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1) Prove God doesn't exist.


World population 6.8 billion [1][2] Figure used by individual articles
Christianity 1.9 billion - 2.1 billion [3] 29% - 32% Christianity by country
Islam 1.3 billion - 1.6 billion [4] 19% - 23% Islam by country
Buddhism 500 million - 1.5 billion[5][6][7][8] 7% - 23% Buddhism by country
Hinduism 900 million - 1 billion [9][10] 14% Hinduism by country
Total4.65 billion - 6 billion

The majority of the world believes in some sort of God. I have always felt we all believe in the same God......just different views of him. Are you trying to claim all these people noted above are fooled and absolutley wrong? Sorry dude, when it comes to believing and not are the vast minority. That means you have to prove that there is no God.

It almost seems as though you want to believe, but you want proof first. Thats the wrong way to go about it. 

                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

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nightsurge said:
Runa216 said:
nightsurge said:
I like how the OP doesn't respond to any of the actual valid arguments. Interesting.

Please, link me to actual, valid arguments.  I've seen none.  I've seen some that said "Well there is this one thing that supposedly happened that could be true", but that doesn't even remotely constitute a valid argument as far as the topic is concerned.  

Lack of Disproof is not proof. 

And you have provided so much of your own? Really this entire thread is laughable.

I Dont have a burden of proof, I'm not making rash, wild accusations.  I'm not saying God doesn't exist, all I'm doing is asking those who claim he does to substantiate that assumption.  

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glimmer_of_hope said:

1) Prove God doesn't exist.


World population 6.8 billion [1][2] Figure used by individual articles
Christianity 1.9 billion - 2.1 billion [3] 29% - 32% Christianity by country
Islam 1.3 billion - 1.6 billion [4] 19% - 23% Islam by country
Buddhism 500 million - 1.5 billion[5][6][7][8] 7% - 23% Buddhism by country
Hinduism 900 million - 1 billion [9][10] 14% Hinduism by country
Total4.65 billion - 6 billion

The majority of the world believes in some sort of God. I have always felt we all believe in the same God......just different views of him. Are you trying to claim all these people noted above are fooled and absolutley wrong? Sorry dude, when it comes to believing and not are the vast minority. That means you have to prove that there is no God.

It almost seems as though you want to believe, but you want proof first. Thats the wrong way to go about it. 

Just because people believe in something doesn't make it true.  The "two million people can't be wrong" logic is a very faulty form of logic, so all the stats in the world won't make a difference as far as that's concerned.  propoganda is a powerful thing. 

Also, no it's not.  How is demanding proof the wrong way to go about something as deep, personal, and powerful as that?  LOTS of high claims, promises, and assumptions and I'm supposed to go "sounds fun, must be true"?  yeah no.  The world doesn't work that way. 

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Runa216 said:
glimmer_of_hope said:

1) Prove God doesn't exist.


World population 6.8 billion [1][2] Figure used by individual articles
Christianity 1.9 billion - 2.1 billion [3] 29% - 32% Christianity by country
Islam 1.3 billion - 1.6 billion [4] 19% - 23% Islam by country
Buddhism 500 million - 1.5 billion[5][6][7][8] 7% - 23% Buddhism by country
Hinduism 900 million - 1 billion [9][10] 14% Hinduism by country
Total4.65 billion - 6 billion

The majority of the world believes in some sort of God. I have always felt we all believe in the same God......just different views of him. Are you trying to claim all these people noted above are fooled and absolutley wrong? Sorry dude, when it comes to believing and not are the vast minority. That means you have to prove that there is no God.

It almost seems as though you want to believe, but you want proof first. Thats the wrong way to go about it. 

Just because people believe in something doesn't make it true.  The "two million people can't be wrong" logic is a very faulty form of logic, so all the stats in the world won't make a difference as far as that's concerned.  propoganda is a powerful thing. 

Also, no it's not.  How is demanding proof the wrong way to go about something as deep, personal, and powerful as that?  LOTS of high claims, promises, and assumptions and I'm supposed to go "sounds fun, must be true"?  yeah no.  The world doesn't work that way. 

Im sorry but when but when 69-90% of the whole world population believes in a God that means something. Talking about "faulty logic" you should be talking about your OWN logic. You are asking for proof of God, yet you are not willing to prove there is no God. Whats the logic in that?

Do you even know what propaganda is? Apparently not! So now you are claiming that people who believe differently then you is spreading propaganda?

We are talking about peoples own beliefs.....and your saying it's propaganda now? Why the hell hasn't this thread been shut down?

Dude you have been beat down sooo bad in this thread that now your just talking garbage. You dont even make sence! You cant demand proof if you cannot provide proof on your end! Thats like saying "ok we are going to fight....i can hit you....but you cant hit me" 

Do you believe the Egyptions built the pyramids? Where is the proof of that? No pictures, no proof, just people saying that it happened. 

It's the same as God. No pictures, no proof. But people say he exists. Just as people will say the Egyptions left behind the Pyramids, God left his creation behind.


                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

this thread really needs to be closed...

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glimmer_of_hope said:

Im sorry but when but when 69-90% of the whole world population believes in a God that means something. Talking about "faulty logic" you should be talking about your OWN logic. You are asking for proof of God, yet you are not willing to prove there is no God. Whats the logic in that?

Do you even know what propaganda is? Apparently not! So now you are claiming that people who believe differently then you is spreading propaganda?

We are talking about peoples own beliefs.....and your saying it's propaganda now? Why the hell hasn't this thread been shut down?

Dude you have been beat down sooo bad in this thread that now your just talking garbage. You dont even make sence! You cant demand proof if you cannot provide proof on your end! Thats like saying "ok we are going to fight....i can hit you....but you cant hit me" 

Do you believe the Egyptions built the pyramids? Where is the proof of that? No pictures, no proof, just people saying that it happened. 

It's the same as God. No pictures, no proof. But people say he exists. Just as people will say the Egyptions left behind the Pyramids, God left his creation behind.


You don't really do this whole 'debate' thing very often, do you?  

1 - I am not claiming there is no god.  The world is not black and white, as it were.  Just because I'm not convinced there IS a god doesn't mean I absolutely believe there is NO god.  that's just you extending or assumptions about me into a ridiculus extrapolation so you can prove my ignorance.  Also known as the Strawman Fallacy.

2 - Okay, so propaganda was the wrong word to use but it seemed the simplest to equate. I didn't want to have to go into detail about how the church promises eternal life, companionship and various other things in exchange for faith and support.  There's a whole debate there but it was easier (and while technically inaccurate, a good paralell) to call it propaganda.  Long story short, hope and fear are powerful motivators.  

3 - Again, I have not been 'beaten down' in any way.  Nobody has provided a single compelling point in the other direction.  I asked for proof of God's existence and nobody has given that. I repeat, I'm not making bold claims, though I ask that those who do support those claims with evidence.  It's honestly not too much to ask and the closest anyone's come to offering solid proof in the other direction is offering some powerful philosophy (thank you Dr Grass), but that's only a "what if' scenario, not proof.  Proof has tangible results, the scientific demands the results can be replicated with infinite accuracy , etc.  Seriously, your analogy fails because nobody's swinging at me, they're just talking about how silly I am for wanting to fight them.  

4 - Again with the strawman (in a roundabout way.)  I have no idea who built the pyramids, maybe it was aliens, maybe it was a race of sand creatures.  all I do know for a fact is that the pyramids are in Egypt...and according to science were built in the same period the ancient egyptians were supposedly there.  If I follow the Evidence, then yes, it's fair to assume the egyptians built the pyramids, but if there was any actual evidence claiming something to the contrary, I'd honestly go "hmmm, interesting." and continue to ponder it.  

5 - That's your final argument?  This is not an argument, it's not even philosophy.  It's not even an apples and oranges comparison, more like apples and ankhs. God never came down, there's nothing in our textbooks about God, jsut about a whole lot of people talking about god.  people talk about Xenu, you believe what the church of scientology has to say?  Lots of people say they've been abducted by aliens, but just because a lot of people said it, that doesn't mean it's true.  It's just a bunch of people making claims without proof.  Just because the concept of 'God' caught on early in our history, in a time when people wanted answers and couldn't figure things out.  

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glimmer_of_hope said:

1) Prove God doesn't exist.


World population 6.8 billion [1][2] Figure used by individual articles
Christianity 1.9 billion - 2.1 billion [3] 29% - 32% Christianity by country
Islam 1.3 billion - 1.6 billion [4] 19% - 23% Islam by country
Buddhism 500 million - 1.5 billion[5][6][7][8] 7% - 23% Buddhism by country
Hinduism 900 million - 1 billion [9][10] 14% Hinduism by country
Total4.65 billion - 6 billion

The majority of the world believes in some sort of God. I have always felt we all believe in the same God......just different views of him. Are you trying to claim all these people noted above are fooled and absolutley wrong? Sorry dude, when it comes to believing and not are the vast minority. That means you have to prove that there is no God.

It almost seems as though you want to believe, but you want proof first. Thats the wrong way to go about it. 

Lol, this again. You think 6 billion people are deeply religious and actually believe in a god? Almost every single individual in Norway (where I come from) are members of the state church in some form and get included in the numbers above. Do all of them believe in god? No, not even close. I'm part of the state church myself, I was baptized and had my confirmation there, I attend funerals and weddings when asked to. Does that make me a believer?

Seriously, your argument is among the silliest in debates like this. That chart is not a statistic over who believes what, it simply shows that most citizens are tied to religion somehow. Most countries have a constitution grounded in some form of religious text and have a system with a state church of some kind but the number of actual believers is far, far short of the total number of members. You can safely cut the number down to between a quarter and half, if that.

Mummelmann said:

Lol, this again. You think 6 billion people are deeply religious and actually believe in a god? Almost every single individual in Norway (where I come from) are members of the state church in some form and get included in the numbers above. Do all of them believe in god? No, not even close. I'm part of the state church myself, I was baptized and had my confirmation there, I attend funerals and weddings when asked to. Does that make me a believer?

Seriously, your argument is among the silliest in debates like this. That chart is not a statistic over who believes what, it simply shows that most citizens are tied to religion somehow. Most countries have a constitution grounded in some form of religious text and have a system with a state church of some kind but the number of actual believers is far, far short of the total number of members. You can safely cut the number down to between a quarter and half, if that.

That's irrelevant.  99% of people could believe in a God, that still doesn't make God real. 

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Mummelmann said:
glimmer_of_hope said:

1) Prove God doesn't exist.


World population 6.8 billion [1][2] Figure used by individual articles
Christianity 1.9 billion - 2.1 billion [3] 29% - 32% Christianity by country
Islam 1.3 billion - 1.6 billion [4] 19% - 23% Islam by country
Buddhism 500 million - 1.5 billion[5][6][7][8] 7% - 23% Buddhism by country
Hinduism 900 million - 1 billion [9][10] 14% Hinduism by country
Total4.65 billion - 6 billion

The majority of the world believes in some sort of God. I have always felt we all believe in the same God......just different views of him. Are you trying to claim all these people noted above are fooled and absolutley wrong? Sorry dude, when it comes to believing and not are the vast minority. That means you have to prove that there is no God.

It almost seems as though you want to believe, but you want proof first. Thats the wrong way to go about it. 

Lol, this again. You think 6 billion people are deeply religious and actually believe in a god? Almost every single individual in Norway (where I come from) are members of the state church in some form and get included in the numbers above. Do all of them believe in god? No, not even close. I'm part of the state church myself, I was baptized and had my confirmation there, I attend funerals and weddings when asked to. Does that make me a believer?

Seriously, your argument is among the silliest in debates like this. That chart is not a statistic over who believes what, it simply shows that most citizens are tied to religion somehow. Most countries have a constitution grounded in some form of religious text and have a system with a state church of some kind but the number of actual believers is far, far short of the total number of members. You can safely cut the number down to between a quarter and half, if that.

You are flat out wrong. ALL of these religions are directly linked to a God or Gods. There is no getting around it. Please provide a link to your numbers claim !!

                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

glimmer_of_hope said:

You are flat out wrong. ALL of these religions are directly linked to a God or Gods. There is no getting around it. Please provide a link to your numbers claim !!

Then provide a link to a scientific study where believing in something really hard made it come true. 

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