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Conegamer said:

Yes, you might, and there might well be other people who remember those games also (myself included. Great games), but they will never be remembered in the masses in the same way as games like Skyward Sword or Galaxy will ever be. And surely that's the measure of success, whether or not the masses will remember it. The games you mentioned are simply too niche to have the same following, and the same level of care or importance weighted on them. Sad but true. No-one really remembers games from the 90's which sold around 250k, do they? 

It's not a 'fallacious' assumption. People who live outside of gaming will remember the Wii exclusives, and it will go down as the console which revolutionised gaming (for better and for worse) for most people. Why was this? It was because it offered games of everyone, of a very high quality. That for me is most important, and that's why I say that Nintendo has the best exclusives.

Uncharted, SOTC and Little Big Planet didn't sell 250k copies.