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happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:

i'm still not convinced -- multi-console ownership between wii/HD is relatively high from what i gather and most of these games being requested here aren't really all that memorable to begin with (dead space barely cleared 2M brand new so how many would it really sell 2-3 years late?).  I'm sure a few will be released (as a test lol) and the market will indicate if anyone actually wants them but I'd wager only a handful like RE5 will have enough consumer interest to make sense re-releasing.

i do appreciate the effort your taking to prove me wrong though. :P

Haha :) Well, because you're worth it ;)  


To be honest though, we can't know what the multi-console ownership is. I came up to rough number with Oni something like 20 to 35Mil Wii owners of the current 90Mil. I'll try to find the post and pop it in an edit here, one sec ;)

yeah, i've seen surveys that suggest the mult-console ownership is the 40% range but most of them only have like 1000 participants and are often conducted in not so legit ways.  i just look around my friends and most everyone i know (who would like games like RE5) have a wii and typcially a 360 but sometimes a ps3.  not very exact but multi-console ownership with people i know is way way up from last gen when i was like the only guy with a GC and absolutely everyone i knew had a ps2.