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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU HD game remakes/collections


Would you buy HD game remakes/collections for the Wii U

Yes 85 42.93%
90% yes 14 7.07%
70% yes 16 8.08%
50% yes 24 12.12%
30% yes 7 3.54%
10% yes 8 4.04%
Already own them on HD co... 16 8.08%
I don't own them and I'm not interested. 5 2.53%
No - other. 23 11.62%
VGKing said:
Those games are already HD LMFAO.
You want an HD remake of Red Dead Redemption? In fact all those games you listed are all current-gen games that are already HD. IF they game to the Wii U they would be simple ports. Nothing more, nothing less.

The whole point was to pick "already HD" games and then remake them from 720p to 1080p + the new controller.

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happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:
happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:
nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

I couldn't afford an HD console, but if they were to bring them to Wii U I would get one or two new, the others I would wait till they lower in price (I'm cheap...). But at 2M sales for RE4 with minimal effort, it's def worth the time. I understand it's an upper cap, but many of them would be between 100k and 1M. Even Super Mario All stars sold 2.66M...

ROI is good here, I disagree kitler.

but RE4 is the exception imo or the best of the best if you will.  take a look at all the other re-releases that have more or less flopped.  financially perhaps they didn't lose money on them but i don't think they made much either.  and like you'd buy one or two of them to which i agree one or two games could probably do well but by and large i'd expect a lot of nothing.

...i mean really, wouldn't you rather be playing one of the new games that actually leverages the wiiU in a new way instead of something dated and old and probably ported in the laziest way possible?

...or put another way, like to admit it or not but game design is getting better every year.  once you get past the nostalgia of it, last generation games are just not as good as current generation games.  hell, early this gen games aren't as good as now gen games.  i expect that to be the case next gen too.

Hey Kitler, here's another good post about what you're saying. By none other than Viper1! He says the same thing as me about ROI (bolded above).

i'm still not convinced -- multi-console ownership between wii/HD is relatively high from what i gather and most of these games being requested here aren't really all that memorable to begin with (dead space barely cleared 2M brand new so how many would it really sell 2-3 years late?).  I'm sure a few will be released (as a test lol) and the market will indicate if anyone actually wants them but I'd wager only a handful like RE5 will have enough consumer interest to make sense re-releasing.

i do appreciate the effort your taking to prove me wrong though. :P

kitler53 said:

i'm still not convinced -- multi-console ownership between wii/HD is relatively high from what i gather and most of these games being requested here aren't really all that memorable to begin with (dead space barely cleared 2M brand new so how many would it really sell 2-3 years late?).  I'm sure a few will be released (as a test lol) and the market will indicate if anyone actually wants them but I'd wager only a handful like RE5 will have enough consumer interest to make sense re-releasing.

i do appreciate the effort your taking to prove me wrong though. :P

Haha :) Well, because you're worth it ;)  


To be honest though, we can't know what the multi-console ownership is. I came up to rough number with Oni something like 20 to 35Mil Wii of the current 90Mil owners are single-plat owners. I'll try to find the post and pop it in an edit here, one sec ;)

happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:

i'm still not convinced -- multi-console ownership between wii/HD is relatively high from what i gather and most of these games being requested here aren't really all that memorable to begin with (dead space barely cleared 2M brand new so how many would it really sell 2-3 years late?).  I'm sure a few will be released (as a test lol) and the market will indicate if anyone actually wants them but I'd wager only a handful like RE5 will have enough consumer interest to make sense re-releasing.

i do appreciate the effort your taking to prove me wrong though. :P

Haha :) Well, because you're worth it ;)  


To be honest though, we can't know what the multi-console ownership is. I came up to rough number with Oni something like 20 to 35Mil Wii owners of the current 90Mil. I'll try to find the post and pop it in an edit here, one sec ;)

yeah, i've seen surveys that suggest the mult-console ownership is the 40% range but most of them only have like 1000 participants and are often conducted in not so legit ways.  i just look around my friends and most everyone i know (who would like games like RE5) have a wii and typcially a 360 but sometimes a ps3.  not very exact but multi-console ownership with people i know is way way up from last gen when i was like the only guy with a GC and absolutely everyone i knew had a ps2.

kitler53 said:

yeah, i've seen surveys that suggest the mult-console ownership is the 40% range but most of them only have like 1000 participants and are often conducted in not so legit ways.  i just look around my friends and most everyone i know (who would like games like RE5) have a wii and typcially a 360 but sometimes a ps3.  not very exact but multi-console ownership with people i know is way way up from last gen when i was like the only guy with a GC and absolutely everyone i knew had a ps2.

Oh lord yes, multi-plat ownership is definitely up from last gen. But going from friends is the worst was to go about it, because there have been cases even on this site that were able to blow your mind

Found the link where I was talking to Oni. The number I gave him was a conservative 20Mil single-plat Wii owners. The factors considered in my estimate were:

the total amount of Wiis sold

the fact that the HD twins have both had redesigns

the total sales of the HD twins, and the possible repurchase of Wiis

the fact that one home may have more than one of the same console.

True, many games barely sold in the millions, but even if the ports yielded 50k, 100k, it'll still yield ROI. But given the Wii single-plat base is starving for 7th gen HD content, I see a market. I have no facts to back it up, so we're both theorizing, given a measure of facts to work with.

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Bring an HD remake of Ocarina and I'm in.


I rather prefer to have new games than remakes, otherwise the console will be DOA.

About collections, maybe Assassins Creed as the third one may land on the console and it'd be a good idea to know how it started, but that's about it.

(Note that I'd add Mass Effect, but since the 1st game is exclusive to PC/Xbox360, I don't see the point)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Hmmm, I already own or have played to death most of what I care about this gen, which was already in HD (although I'd definitely buy the original Bioshock again if it ran even smoother and at full 1080 and featured pointer controls), so my list would be better focused on Wii and 6th gen games.

Zelda: anything, but Wind Waker most of all (running in 1080 and widescreen, but leave the controls alone!), MM and Ocarina in HD/widescreen, and of course, SS and TP
Metroid Prime Trilogy (would gladly buy it again just for the original in HD)
Super Mario Galaxy collection
Resident Evil 4 (even though I already own it twice)
A Red Dead collection (I really liked Redemption)

Vanquish, UMvC3 and Castle Crashers. Maybe Mortal Kombat. (Not really familiar with the series)

I would do despicable things for an official Metroid 2 remake, though.

happydolphin said:

True, many games barely sold in the millions, but even if the ports yielded 50k, 100k, it'll still yield ROI. But given the Wii single-plat base is starving for 7th gen HD content, I see a market. I have no facts to back it up, so we're both theorizing, given a measure of facts to work with.

I really, really, REALLY doubt that 50k sales would be enough to make a profit. If it was that cheap to make, everything on consoles would be on PC, everything on PC would be on consoles and everything last gen would be on current gen consoles.
At the same time these developers could work on a different project that is certain to make much higher profits (i.e. working on AC3)

Many games of this gen are very complex and would definitely need more time to port and thus more sales than ports from last gen.