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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGA live stream - 4 hours to go

LMAO. Did anyone else see Shigeru Myamato's(?) face

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

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zelda wins vga first ever hall of fame awards. woot

Carl2291 said:
Was Miyamoto just dancing?


That would have been great to see, get ready to see new GIF's and meme's.

brendude13 said:
yo_john117 said:
I'm sorry but Marcus Fenix doesn't really even deserve a nomination for character of the year.

That's what I thought, he's about as deep as a kids paddling pool.

Actually I was thinking he is as interesting and deep character as this line right here.


LOL some funny stuff going on in this show.

Thanks for the answers, that is what I though then.

Of course that is in-engine, but still, wow.

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yo_john117 said:
brendude13 said:
yo_john117 said:
I'm sorry but Marcus Fenix doesn't really even deserve a nomination for character of the year.

That's what I thought, he's about as deep as a kids paddling pool.

Actually I was thinking he is as interesting and deep character as this line right here.


LOL some funny stuff going on in this show.

I've been waiting weeks to say my "paddling pool" comment.

:/ Vaguely disappointed that Nintendo deigned to acknowledge them. They should be more bitter...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Charlie Sheen!?

Hide children, HIDE!

Gotta love Charlie Sheen


Edit: MW3 definitely deserves shooter of the year.

Ahh, I wonder which game will be WINNING (trolololol).