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kitler53 said:

yeah, i've seen surveys that suggest the mult-console ownership is the 40% range but most of them only have like 1000 participants and are often conducted in not so legit ways.  i just look around my friends and most everyone i know (who would like games like RE5) have a wii and typcially a 360 but sometimes a ps3.  not very exact but multi-console ownership with people i know is way way up from last gen when i was like the only guy with a GC and absolutely everyone i knew had a ps2.

Oh lord yes, multi-plat ownership is definitely up from last gen. But going from friends is the worst was to go about it, because there have been cases even on this site that were able to blow your mind

Found the link where I was talking to Oni. The number I gave him was a conservative 20Mil single-plat Wii owners. The factors considered in my estimate were:

the total amount of Wiis sold

the fact that the HD twins have both had redesigns

the total sales of the HD twins, and the possible repurchase of Wiis

the fact that one home may have more than one of the same console.

True, many games barely sold in the millions, but even if the ports yielded 50k, 100k, it'll still yield ROI. But given the Wii single-plat base is starving for 7th gen HD content, I see a market. I have no facts to back it up, so we're both theorizing, given a measure of facts to work with.