Salnax said: Other than Monster Hunter, what big franchises did the PSP have in Japan? Peace Walker and Final Fantasy spinoffs? Honestly, this could potentially kill the Vita. Imagine, by the end of the year, the 3DS will already have Monster Hunter, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, and Dragon Quest games. With Animal Crossing, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, and Tomodatchi coming next year and Pokemon and 2D Mario presumably coming sometime in the future, what other big Japanese franchises are left? So far as I can see, just Final Fantasy, and I doubt FF15 is coming to the Vita. |
sigh this is one of the BIGGEST annoying habits you Nintendo fans have around here. After every major conference for 3ds you scream doom and gloom for Vita..I mean really it happened last year and it's happening now already again. Deja Vu. Vita wasn't dead back then and it won't in the future either. I mean seriously we haven't had their conference yet even >_>
In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!
"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"
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