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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox 360 exclusives vs. PS3 exclusives vs. Wii exclusives


Which console has the best exclusives?

Xbox 360 101 14.45%
PS3 405 57.94%
Wii 191 27.32%


the answer is so obvious that it does not even deserve a thread and a poll, whatever the result will be

edit : after watching the result i can see it's actually a voting about which company has the most fans on this site, and is Sony as it seems, nothing wrong with that, but so people can finally stop blaming poor Nintendo fans for supporting what they like

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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I think the Wii has the best exclusives this gen, as well as an uncontrollable glut of shovelware.

As a reference, the GameCube has a library half as big as the Wii; and within that library, the GameCube has twice as many must have games (mostly, but not entirely, the fault of third party developers).

Fun fact:
When pezus sees a Nintendo dominated poll (BAFTA GOTY) he says it's because the site is full of Nintendo fanboys.
When something Sony is ahead, he says it's because they deserve it and it's correct and objective.

Wii is by far the best, but the Ps3 is catching up.

Quite ridiculous actually, I mean Ps3 is only catching up at the end of the console cycle :P


pezus said:
morenoingrato said:
Fun fact:
When pezus sees a Nintendo dominated poll (BAFTA GOTY) he says it's because the site is full of Nintendo fanboys.
When something Sony is ahead, he says it's because they deserve it and it's correct and objective.

Fun fact: It was obviously a parody question of all the people saying when Sony wins polls: "Sony dominatezzz vgchartzzz"

It was actually way more notorious before you came, when I joined, Sony domination was much stronger.

Nowadays, it's less because the biggest Sony fans left or post much less.

This comic should show you

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Torillian said:
Conegamer said:

I just don't see any Halo game or Uncharted game, or any other game by MS or Sony, being remembered the same way as Skyward Sword or Galaxy will be.

Perhaps it won't be remembered by you, but I will certainly remember Valkyria CHronicles, LBP, and even Killzone 2 longer than I will either of those.  Always see this fallacious assumption based argument by Nintendo fans that Nintendo are the only ones that makes games that people will remember for decades, but the only reason you think that is they're the only gaming company that's been around that long..  Trust me I will remember SotC for the rest of my life and I'm sure others will remember the first halo forever.  Nintendo doesn't have the market cornered when it comes to future classics, they just have the market for current classics because they've been around that long.  

Yes, you might, and there might well be other people who remember those games also (myself included. Great games), but they will never be remembered in the masses in the same way as games like Skyward Sword or Galaxy will ever be. And surely that's the measure of success, whether or not the masses will remember it. The games you mentioned are simply too niche to have the same following, and the same level of care or importance weighted on them. Sad but true. No-one really remembers games from the 90's which sold around 250k, do they? 

It's not a 'fallacious' assumption. People who live outside of gaming will remember the Wii exclusives, and it will go down as the console which revolutionised gaming (for better and for worse) for most people. Why was this? It was because it offered games of everyone, of a very high quality. That for me is most important, and that's why I say that Nintendo has the best exclusives.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

Yes, you might, and there might well be other people who remember those games also (myself included. Great games), but they will never be remembered in the masses in the same way as games like Skyward Sword or Galaxy will ever be. And surely that's the measure of success, whether or not the masses will remember it. The games you mentioned are simply too niche to have the same following, and the same level of care or importance weighted on them. Sad but true. No-one really remembers games from the 90's which sold around 250k, do they? 

It's not a 'fallacious' assumption. People who live outside of gaming will remember the Wii exclusives, and it will go down as the console which revolutionised gaming (for better and for worse) for most people. Why was this? It was because it offered games of everyone, of a very high quality. That for me is most important, and that's why I say that Nintendo has the best exclusives.

Uncharted, SOTC and Little Big Planet didn't sell 250k copies.

pezus said:

1. You originally mentioned Halo, Uncharted which sell more than Skyward Sword and the Halo franchise is consistantly huge, unlike Galaxy (2).

2. You obviously think this because you prefer Wii, nothing wrong with that, but the casual gamers and the wider audience of the Wii is not the kind that will reflect on great games when years have passed.

3. Case in point: many movies do horribly at the box office but because of their quality they become cult classics, NOT because the average movie goer remembers them but because the hardcore movie fan is always talking about it. 

1. Galaxy 2 did bad?

2. Wait, what? What about the Nintendo audience? You know, just because the Wii is a family friendly console, now the whole userbase is casual?

3. Games are not movies, many great games are forgotten in the past, it's more of a franchise and media appeal thing.

FF4 and FF5 are mostly remembered because of FF6.

FF8 and FF9 are mostly remembered because of FF7.

morenoingrato said:
Fun fact:
When pezus sees a Nintendo dominated poll (BAFTA GOTY) he says it's because the site is full of Nintendo fanboys.
When something Sony is ahead, he says it's because they deserve it and it's correct and objective.

I've noticed you've taken a lot of obvious jokes as insults. (Like that time you thought I insulted the GC when I was obviously joking). Lighten up because it looks like you really do hate everything.

Well since the OP didnt state 1st or 2nd party is changes things a bit.

PS3, just for sheer variety, outside of fighting games, their isnt any genre that SOny has not covered at some point.

Wii 2nd I have been a bit saddened by Ninty's library for Wii, its not bad, but they dropped the ball on some things IMHO, still miles ahead of...

360, they just dont have that much and the ones they have been getting are Kinect titles of varying(mostly crappy) quality. Is Gears a MS title, I know they funded it, but does MS actually own the IP?? If they dont I dont see how it is first party, Nothing to do with this, just curious