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hunter_alien said:
Wow, big hit for all 3 :| Lets hope for the best. TBH the PS3 and 360 are the only 2 consoles that could be saved by a pricecut ( save is a strong word, I know) , but it will have absolutely no real effect on the Wii IMO. The PS3 has the most to gain, and Sony should finally release a 200$ PS3 model, maybe a core sub 200$ model could do miracles. The 360 needs to address their bundle price. They are way to high and cutting 50$ for good from every system, would make miracles happen. Also, lower the Kinect price. Its non-holiday period now, if they want the Kinect to remain relevant outside q4, they need a good amount of quality games and a pricedrop

But all in all, except the new handhelds, we are looking forward to one boooring q1 saleswise :|

Kinect line up this year is pretty extensive.

Star Wars, Steel Battalion, Project Dragoon (I guess that´s the name?), RySe (Better With Kinect), Fable : The Journey (Kinect ONLY), Codename D, New Dance Central, Kinect Sports and whatever they want to throw more.

Kinect should have a beast year with all that software and will help 360 selling but not as much as it used before.

If they cut the price of 360 to 129.99$, now that would help ALOT!