of them with the same fidelity we saw 200 at before.

No, you could only control 100 at any one time, not 200. 

In fact, rumor had it that Pikmin was actually the realization of the "Mario 128" demo shown at Spaceworld 2000.

In any case, with WiiU powering Pikmin 3 the possibilities increase exponentially.  And it'll all look sooooo good.

RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:
morenoingrato said:
Okay, so with that kind of power we can actually get 200 Pikmin at the time, bigger and much more detailed landmasses, and even 60FPS?
Heck, yeah! Count me in.

No no no, we already had 200 Pikmin. This would let us see 1000 of them with the same fidelity we saw 200 at before.

You could only control up to 100 in the first two games. Of course, if you were heavily intoxicated whenever you played them, you could see 200.

Was it that you could have 200 total, including your reserves?

Khuutra said:
RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:
morenoingrato said:
Okay, so with that kind of power we can actually get 200 Pikmin at the time, bigger and much more detailed landmasses, and even 60FPS?
Heck, yeah! Count me in.

No no no, we already had 200 Pikmin. This would let us see 1000 of them with the same fidelity we saw 200 at before.

You could only control up to 100 in the first two games. Of course, if you were heavily intoxicated whenever you played them, you could see 200.

Was it that you could have 200 total, including your reserves?

No, you could have an unlimited amount in your onion.

EDIT:  or maybe 9,999 like Rol said.  Either way, a lot.

spurgeonryan said:
Well that is nice. But come on Nintendo when are we going to get real news on anything? Although I will say that the Wii U gets better and better each time I hear about it!

Nintendo isn't giving us real news?  Why is that thread of yours so long then?

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