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Forums - General Discussion - Why do you like or hate Apple?

I hate Apple because their products are over-priced, useless fashion accessories. The same applies to expensive smart phones too.

I'm sick of seeing people walking around (mainly at my school) with iPhone's and iPod's, thinking they are "cool". They are nothing more than sheep. Shame on the parents too for spoiling them rotten, no winder kids this generation are the way they are.

What do they even use them for? Music? Screen poking games? Well that's £400 well spent isn't? Oh wait, you don't give a shit, it's your parents money, not yours.

If you are reading my comment and you have a smart phone, don't take offence. You probably have a job, you probably put the phone to good use and it's your own hard earned cash which your spending and which might have plenty of. My comment is directed at disrespectful, conformist kids, their spineless parents and the morons who camp outside of the Apple store for days on end.

So yeah, I think you know how I feel about Apple and their products now...Subtle, wasn't I? xD

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I dislike Apple because their products seem to cost more and do less than their competition. Also, they seem to want absolute control over the consumers' experiences.

Love and tolerate.

There are Apple worshippers - there was a huge crowd of people outside this Apple store in London, because there was a "new product" launch. They had no idea what had been released, but they camped out anyway

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brendude13 said:

I hate Apple because their products are over-priced, useless fashion accessories. The same applies to expensive smart phones too.

I'm sick of seeing people walking around (mainly at my school) with iPhone's and iPod's, thinking they are "cool". They are nothing more than sheep. Shame on the parents too for spoiling them rotten, no winder kids this generation are the way they are.

What do they even use them for? Music? Screen poking games? Well that's £400 well spent isn't? Oh wait, you don't give a shit, it's your parents money, not yours.

If you are reading my comment and you have a smart phone, don't take offence. You probably have a job, you probably put the phone to good use and it's your own hard earned cash which your spending and which might have plenty of. My comment is directed at disrespectful, conformist kids, their spineless parents and the morons who camp outside of the Apple store for days on end.

So yeah, I think you know how I feel about Apple and their products now...Subtle, wasn't I? xD

Society needs more guys like you. You're a free thinker, a rebel. Everything you do is original. Fuck the norm! Be different!

I honestly don't really have a rational reason to really hate Apple. I guess its really more the Apple consumers that I hate.

I hate those hipster assholes who hang out at Starbucks all day with a mocha low fat no foam skim milk hold the whipped cream frappuccino while staring at their Macbook, listening to their iPod, and holding their iPhone in the other hand that annoys me. They aren't actually getting any work done or doing anything, they're just showing off how cool they are because they have the newest/slimmest Macbook, the newest iPhone and the newest iPod touch with the biggest hard drive so that they can hold all their indie music, alternative rock, mainstream hip hop, and pop. And of course they look down at you if you don't use Apple products.

Besides that the only rational reason I have to hate Apple is because their products are way overpriced. Plus I blame them for starting the whole pointless tablet craze. Tablets are soooo stupid. They're too big to just carry around with you like a cell phone, but they aren't as practical/useful as a laptop. They're like some weird mid-point between a cell phone and a laptop which I don't think needs to exist. I guess they're better in some respects than a laptop such as on an airplane or something to watch a movie/read a book, but I can't think of too many other scenarios where they are better than a laptop.

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Cases made for my point above.

People who hate Apple are more or less inadequate feeling immature types of people who associate Apple with people who are cool, and hate Apple for being associated with that.

This same thing happens, not just with apple, but with popular music, popular consoles, and other things popular. These inadequate self proclaimed "rebels" or "anarchists" or "elites" or "hardcores" dislike all things that the most popular and successful.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Chrizum said:
brendude13 said:

I hate Apple because their products are over-priced, useless fashion accessories. The same applies to expensive smart phones too.

I'm sick of seeing people walking around (mainly at my school) with iPhone's and iPod's, thinking they are "cool". They are nothing more than sheep. Shame on the parents too for spoiling them rotten, no winder kids this generation are the way they are.

What do they even use them for? Music? Screen poking games? Well that's £400 well spent isn't? Oh wait, you don't give a shit, it's your parents money, not yours.

If you are reading my comment and you have a smart phone, don't take offence. You probably have a job, you probably put the phone to good use and it's your own hard earned cash which your spending and which might have plenty of. My comment is directed at disrespectful, conformist kids, their spineless parents and the morons who camp outside of the Apple store for days on end.

So yeah, I think you know how I feel about Apple and their products now...Subtle, wasn't I? xD

Society needs more guys like you. You're a free thinker, a rebel. Everything you do is original. Fuck the norm! Be different!


I dislike Apple products for their like of customization and closed ecosystem, but hate would be a strong word. As a former user of Apple iPod/iPod Touch I just find that their products are not suitable to my needs and desires. I prefer Android for my ability to easily customize and toy with the system. I like things to be catered personally to me, and Apple does not do that. Their products are extremely well made for what they are, however.

PS: I do specifically dislike Steve Jobs for his anti-charity policies and pretty ludicrous lawsuit attacks on all competition, but that's more a personal thing than an issue with Apple products or the company as a whole. Sadly anti-competitive policies are a big issue with a lot of huge tech companies (Microsoft included).

i don't like them overall cuase their products are overpriced and they want to control everything about them.but i don't hate the company i just ignore it like any other company i'm not interested in.
and apple whorshippers do exist ,i've met plenty myself. ppl that would never buy another's company computer or phone just cause they think apple is the best, the most original and every other company is just copying apple.

Like - Iphone

hate - Macs