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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can the Sony Vita resist the 3DS storm?

That's a very long and well defended post.

I totally agree with you, the Vita is in trouble for at least 1-2 year I think, because it is simply out of the market while his main competitor is just doing great.

Before the Vita can gain any momentum the 3DS will have a 25-30 millions gap and that's where it is all over as knowing who is the leading platform.

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I was an early adopter of the 3DS. Having said that, I was worried for quite some time about that decision, because of its poor launch. Over the months I've gotten more and more optimistic. Needless to say, I'm beside myself with its current success, and I love the damn thing. Couldn't be happier.

Despite this, I'm a bit sad for the Vita. I wanted the 3DS to win out, sure, but I still wanted the Vita to succeed to some degree. I think it had the potential to be something special. They're in a somewhat similar situation as the 3DS was, but the 3DS didn't have any competition at the time of its struggles. The Vita couldn't be launched at a worse time--right after the 3DS surges in sales, a worldwide launch subsequent to the holiday season, and in the same month as Monster Hunter Tri G in Japan.

I'm not going to blow my load this early and say the Vita is doomed, but I'd say it would be optimistic to say that it will do as well as the PSP did.

*My signature from 2011 which I'm too lazy to change*

Currently awaiting the arrivals of:
Kid Icarus Uprising
Resident Evil: Revelations
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D
Beyond the Labyrinth
Heroes of Ruin
Luigi's Mansion 2

What about the NPad storm?

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Much like the PSP the PS-Vita's greatest "advantage" is also its greatest "weakness" in that the additional processing power of these systems over their competition requires more resources and longer development times to take advantage of it. With the 3DS having as large of a headstart as it has, the PS-Vita may need to stay far closer in yearly sales than the PSP did in order to maintain a similar level of industry support; and maintain their marketshare.

Having only launched in Japan, and having not seen any major releases, it is far to early to make any predictions about the PS-Vita, but Sony can't really afford to wait years for demand to pick up for the PS-Vita if it struggles to take off in any region.

PSV has a lot of games coming, but we don't have solid release dates for them yet. 3DS had the same situation back in March, and that didn't turn out very well.

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radishhead said:
The 3DS still has an image problem - many people still see it as another iteration of the DS, and much of the market that the DS secured last gen believe that glasses-less 3D is harmful to eyes.

The quality of the 3DS is better then the previous DS. The only mistakes Nintendo made with the 3DS was the price, lack of quality launch titles and the small screen. The price and games issue has been resolved. Now we have to wait for a 3DS XL. You know it's coming. The 3D is fine for most games. It really hasn't bothered my eyes much. At least it can be turned down or off, which is a huge plus. The 3D is a nice option though.


'gaming till I'm gone'

XanderZane said:
radishhead said:
The 3DS still has an image problem - many people still see it as another iteration of the DS, and much of the market that the DS secured last gen believe that glasses-less 3D is harmful to eyes.

The quality of the 3DS is better then the previous DS. The only mistakes Nintendo made with the 3DS was the price, lack of quality launch titles and the small screen. The price and games issue has been resolved. Now we have to wait for a 3DS XL. You know it's coming. The 3D is fine for most games. It really hasn't bothered my eyes much. At least it can be turned down or off, which is a huge plus. The 3D is a nice option though.

Well, I made that comment months ago when it did have poor market perception. The newspapers were tearing it apart in the UK- not sure about elsewhere

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

JimmyDanger said:
I think when people see those impressive memory card sales, that will drive the early adopter market!

People love to see some successful memory cards.

Considering their cost, and the fact that if you want to save the %10 off retail (or whatever) downloading your games, you will need a few of these, people will surely be encouraged to get in early and spend their money now for savings down the track.

Since Monster Hunter effectively kept PSP relevant to the mainstream Japanese gamer (and one of the few PsP titles with genuinely impressive sales) - all Sony needs is for Capcom to cancel Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS, bring it out on Vita instead, a few exclusive Dragon Quests and new Final Fantasies, get Layton over on PsV , and everything will be rosy for the Vita. Oh yeah - and a smoothly functioning online MP COD experience for USA/UK territories and Gran Turismo fro Europe (because that is the biggest franchise of all time in Europe) - and they'll get those numbers on par with 3DS. And maybe a price drop.

On topic though - if the above happens - they absolutely will see the 3DStorm through.

Whoa whoa whoa...

So for Sony to succeed and for everything to be rosy for the Vita, this is what needs to happen:

- Capcom to cancel Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS and put it on Vita

- A few exclusives

- Get Layton on the Vita

- and a price drop.


I guess the 3DS is safe afterall....

snakenobi said:
it will easily pass the 3DS storm and come out nicely

3DS has a brand image problem as its not that different from 3DS atleast in gameplay department and people don't have a reason to buy a 3DS if they already have DS

also 3DS dual stick peripheral won't go well,people don't like that extra shit

and even though 3DS has big name franchises,developers will have a problem making new types of games to WOW audiences

Looks like you were wrong.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

@jonnybmk - it would seem!

Although even without all the possible events I outlined occurring - one single killer app, not just a great game - but an absolute "once you've played it/seen it/seen someone playing it - you will rush out and buy a sysytem" type killer app. Super Mario Bros on the NES, Angry Birds on iOS, Sonic 1 Megadrive/Genesis, Tetris on Gameboy all rolled into one, level of "so that's what I need one of those for!".

There's also a strong possibility of a lot of DS/3DS conversions/adaptations, so games that were impossible without a touch screen on PSP could now be upgraded/released. Maybe Quendan 2 will get a translation/localisation on PSV, and western people would finally understand "Elite Beat" and make it a massive hit!

Or they could just bundle them with PS3's.