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Forums - Sales Discussion - NPD January: X360 #1 270k, 49% share, PS3 > Wii = 281k Combined

Wow, big hit for all 3 :| Lets hope for the best. TBH the PS3 and 360 are the only 2 consoles that could be saved by a pricecut ( save is a strong word, I know) , but it will have absolutely no real effect on the Wii IMO. The PS3 has the most to gain, and Sony should finally release a 200$ PS3 model, maybe a core sub 200$ model could do miracles. The 360 needs to address their bundle price. They are way to high and cutting 50$ for good from every system, would make miracles happen. Also, lower the Kinect price. Its non-holiday period now, if they want the Kinect to remain relevant outside q4, they need a good amount of quality games and a pricedrop

But all in all, except the new handhelds, we are looking forward to one boooring q1 saleswise :|

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hunter_alien said:
Wow, big hit for all 3 :| Lets hope for the best. TBH the PS3 and 360 are the only 2 consoles that could be saved by a pricecut ( save is a strong word, I know) , but it will have absolutely no real effect on the Wii IMO. The PS3 has the most to gain, and Sony should finally release a 200$ PS3 model, maybe a core sub 200$ model could do miracles. The 360 needs to address their bundle price. They are way to high and cutting 50$ for good from every system, would make miracles happen. Also, lower the Kinect price. Its non-holiday period now, if they want the Kinect to remain relevant outside q4, they need a good amount of quality games and a pricedrop

But all in all, except the new handhelds, we are looking forward to one boooring q1 saleswise :|

Kinect line up this year is pretty extensive.

Star Wars, Steel Battalion, Project Dragoon (I guess that´s the name?), RySe (Better With Kinect), Fable : The Journey (Kinect ONLY), Codename D, New Dance Central, Kinect Sports and whatever they want to throw more.

Kinect should have a beast year with all that software and will help 360 selling but not as much as it used before.

If they cut the price of 360 to 129.99$, now that would help ALOT!

To Pezus:

But this morning it showed to me your posts were removed. I don't know why?

Glad we're not adjusting. I'm glad Pachter is now questioning things as well, it's too odd for the industry to be down suddenly like this. We've been in a recession for years now and the industry showed no signs of it, why would it suddenly dip so harshly?

I foresee another unusually high february.


Seece said:
Glad we're not adjusting. I'm glad Pachter is now questioning things as well, it's too odd for the industry to be down suddenly like this. We've been in a recession for years now and the industry showed no signs of it, why would it suddenly dip so harshly?


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Jay520 said:
Seece said:
Glad we're not adjusting. I'm glad Pachter is now questioning things as well, it's too odd for the industry to be down suddenly like this. We've been in a recession for years now and the industry showed no signs of it, why would it suddenly dip so harshly?


Again, why so sudden? It'd be a slow decline not a massive drop off.

Be nice if Nintendo clarified. NPD have Wii at below 39m even after Jan. Nintendo stated Wii hit 39m in Dec ...


Those expecting a 360 price cut, I think they'll wait for around when WiiU launches to steal thunder.

So if NPD is right we could be in for a very slow year ..


Weird NPD numbers... so the market in US is dropping fast.

Europe is holding good yet.

X360 - 130k over?
3DS - 200k over?
PS3 - 110k over?
Wii - 90k over?
DS - 30k over?

Seece said:
Those expecting a 360 price cut, I think they'll wait for around when WiiU launches to steal thunder.

So if NPD is right we could be in for a very slow year ..

Been saying that for Months, since it was obvious MS wouldn't cut in 2011. Hope I'm right on it, would make for a very interesting Holiday season, at least in the US.


cookingyourmama said:
zhao3gold said:
The January sales is so sad. But I still feel happy that Microsoft now officially claimed XBOX360 was the best-selling console in 2011 and delivered the promise of Don Mattrick made on the stage of last year E3.

Ugh, xbox360 was the most shipped console, not the best selling.

According to vgchartz. They have been way off in the last few months.