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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 'A Kinect shooter would be horribly boring', says Ghost Recon dev

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Well of course. This is one of those stupid questions not thought out again by the people asking this question.
Kinect is a control method that uses your full body input. We knew that before launch and we know that a year later.
I know Wii owners will try and say otherwise but games like the conduit show although doable the fps games with 1to1 aiming are just not as fast paced and less enjoyable.

There's a reason why gears of war 3 uses the controller and a reason why halo 4 microsofts biggest shooter franchise is also using the controller. Games like mass effect 3 with the previews saying kinect makes a real difference to the way the game plays are testamont to how kinect improves a shooter properly.

Kinect enhances our experiences and provides new experiences that are great.
When will the sad lonely people wake up and realise yesterdays game types were never meant for todays and tommorrows control schemes.

Wake up world. Halo anniversary, forza 4, mass effect 3 etc is how kinect is improving our hard ore games without ruining them.
Giant bomb among others state its hard to go back and play mass effect 3 without kinect. Like its hard to play old Zelda after SS. Its devs that need to move their games forward instead of shutting their minds off.

Hell anyone with a closed mind like some people would never work for any company id have.

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selnor said:

Wake up world. Halo anniversary, is how kinect is improving our hard ore games without ruining them.
Giant bomb among others state its hard to go back and play mass effect 3 without kinect. Like its hard to play old Zelda after SS. Its devs that need to move their games forward instead of shutting their minds off.

Hell anyone with a closed mind like some people would never work for any company id have.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is Kinect used for in that game?

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?


Anniversary uses kinect for voice activation mainly. Change weapon, grenade, reload etc. Rather than attempt to use kinect for aiming etc on a game engine designed for a controller.

It works well.

The point was though, devs shouldn't be trying to adapt current game parameters to kinect body control. They should only use it if beneficial.

After all you still get a controller with an Xbox.

selnor said:

Anniversary uses kinect for voice activation mainly. Change weapon, grenade, reload etc. Rather than attempt to use kinect for aiming etc on a game engine designed for a controller.

It works well.

The point was though, devs shouldn't be trying to adapt current game parameters to kinect body control. They should only use it if beneficial.

After all you still get a controller with an Xbox.

Oh, like what ME3 is doing. I see.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
oniyide said:
kowenicki said:
No shit. Luckily it wasn't devised for such a thing. When will people get it? Kinect isn't trying to be and doesn't need to be a total replacement control system. It's an alternative for certain types if games, and it works very well in those games.

Really?? You'd think otherwise the way MS was talking it up. WIth its whole better with Kinect and you are the controller, maybe they should just say you are the controller for some games?

No but really, who in their right mind saw the kinect and then played it and thought FPSs could work with this! If you did, then you were an idiot. I like Kinect because it took what made Wii popuar and made it better

" are the controller for some games?"

Yeah... VERY catchy. 

not cathchy, but it is the truth

Around the Network
oniyide said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
oniyide said:
kowenicki said:
No shit. Luckily it wasn't devised for such a thing. When will people get it? Kinect isn't trying to be and doesn't need to be a total replacement control system. It's an alternative for certain types if games, and it works very well in those games.

Really?? You'd think otherwise the way MS was talking it up. WIth its whole better with Kinect and you are the controller, maybe they should just say you are the controller for some games?

No but really, who in their right mind saw the kinect and then played it and thought FPSs could work with this! If you did, then you were an idiot. I like Kinect because it took what made Wii popuar and made it better

" are the controller for some games?"

Yeah... VERY catchy. 

not cathchy, but it is the truth

It only does everything...okay, maybe not!

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

selnor said:
Well of course. This is one of those stupid questions not thought out again by the people asking this question.
Kinect is a control method that uses your full body input. We knew that before launch and we know that a year later.
I know Wii owners will try and say otherwise but games like the conduit show although doable the fps games with 1to1 aiming are just not as fast paced and less enjoyable.

There's a reason why gears of war 3 uses the controller and a reason why halo 4 microsofts biggest shooter franchise is also using the controller. Games like mass effect 3 with the previews saying kinect makes a real difference to the way the game plays are testamont to how kinect improves a shooter properly.

Kinect enhances our experiences and provides new experiences that are great.
When will the sad lonely people wake up and realise yesterdays game types were never meant for todays and tommorrows control schemes.

Wake up world. Halo anniversary, forza 4, mass effect 3 etc is how kinect is improving our hard ore games without ruining them.
Giant bomb among others state its hard to go back and play mass effect 3 without kinect. Like its hard to play old Zelda after SS. Its devs that need to move their games forward instead of shutting their minds off.

Hell anyone with a closed mind like some people would never work for any company id have.

Speak for yourself, there are alot of people who prefer pointer controls to Dual Sticks, please dont use your opinion as fact

As for Kinect, voice commands are not innovative, they could have done that with a mic. IMHO, its just MS trying to slap Kinect label on as much games as they can. Not that there is anything wrong with that, SOny does it to an extent as well, but people who know better are not fooled

Ajescent said:
oniyide said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
oniyide said:
kowenicki said:
No shit. Luckily it wasn't devised for such a thing. When will people get it? Kinect isn't trying to be and doesn't need to be a total replacement control system. It's an alternative for certain types if games, and it works very well in those games.

Really?? You'd think otherwise the way MS was talking it up. WIth its whole better with Kinect and you are the controller, maybe they should just say you are the controller for some games?

No but really, who in their right mind saw the kinect and then played it and thought FPSs could work with this! If you did, then you were an idiot. I like Kinect because it took what made Wii popuar and made it better

" are the controller for some games?"

Yeah... VERY catchy. 

not cathchy, but it is the truth

It only does everything...okay, maybe not!

yep, that too, more truth

kowenicki said:
No shit. Luckily it wasn't devised for such a thing. When will people get it? Kinect isn't trying to be and doesn't need to be a total replacement control system. It's an alternative for certain types if games, and it works very well in those games.

Four words: "Kinect for the core". Microsoft wants to force Kinect down our throats. I like Dance Central and all but its not a core game. Star Wars, Ghost Recon Kinect etc. All those games are better done with the Move than the Kinect and can be called core titles, but Sony needs to reach out to devs commercially the same way Microsoft does. They have a product of substance, so they need to put glitter on substance....its not as hard as they might think. Microsoft can put glitter on anything.

Honestly I believe motion controls will die in next gen. Not immediately of course, since Microsoft is investing in them so hard but mid through the gen no multiplatform will support motion controls and gaming magazines will proclaim motion controls as dead.