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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people think FPS are better with Wiimote/Move?

Ok this is a question that I've had for a while now. I've been hearing a lot of people say the Wiimote+Nunchuck is a better setup to play FPS than a controller. I personally disagree.

I own both the Wii and 360. I play or have played FPS on both COD/BF/Halo, etc, etc on 360 and Conduit/Goldeneye, etc on the Wii.

When you play with a controller, you can precisely control exactly where your crosshairs are going to be and when you ADS, your ironsights stay exactly where you ADSed give or take the natural idle sway of the gun. When you ADS on the Wii, the iron sights go all over the place because your hands are constantly moving (no one can keep their hands perfectly still in midair). This is terrible because when you shoot, there's already recoil/idle sway that you have to deal with, but now you have this added inaccuracy of having to try and keep your hands still. Online, it seems you can only spray and pray with your gun.

While I understand you can quickly aim at your target with the Wiimote, what good does it do if you can barely even keep your ironsights steady at the guy while he's moving and not perform a dance show with your reticle on screen (just watch a few youtube videos of MW3 on Wii)? Also with the controller, you can just adjust your sensitivity to acquire targets quicker. Its really hard to play any FPS online with the Wiimote seriously because of this, you end up just going back to classic controller.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Maybe I'm missing some insight on the matter. I know btw that the Wiimote is more "realistic", but I'm personally talking about whats more effective, which is what ends up being more fun for me.


Btw guys I wasn't talking about single player mainly, but more about multiplayer (where there's no aim assist). Let me illustrate my point with some video evidence. Here's a video of one of the best Wii COD players I know of playing MW3 on Wii:

As you can see and if you listen to him, with the Wiimote you can only hope to hipfire (spray and pray) to effectively take someone out in close range, while long range ADSing is almost impossible. But even hip-firing he's wasting a lot of bullets as his cross-hairs are moving all over the place. Now look at this guy playing MW3 multiplayer on 360 using normal controller:

I chose this video intentionally as it has a good amount of Hip-firing and ADSing. As you can see clearly ADSing with controllers is smooth without any involuntary movements and even when you are hipfiring, your crosshairs stay exactly where you are pointing which makes it much easier to actually hit a guy (god forbid using a shotgun using a Wiimote).

Now both of these guys are pretty skilled and serious gamers, so its strict tactical multiplayer gameplay which I am talking about. A lot of you seem to be saying that you can aim at targets quicker with MC, but you can do so with controllers as well with 10 sensitivity if you can handle it and what good is aiming quicker if you can't be steady with your aiming? Do you really think the first guy could ever replicate the second's efficiency with his given control scheme?


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People have opinions.

Don't hold your hand in midair, rest it on your leg. Steadiness = achieved.

curl-6 said:
Don't hold your hand in midair, rest it on your leg. Steadiness = achieved.

I know what you are saying, in fact I do do that. But even then, I do have to move my hands around in some axis to point at the target and the sights just go all over the place while doing so.


I played Killzone 3 with Move controls and, for me, it's waaaaay better than anything I've played on a standard controller. It's so much more precise resting my hand on my lap, and moving my wrist to shoot. If I could play more shooters with the Move *cough*Uncharted 3*cough*, I'd never want to go back to a standard aiming system again.

I don't know why people tell me to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have lots of lives!

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I've never found hand-shakiness to be a problem when aiming with the IR sensor on the Wii remote, though I don't have experience with the Move to compare it with.

I've never made a shot using a controller that I couldn't have made - more easily - with the Wii remote.

Wiimote/Move has no aim-assist. You're just a pretend hardcore using dual analog since the game aims for you half the time.

Move is more accurate then wii motion plus, well that's how it seems to me. in the end we'll find out when BioShock Infinite is released for the PS3 with Move support and Xbox 360 in 2012.

yes that was a promo.

i know there's more to move then what we're seeing so i can't wait for more ip using Move and kinect to there full potential.

has anyone plated mid evil move yet?

Some people are delusional.

It's easier to aim at moving objects. However I can't get used to moving around with it, I always turn too much or too little. I never have that problem with kb+mouse. For on-rails sections it's way better then dual analog, but for running and gunning I prefer dual analog.

I played through Killzone 3 with move and it was ok, not great. During my Resistance 3 play through I switched back to dual analog, too much running around and the glowing ball was kind of annoying too in the dark sections. Kinda ironic since I initially bought R3 for move. Luckily the HL2 like campaign did not disappoint.

I guess I can get used to it eventually. It took me a while to feel comfortable with dual analog as well. It's just easier to stick to a well known working method for the few times I play an fps nowadays.