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oniyide said:

Gonna disagree with the bolded, respectfully. The thing with PS2 is it DOMINATED, totally. YOu be hard pressed to find a game that sold better on GC/Xbox than PS2, no matter how much worst the PS2 version was. Hell RE4 was released later and destoyed the GC version. Freaking Sonic Heroes got the worst reviews on PS2 and its still sold better. Etc. Now look at Wii. Muliplat games do worst across the board on Wii than the other two, unless its a dance or exercise game, or someting geared to children. (Lego, Zumba, JD, etc.) But PS360 versions trounce Wii's repeatedly. Now some would say, that only happened in the last few years, bullshit. Its always been like this. The only difference is that the PS3 versions have passed up the WIis, but the 360 versions have always done better. So that leads me too either two scenarios;  A the Wii is really a casual/family console and people dont care about those "core" games  B there are alot of Wii owners with another console or PC and they are simply buying games for one of those.

@bold. Fair enough. The best indicator would be COD, where 13 + 11 mil sold on HD twins, and some 1 Mil on the Wii. But it tells us how many may be interested in COD Wii-only, it doesn't tell us how many Wii-only buyers there are, and even less how many may be interested in TR. Think about this one for a sec. This could mean the single-plat Wii owners out there is not known, it is probably much greater than 1 million, not realistically less than 1 million, but in my view there are many Wii-only owners out there who are growing, and their parents may be interested in the Wii U for them. It will be important that it has games that cater to that group for their purchase decision. I have zero facts to offer a number of Wii-only owners, but my wild guess would be a conservative 20 million homes. This takes into consideration the total amount of Wiis sold, the fact that the HD twins have both had redesigns, the total sales of the HD twins, and the possible repurchase of Wiis, and the fact that one home may have more than one of the same console.

Then you have the thought that maybe some people will not want two next-gen consoles, remember the Wii U is HD but it's next gen. The fact that this kind of game is not released on it is not a good thing. It casts doubt and single-plat owners will shun it even more, so direct and significant effect on conversion rates (HD twins to Wii U), and could even affect the upgrade sentiment (Wii to Wii U), but that one is probably less bad. Keep in mind I'm talking from a single-plat perspective.

Why should late ports be priced higher?? That makes no sense to me, people arent stupid and they dont want to feel like they are being gyped. If game a was released last year for 50 dollars and now it is realesed on on system b for 50 dollars, game a on system a now cost 25 dollars, how is one not supposed to feel like they arent getting raped. See heres my thing. game a is NOT a new release, whether a person owns the system it was originally on or not is not relevant, it is not a new game and trying to sell it much later as a new game, to me is an insult to the consumers intelligence and looking at sales of most late ports, they dont like being made to look stupid

You got me wrong here, I was unclear sorry. I meant higher than the current price of the counterpart. In other words, cheaper than the original sku but a little more expensive than the current ones, since it's a late port. Then again even here you may be right. I'll concede this one to you. Good thing this wasn't my main point :)