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Forums - General Discussion - Everyone should remain pure until marriage.

Ps3 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
No, that would mean that some people would already married +30 times...

And God is watching them.

God doesnt pay attention to the Human Animal being well an Animal.  We are his grand experiment and he is simply going to let us be. Pay attention to Jesus teachings and you be fine. In other words treat others as you would want to be treated.  God if he is paying attention is far more interested in how you treat others and this world then if you do something as natural as having sex. Just be protected and dont abuse the relationship.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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Ps3 said:
Jay520 said:
Can I still rape? Since, you know, rape isn't considered making love.

Quit joking. You rape you are losing your virginity. Stop trolling my thread with silly stuff. lol

He's clearly not trolling. Why don't you believe that he rapes people?

Ps3 said:

I think everyone should hold out on making love until they get married. Same thing goes with pleasing yourself when you're alone. Wouldn't you rather experience love with your true love?


Tell me if I'm wrong, but so many people are doing it. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez wear promise rings, and they're not whores!

Dude wtf you are some priest?  Go talking you bullshits elsewhere. I will fuck with everybody even with whores.

brendude13 said:
Ps3 said:
Jay520 said:
Can I still rape? Since, you know, rape isn't considered making love.

Quit joking. You rape you are losing your virginity. Stop trolling my thread with silly stuff. lol

He's clearly not trolling. Why don't you believe that he rapes people?

Dude some stupid sluts deserve to be raped.

padib said:

I have a problem with people who go around having sex with just anyone and here's why. For those of us who are looking for faithful pleasure (me, wfz, tads12), you guys (takemetothehospital) are stealing away the virginity from these girls and leaving us with the scraps.

Now don't get me wrong, I will love my soulmate no matter her past, but you will have left a dark spot there especially if you're being dishonest with her. If you're honest and she's open to it, you're helping her/him to spoil their purity. That's bad for us. You think it's okay. Well, a cocaine addict is open to having cocaine, it doesn't make it good for them.

:D Great, now you get to hear what I actually think. Yes, it's a personal decision, but yes you're screwing it up for us... Everytime you pop a cherry I want you to know how much it pisses me off.

Here is why you pissed me off:

Takemetothehospital said:

I'm glad i started young cause I've popped my fair share of cherries. The younger they are the more appreciative. 21+ girls are way too experienced these days. It's just not the same anymore hey. You're forced to work way harder in the bedroom....

I know what you mean, you don't want to order your first Big-Mac and find someone's taken a big fucking bite out of it.

While I don't agree with Ps3, I don't agree with that Takemetothehospital is doing either.

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Netyaroze said:
Sorry but people who have Sex married or not are dirty whores in gods eyes. If you love someone or not doesnt matter. Sex is from the Devil himself and people that had sex are in my eyes worse then Hitler.

Humans are filthy and I hope gods justice will crush their skulls.

God never wanted people to have Sex its just a test. And God looks who fails or not. You think just because humanity invented marriage that somehow its ok to walk into the devils trap?

Humans were kicked out of paradise because Adam and Eve ate each others forbidden "apples". In my eyes you are devils spawn that tries to lure innocent souls into the devils trap by saying its ok to have sex in marriage. Why do you think people and animals die in the first place ? Because they had sex. God never wanted us to be creators of life through using the knowledge Adam and Eve aquired due to eating their "apples". And because we are not god our kids obviously are imperfect and die.

Be ashamed there is no hope for you anymore if you believe its ok to have Sex in marriage.

Stay pure until death and god might rescue your soul.

All the Sinners on earth will be reborn until they get it. People never realized our reality IS PURGATORY.

I hope for your sake that you are a virgin now stay that way.

So wait, God gave me a penis, but I can't use it? But..... The penis?

Does not compute

Netyaroze said:
Sorry but people who have Sex married or not are dirty whores in gods eyes. If you love someone or not doesnt matter. Sex is from the Devil himself and people that had sex are in my eyes worse then Hitler.

Humans are filthy and I hope gods justice will crush their skulls.

God never wanted people to have Sex its just a test. And God looks who fails or not. You think just because humanity invented marriage that somehow its ok to walk into the devils trap?

Humans were kicked out of paradise because Adam and Eve ate each others forbidden "apples". In my eyes you are devils spawn that tries to lure innocent souls into the devils trap by saying its ok to have sex in marriage. Why do you think people and animals die in the first place ? Because they had sex. God never wanted us to be creators of life through using the knowledge Adam and Eve aquired due to eating their "apples". And because we are not god our kids obviously are imperfect and die.

Be ashamed there is no hope for you anymore if you believe its ok to have Sex in marriage.

Stay pure until death and god might rescue your soul.

All the Sinners on earth will be reborn until they get it. People never realized our reality IS PURGATORY.

I hope for your sake that you are a virgin now stay that way.

Best post in this thread.




As I said a Test from god (forbidden Apple) Its purpose is to tempt you.

TakeMeToTheHospital said:
My girlfriend loves to swallow :) Her favorite games are Animal Crossing and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door.

quick change the subject! o you already did.

TakeMeToTheHospital said:
My girlfriend loves to swallow :) Her favorite games are Animal Crossing and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door.

quick change the subject! o you already did.

Lets change the subject to how hot Taylor Swift is :P