what stoked posted is totally fine with me (if everyone agrees, if someone feels spoiled, we could intensify the rules in here, but i think that would be far to much, since he only named a Location+respective timeline, and Artifacts, which happen to be an obligatory kind of item in this game =))
@game: In for 6 hours now, i really think this game would have started much better if it had some kind of Prologue, since - yes, i stay by that statement - the beginning feels rushed.
but i like what i see so far. just finished Oerba the first time. =] (i actually like the puzzle solving a lot, i hope it gets challenging later.
EDIT: If you want to discuss Spoilerriffic Content, just (no actual spoiler): go to "Styles", an mark your written stuff as Spoiler. if you want to reply to a spoiler, dont quote it (since VGC might fuck it up in the process and make it visible to everyone) instead, name the guy you reply to. for example: "@StokedUp:" or something like that.
to indicate what you're going to spoil, just text something like:
I am 76 Hours in now, Just went to Walmart (Local*, you may tag this as a spoiler if you didnt visit an obvious place.. i mean, Serah and Noel reaching the Ruins of Walmart would be kind of an Spoiler, no? ;) ) , i encountered a Copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2, which i've fought.. i really went apeshit when dumbledore appeared afterwards and opened the path to London. Oo (Again, no real spoilers)