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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predictions: PS3 vs 360 sales gap after holdiays

Seece said:

I'm talking about your shipment gap prediction of 0.8 being whack.

Even in Q1 if MS ship 1m from retailers ordering in too many units over xmas, and Sony ship 2.5m to reach their 15m tagret they have, it still puts the gap at 2m~, so yeah, you can't use the stuffing excuse. It'll all be ironed out after Q1.

That seems rather optimistic. Going by VGC's own numbers there's 2.4 million in the channel, possibly more depending on how much "over 66 million" they are, and we have 360 400k over NPD still as well as about 40k in France. We're probably looking at a Q1 2007 scenario here if there's going to be any 360 shipments period in Q1. If Sony beat their projection even slightly the shipment gap will likely be under 1 million after Q1.

:edit: Actually over 100k in France apparently.

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seece stop acting like a cry baby. every post your moaning about something.

reviniente said:
An estimate on when we might have a bearing 'bout who won? (We might be here forever.)

January end


when Sony and Microsoft announce official numbers and VGC adjusts its numbers in a weeks time

postofficebuddy said:
Seece said:

I'm talking about your shipment gap prediction of 0.8 being whack.

Even in Q1 if MS ship 1m from retailers ordering in too many units over xmas, and Sony ship 2.5m to reach their 15m tagret they have, it still puts the gap at 2m~, so yeah, you can't use the stuffing excuse. It'll all be ironed out after Q1.

That seems rather optimistic. Going by VGC's own numbers there's 2.4 million in the channel, possibly more depending on how much "over 66 million" they are, and we have 360 400k over NPD still as well as about 40k in France. We're probably looking at a Q1 2007 scenario here if there's going to be any 360 shipments period in Q1. If Sony beat their projection even slightly the shipment gap will likely be under 1 million after Q1.

:edit: Actually over 100k in France apparently.

So you think MS are gonna ship nothing - 500k in Q1? uh huh, no not happening. Wishful thinking on your part.

We're waiting ON shipments to determine what's sold and how many are on shelves.


seece stop acting like a cry baby. every post your moaning about something.

This seems to be about the quality of all your posts, you should be grateful you've not been permabanned yet.


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kowenicki said:
postofficebuddy said:
Seece said:

I'm talking about your shipment gap prediction of 0.8 being whack.

Even in Q1 if MS ship 1m from retailers ordering in too many units over xmas, and Sony ship 2.5m to reach their 15m tagret they have, it still puts the gap at 2m~, so yeah, you can't use the stuffing excuse. It'll all be ironed out after Q1.

That seems rather optimistic. Going by VGC's own numbers there's 2.4 million in the channel, possibly more depending on how much "over 66 million" they are, and we have 360 400k over NPD still as well as about 40k in France. We're probably looking at a Q1 2007 scenario here if there's going to be any 360 shipments period in Q1. If Sony beat their projection even slightly the shipment gap will likely be under 1 million after Q1.

:edit: Actually over 100k in France apparently.

wow... 100k out of 2.7million... you're right, thats ridiculous!!!... I demand adjustments... adjustments!!!!! 

A whopping 100k... thats very nearly 3.7%!!!

deary me...

What is the source of those figs...? it is so close that either they or vgc could be wrong... it could just as easily by slighlty undertracked on those figures.

give it a rest.

Whatever distracts from his pityful shipment prediction, another one that lets their bias get in the way of making sound predictions. 0.8 ... it's just laughable.


postofficebuddy said:
Seece said:


3.7m sales

3 - 4 shipped?

postofficebuddy 0.8m, oh man that's terrible!

Well with MS stuffing the channel of course the shipment number will be off. I'd wait until we get Nintendo's Europe charts for sellthrough though. PS3 still needs about a 400k adjustment in Aus/NZ.

nobody can stuff channels really that big

even if they did they will have a hard time in the next quarter shipping anything

if any,its a tracking error which VGC has shown again and again in the last 2 years


Also Remember the difference in VGC numbers and NPD December numbers


this happened when VGC numbers were way off and PS3 official shipment numbers have been far ahead,People thought Sony Stuffed the channels

But the differences between VGC numbers and Sony official number were way off again in the coming quarters when Sony kept on shipping way more units than VGC tracked.

So people got to know it was a VGC tracking problem rather than Sony stuffing the channels


Another important thing is that you just cannot stuff the channels if there isn't demand.


So its either of these 3 things:


1)VGC tracking problem

2)360 Demand


Seece said:

We already know they sold to consumer more untis over Q4 than PS3

where is that from?

Since MS went shipping crazy last quater, I will not do too well in that area, but the 3.2 million gap should be about right.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Since MS went shipping crazy last quater, I will not do too well in that area, but the 3.2 million gap should be about right.

Surprised you're allowed to get away with posts like that, deaming it as fact I mean.

You really have no clue, even if you like to think you do.