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DemoniOtaku said:
mjk45 said:
Just got some more series Claymore , Basilisk and Noein , I don't know a lot about Claymore and Noein , so what can I expect from them in a general plot and overall rating.

CLAYMORE is a pretty good show... So I'll warn/spoile You this Teresa dies Over your own risk read that.. but either way read it or not, You'll come back crying or angry.. xD.. Well, the story and characters are pretty good, specially some villians, the setting world is like mid age and very grey f tones of colors. Toward the end it differ from the original and have a alternative ending (the original manga continues nowaday) So if You want to continue stop at chapters 22 or less...


the other one I don't know.. and Basillisk is really great.. The manga, the Live Action and this animated series...

Thanks for the info , and has to the spoiler  I didn't look  , but I bet it involves a death doesn't it ? and knowing my luck my names under there and if I read it I die , still once again I elude another of deaths traps , take that death I spit in your eye  .

SAFTEY WARNING  , when spitting in deaths eye or any ones for that matter , please check the wind direction , still it could have been worse I was thinking about peeing on him.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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Ratman is a funny manga


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Yeah its pretty good

i think its by Jun Maeda. Something else he did was angel beats. 

It has some of the emotion but a lot more action to it.

Creeper49 said:

Yeah its pretty good

i think its by Jun Maeda. Something else he did was angel beats. 

It has some of the emotion but a lot more action to it.

Are you going to see any of these over 70 movies of 2013?

Hi huys... anyone an help me? I need a good video converter and a codec profile to convert mkv videos to one compatible with PS3 or PSVita (PSP Portable Codec is a no, because lose to much quality...

I have problems of audio on the PC and until I can resolve that need to watch anime there... and I don't know why suddenly the PS3 Media Center I use is getting me errors with most of the usual files.. :/ barely can watch some of horrible-subs files.. the rest just don't work...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

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Lookie what I found:


Use Handbrake and just convert to MP4, your PS3 will play it regardless of dual audo or subtitles.  As far as Vita goes, I guess try this:

It's the best PSP converter around.  It has a lot of profiles and you can get good quality and small file sizes. 

I feel Nyaruko and Hayate are the best animes for laughs this season. Maybe Yuyushiki is better but I've only gotten to the 1st episode.
I've been spending most of my time playing games and reading this manga called "Glass Mask". "Glass Mask" so far seems fairly good as a shoujo manga.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

AstroGamer said:
I feel Nyaruko and Hayate are the best animes for laughs this season. Maybe Yuyushiki is better but I've only gotten to the 1st episode.
I've been spending most of my time playing games and reading this manga called "Glass Mask". "Glass Mask" so far seems fairly good as a shoujo manga.

is glass mask that acting manga? If it is, I reccommend skip beat(acting) and tokyo crazy paradise(nothing to do with acting, but too damn awesome to miss).

AstroGamer said:
I feel Nyaruko and Hayate are the best animes for laughs this season. Maybe Yuyushiki is better but I've only gotten to the 1st episode.
I've been spending most of my time playing games and reading this manga called "Glass Mask". "Glass Mask" so far seems fairly good as a shoujo manga.

Well... for me, Nyaruko es regular this season... the first was better.. this have mixed episodes with good and bad gags.. I'm watching it and I feel that they are recycling so much from the first...


and this Hayate season is good? I dropped the second and the third recently was bashed a lot on internet and didn't to try it... the first Season was so great... but in the second lowered  the quality.. Like what happenned toMinaki-Ke... There's not a comedy serie this season that made me laugh hard as some others... 


But there're some really interesting animes... on mechas: Valvrave, Majestic prince and Gargantia (the last episode was really stunning)... and some others like hentai ouji and yahari... I'm watching Red Data Gilr and Dansai Bunri CRIME NO EDGE, which have becamequite surprise for me... both of them... plus Shingeki no Kyoujin and Chihayafuru (since the last season)


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

I watched it... The plot and characters are interesting... and have some good turn arround on the story... but the series sometime drag a little... but overall is good.


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread