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Forums - Sony Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater, What makes it so good?

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non-gravity said:
Aldro said:
Could it be that Metal Gear Solid 3 is quite dated in the gameplay departement now? I did enjoy MGS1 and MGS2 a lot in that front...

In MGS3, there were so many cutscenes and I LOVE Kojimas cutscenes but in MGS4, every moment : I was like: Damn.. I wish I could play thi.. oh hello! AWESOME

MGS3 had not a single thing like that aside from the Shagohod battle which I honestly felt was ..not great.

And oh I wanted such an epic final fight with The Boss but I didn't enjoy that AT all.

I guess what I am saying is I was let down in the gameplay departement in my opinion. I can understand the Story probably is great, but I was doomed from the moment I played MGS4. I just wanted to see if there's anything else that I missed. Perhaps I did it wrong.. I don't know. I just can't believe how underwhelmed I felt. But like I said, I knew the plot.

I'd say every single Metal Gear game is dated in the gameplay department. Though other stealth games such as Deus Ex and Splinter Cell don't make shooting your way out easy either.

You're probably right mate. Cheers for your insight.

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It's my favourite out of the series too, followed by the original and then the Twin Snakes remake of the original (although I liked the gameplay enhancements from MGS2, the clip scenes to me seemed way over the top and slightly ruined the atmosphere). Snake Eater had a fantastic story, good cut scene-gameplay ratio IMO and easily among the most memorable boss fights I have ever played in a game.

I was heartbroken when my disc broke last year, and therefore am eagerly anticipating the 3D port next year

KylieDog said:
The fact you rank MGS4 at number one is the answer, you clearly have no idea what a good game is.

I have to agree with this right here. Out of all the Metal Gear Solid games, number four is the only one that wasn't very memorable at all. Heck, I barely remember what happened in that game and I replayed it last year. Metal Gear Solid 3 is the biggest thrill ride in the series, it is like you're playing the perfect Bond game. It also had the best ending in video game history, one of the only endings in an media to have made me teary-eyed.

3 years after MGS4, MGS3 still remains my favorite in the series (MGS3 > MGS4 > MGS > MGS2). The HD update in wide aspect ratio has been a treat/gift.

As for why it remains my favorite, the story was one of the better villain origin stories in gaming, fully fleshing out the character of Big Boss with a fantastic ending sequence fully explaining his motives and the source of his disenchantment with the concept of country/nations. It also had one of the more impressive, well developed "villains" in The Boss.

While it was a deviation from MGS, and a huge deviation from MGS2, which took the "future warfare" concept into the realm of near fantasy, I really appreciated the "lo-fi" 60s world of MGS3 which was deliberately designed to show the evolution of technology in the later games.

Plus, as an origin story, it works best as a standalone game that doesn't really require knowledge of the other MGS to be effective; it's just a lot more entertaining and the story beats have a greater emotional impact if one is familiar with the other games.

As a toy, with emphasis on the whole "play" concept, I just had a lot of fun running around the jungle collecting flora and fauna and eating it, or just hanging out in the jungle. For some reason it's still hugely satisfying, even in a post Crysis gaming world and what that game did for true open world jungle environments.

Color commentary from the Codec, Paramedic's in particular was pretty entertaining as well. The camo system was a bit clunky, but... 60s tech; no octocamo or optic camo yet. But it was a major play mechanic that both worked and added something rarely explored in games.

Lastly, it's probably the simplest, least convoluted story of the MGS series even though it has more than its share of WTF moments. Of course, it wouldn't be a MGS game without those.
"He's attacking me with bees?! Oh, right; it's an MGS game, so I'll accept it."

to allt he MGS question...does it make sense to you what he is talking about? cause i dont fukkin understand one thing about makes no goddamn sense to me...really not even a little bit...if he would say he didnt feel the 1st then okay he is a young guy that only like games with new graphics/gameplay and stuff...if he had said 2 i would say "yeah of course...2 is the weakest in the series by far"...if he would have said 4 i would also understand it (also for me 4 is just a liiiiiitle bit after the 3rd & 1st quality-wise) but he said 3...fukkin Snake Eater! i dont get it really...i know some guys here and also i cried at the end of the 3rd one cause its so goddamn emotional...the story is for MGS fans just like the story of jesus for the christians i mean you see how Big Boss is becoming Big Boss and that in the greatest way  somebody could tell it...sry this is really disgusting to me...i would rather eat some dog shit than listening to somebody telling that the 3rd one is the weakest in the series and he didnt feel disrespect to Aldro...i like you man but sry i have to say this...FUKK YOU...i got to stop it now cause you know tomorrow is christmas and i didnt thought i would read the biggest bullshit in history of shitting bulls the night before it...

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TT Makaveli said:

to allt he MGS question...does it make sense to you what he is talking about? cause i dont fukkin understand one thing about makes no goddamn sense to me...really not even a little bit...if he would say he didnt feel the 1st then okay he is a young guy that only like games with new graphics/gameplay and stuff...if he had said 2 i would say "yeah of course...2 is the weakest in the series by far"...if he would have said 4 i would also understand it (also for me 4 is just a liiiiiitle bit after the 3rd & 1st quality-wise) but he said 3...fukkin Snake Eater! i dont get it really...i know some guys here and also i cried at the end of the 3rd one cause its so goddamn emotional...the story is for MGS fans just like the story of jesus for the christians i mean you see how Big Boss is becoming Big Boss and that in the greatest way  somebody could tell it...sry this is really disgusting to me...i would rather eat some dog shit than listening to somebody telling that the 3rd one is the weakest in the series and he didnt feel disrespect to Aldro...i like you man but sry i have to say this...FUKK YOU...i got to stop it now cause you know tomorrow is christmas and i didnt thought i would read the biggest bullshit in history of shitting bulls the night before it...

Not gonna report you or anything bruv, but mate: Do you think I am sitting giggling and feeling awesome about this? I fucking love MGS, I really do.
I knew what was going to happen because I had read a little bit about it. Little did I know that I had gotten to know the entire core story of the game; so my only impression to remain was the gameplay. I felt MGS3 had the worst gameplay of the games, playing it now, today, in 2011.

I can completely understand you guys loving the story. It was amazing how it tied up towards the end with The Boss making an ultimate sacrifice for her country, knowing nobody would know about it.. aside from Big Baouzz.

But the rest of the game, coming from the future after MGS4 : How I was blown away by every little =

Whoa cool, running around fighting zombie-like dudes in Act 2 on Drebins "car".
Omg can I play this? Omg I am actually riding on Evas bike and this is intense!!
Whoa splitscreen! Get him Raiden! Imma keep these geekos away!
Omg I AM CONTROLLING REX? Jizz in my pants.
Omg epic fight Ocelot and Snake.. .. ..Wow this is very long.. omg ultimate showdown.. Whoa my turn to play? Jesus christ!

MGS1 and MGS2 has a different type of gameplay. They are similar as MGS3 and MGS4 is.

Unfortunately MGS4 really progressed as the difference was a whole gen, god I don't know.. MGS2 was PS2 while MGS1 was.. PS1.

Basically, I am judging the gameplay and the story-telling and based upon that, when comparing to MGS4. MGS3 is more like a movie. That's not a bad thing, I love Kojima and his way of telling the story. Unfortunately I knew the story thus I wanted an experience I would not forget. But unfortunately, 6-7 years later: This game won't leave me with the impression of any other MGS. That's what my biggest gripe is. The End and The Sorrow were awesome, that ladder that went on forever was epic XD seriously I loved that little thing!


But fighting The Boss wasn't nearly as I expected. Shagohod was underwhelming and the gunning was awkward (how you had to move between 4 directions..), how you fought Ocelot on the ship, only to take distance and give me a feel of MGS4 saying: OH YEAH IM PLAYING ARENT I?.. but no. They just gave another cutscene. I was dissapointed on the terms of blending gameplay with cinematics.


Surely you can understand this? Imagine someone who's read all about the story, then plays a game: Ofcourse he will miss out on the amazing experience due to him knowing how it all plays out. I didn't think I knew as much as MGS3 told, but clearly I did. The gameplay didn't stand out to me though and thats where MGS2 and MGS1 delivered. The fight on Rex against Liquid or the sword fight against Solidus in MGS2...


I love MGS but I ruined MGS3 for me and I just had to share this. Take the story away from that game and play it god damnly 6-7 years later, while it has few amazing points: it did not stand out to me PERSONALLY.


You have to remember this is a forum and I am sharing my subjective view on this matter, aswell as asking you guys what made the game so great. Chill out!

Oh and also,
Going into this game, my expectations as a GAME when speaking mechanics and how fun it is (because I did know the story a tad like I said) were skyrocket high.

I had heard SOO much about Snake eater. I was like YEAH, Big Boss! Gonna be some insane showdown with The Boss, and my god, encountering Ocelot (Which was such a fag.. XD) would be insane! (I did like how Eva throws you the gun towards the end and you quickly fire over and over).

I was expecting some insane CQC action, perhaps even flashbacks to how The Boss and Big Boss became to be. Instead we were told about their relation in a similar way to Obi-wan and Anakin in Episode 2 & 3 which made their relation ultimately feel shallow. Yes it wasnt to THAT point and I could actually feel the characters. But if I may overexagarate, that's what I kinda' felt.


I guess I was expecting the game to blow me the fuck away and be the best game ever. Instead I was underwhelmed and feel like it was my least favourite MGS because the story was so important that I somehow had to grasp it in order to live with myself XD. This is probably the first time that Hype has hit me so hard.

KylieDog said:
The fact you rank MGS4 at number one is the answer, you clearly have no idea what a good game is.

This ... not to mention with all his " Hey look how great U3 looks" threads but never one on game design...pretty muchs your priorities are in a game.

MGS3 was amazing, best of the series.

I don't know how people can consider MG4 the best. It had the best story but the gameplay was arguably the worst.

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MGS3 is on of the greatest games of all time. This thread has hit me right in the heart.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

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