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Forums - General Discussion - Being Sexist Is Wrong!

brendude13 said:
I don't get it :/

Sexism was soooo 1950's.

Ps3 said:

Not true! We still haven't had a woman president, vice president, etc. It even goes as far as music! Most women aren't taken as seriously as men because they have a vagina. In fact, if a male says a female singer is his favorite artist, it is most likely that most men would say he's gay, and that's really not fair.

That's because not many women are into politics, and the small number of women who are in politics never try to be a leader or just aren't good enough. As for music, men are expected to like heavier types of music. It's not so much that men are made fun of for liking a female artist, it's just the fact that the music is so gentle.

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Ps3 said:
xS7SxSNIPER said:
Ps3 said:

I say we all join hands and end sexism for good! This forum may be just a drop in the bucket known as Earth, but even if a small group gets together and betters themselves; then it's overall helping the world. So please, let's end the sexist behavior and make it comfortable for men and women to truly become one.

yea lets hold hands Stop sexism!!!!!!

Your post just put the bigger smile EVER on my face! That's honestly the nicest thing I have ever seen on this forum. God bless your family, your friends, your body and soul! You're a great person. If there were more people like you then the world would be a better place.

Thank you i support your cause, we as people shouldn't treat other differently based on gender or skin color. = D


Boutros said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
I'm assuming this was spawned from the replies to your other thread?

Oh, heavens no! I started this before people really started talking in my Taylor Swift thread. I just felt the urge to just speak my mind and I felt like speaking about how inhumane sexism is, and that women can achieve things as easily as men.

What do you love more, PS3 or Taylor Swift?

Well, I always use my PS3 to play my Taylor Swift CD's everyday, and I do use it to play Call Of Duty and other games once in a while. I'd have to say Taylor because she's a fantastic artist and it's scary how talented she is. She has had a huge impact on my life, and she has strenghtened my views in this world and has taught me to accept everyone for who they are, and walk the shoes you walk in. That's why I'm so determined to one day become a spokes person for completely ending sexism. Especially in middle America!

Boutros said:
Nah it makes me laugh too much.

Sexism makes you laugh? But it's horribly wrong.

In some cases. But nowadays most cases are just funny.

now days people really dont know what sexism (and racism) is. and people who actually really experienced decades ago, would be shocked at the littlest things we consider sexist

trasharmdsister12 said:

I feel the same way about Squirtle as you do about Taylor btw.


trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
I'm assuming this was spawned from the replies to your other thread?

Oh, heavens no! I started this before people really started talking in my Taylor Swift thread. I just felt the urge to just speak my mind and I felt like speaking about how inhumane sexism is, and that women can achieve things as easily as men.

What do you love more, PS3 or Taylor Swift?

Well, I always use my PS3 to play my Taylor Swift CD's everyday, and I do use it to play Call Of Duty and other games once in a while. I'd have to say Taylor because she's a fantastic artist and it's scary how talented she is. She has had a huge impact on my life, and she has strenghtened my views in this world and has taught me to accept everyone for who they are, and walk the shoes you walk in. That's why I'm so determined to one day become a spokes person for completely ending sexism. Especially in middle America!

Boutros said:
Nah it makes me laugh too much.

Sexism makes you laugh? But it's horribly wrong.

By asking "What" instead of "Who" I made sure that whatever answer you gave was an object. Thus, by answering Taylor you have objectified her, committing the very act you're vocal to stop.

I feel the same way about Squirtle as you do about Taylor btw.

But that makes no sense really because if you said who you cannot classify a PS3 as a who because it's not alive, like Taylor is. lol

Well, that's incredible to be honest! What has squirtle inspired you to do? Last year I gave baths to every stray cat on my block after I listened to Change for 2 hours straight.

Boutros said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
I'm assuming this was spawned from the replies to your other thread?

Oh, heavens no! I started this before people really started talking in my Taylor Swift thread. I just felt the urge to just speak my mind and I felt like speaking about how inhumane sexism is, and that women can achieve things as easily as men.

What do you love more, PS3 or Taylor Swift?

Well, I always use my PS3 to play my Taylor Swift CD's everyday, and I do use it to play Call Of Duty and other games once in a while. I'd have to say Taylor because she's a fantastic artist and it's scary how talented she is. She has had a huge impact on my life, and she has strenghtened my views in this world and has taught me to accept everyone for who they are, and walk the shoes you walk in. That's why I'm so determined to one day become a spokes person for completely ending sexism. Especially in middle America!

Boutros said:
Nah it makes me laugh too much.

Sexism makes you laugh? But it's horribly wrong.

In some cases. But nowadays most cases are just funny.

But it's not funny because it's hurting the feelings/pride/hearts of men and women all across the world. When a man is expected to always be a lean mean beef eating machine, and a woman is expected to just lay on the floor and get raped and have a baby, that really demoralizes them and puts cracks into the foundation of the human spirit.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Around the Network

Women are equal to men and any discrimination against either gender is morally wrong and should be wiped out.

None of the above, however, makes Taylor Swift a good singer. Women certainly can be good singers. Look at Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Dusty Springfield, Leona Lewis, Adele, or any number of others. Taylor Swift isn't a bad singer because she's female. She's a bad singer because she's a bad singer.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

brendude13 said:
brendude13 said:
I don't get it :/

Sexism was soooo 1950's.

Ps3 said:

Not true! We still haven't had a woman president, vice president, etc. It even goes as far as music! Most women aren't taken as seriously as men because they have a vagina. In fact, if a male says a female singer is his favorite artist, it is most likely that most men would say he's gay, and that's really not fair.

That's because not many women are into politics, and the small number of women who are in politics never try to be a leader or just aren't good enough. As for music, men are expected to like heavier types of music. It's not so much that men are made fun of for liking a female artist, it's just the fact that the music is so gentle.

That's really not true, because we have many female politics, but they are always facing sexist remarks. I hate Michelle Bachmann, but she was publically ridiculed in a sexist way when she was on a magazine cover that said "MICHELLE BACHMANN THE QUEEN OF RAGE!" It's so sexist because men are just as aggressive as her and she gets called THE QUEEN OF RAGE!  And it's not fair! A man should be allowed to like whatever they want. It's sexist! To be expected is sexist!


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


osamanobama said:
Boutros said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
I'm assuming this was spawned from the replies to your other thread?

Oh, heavens no! I started this before people really started talking in my Taylor Swift thread. I just felt the urge to just speak my mind and I felt like speaking about how inhumane sexism is, and that women can achieve things as easily as men.

What do you love more, PS3 or Taylor Swift?

Well, I always use my PS3 to play my Taylor Swift CD's everyday, and I do use it to play Call Of Duty and other games once in a while. I'd have to say Taylor because she's a fantastic artist and it's scary how talented she is. She has had a huge impact on my life, and she has strenghtened my views in this world and has taught me to accept everyone for who they are, and walk the shoes you walk in. That's why I'm so determined to one day become a spokes person for completely ending sexism. Especially in middle America!

Boutros said:
Nah it makes me laugh too much.

Sexism makes you laugh? But it's horribly wrong.

In some cases. But nowadays most cases are just funny.

now days people really dont know what sexism (and racism) is. and people who actually really experienced decades ago, would be shocked at the littlest things we consider sexist

It still exists and you're right they don't, because it has become natural by most people to be sexist. It's embred into them as a young child.

xS7SxSNIPER said:

Ps3 said:

xS7SxSNIPER said:

Ps3 said:

I say we all join hands and end sexism for good! This forum may be just a drop in the bucket known as Earth, but even if a small group gets together and betters themselves; then it's overall helping the world. So please, let's end the sexist behavior and make it comfortable for men and women to truly become one.

yea lets hold hands Stop sexism!!!!!!

Your post just put the bigger smile EVER on my face! That's honestly the nicest thing I have ever seen on this forum. God bless your family, your friends, your body and soul! You're a great person. If there were more people like you then the world would be a better place.

Thank you i support your cause, we as people shouldn't treat other differently based on gender or skin color. = D

Yes! Absolutely! Let's not discrimnate against gender, sexuality, skin color, religion! We need peace on Earth.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Tagged. This thread is hilarious!

trasharmdsister12 said:
Ps3 said:

But that makes no sense really because if you said who you cannot classify a PS3 as a who because it's not alive, like Taylor is. lol

Well, that's incredible to be honest! What has squirtle inspired you to do? Last year I gave baths to every stray cat on my block after I listened to Change for 2 hours straight.

It's grammar. It makes sense. Trust me.

Squirtle inspired me to come to this site, spread my kindness in hope of sparking the kindness in others, and share laughs and loves with all who meet my Squirtle.  Other members in this very thread can attest to how much my Squirtle has touched them.

Believe me, I know what grammar is, but the way you phrased it didn't work. :(

That's actually quite nice. I've bought Taylor's most recent album more than 50 times because she inspires me because she's amazing, and all fans should do this for their artists.

Kantor said:
Women are equal to men and any discrimination against either gender is morally wrong and should be wiped out.

None of the above, however, makes Taylor Swift a good singer. Women certainly can be good singers. Look at Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Dusty Springfield, Leona Lewis, Adele, or any number of others. Taylor Swift isn't a bad singer because she's female. She's a bad singer because she's a bad singer.

It's just that when Taylor is talked about as an early favorite to enter the rock and roll hall of fame people scream! They compare her to musical greats and she gets the shaft. It's really unfair, and it's always men who say it. I'm sorry, I 100% respect your opinion and love you for who you are, but I need to 100% disagree. Taylor's grammys prove she can sing and is respected.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3