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Forums - Music Discussion - Tony Bennett Expects Lady Gaga to Be 'As Big as Elvis'


Do you agree with Tony Bennett?

yes 20 14.39%
no 65 46.76%
lady gaga has no talent o... 29 20.86%
lady gaga certainly has talent so maybe 9 6.47%
who's lady gaga 16 11.51%
Seece said:
No grammy's for Lady Gaga ... the hype has died massively this past 6 months

Elvis only ever won 3 Grammy's.

The Foo Fighters have more Grammy's than The Beatles.

I don't need to say anything else about the Grammy's. 

She's sold 115 Million records Worldwide over 3 albums and the singles released from said albums. That's huge. The potential is there for her to sell over a Quarter of a Billion records. Beyond that? Who knows how far she can go...

Will she have a legacy like Elvis? Michael Jackson? The Beatles? No. Very, very unlikely. For that to happen she will need to repeat the success she's seen for another 4/5 Years then simply die. Something that tells you she's popular is the hate she gets from people like seen in this thread. People love to hate on things that are popular. Seeing that we're on a videogame forum, compare her to the Wii's early Years. It was hated because it was popular and different.

When you have a hardcore fanbase, like Gaga does... And your songs reach out to Millions more beyond that fanbase, you will be popular and successful. People hate other people liking something they don't. They hate something being more popular than what they like. To show just how popular Lady Gaga is right now, I'm gonna do something simple. Let's compare Facebook page "likes". With some names brought up in this thread.

Janet Jackson - 1 Million
Whitney Houston - 2 Million (With sudden bump, for obvious)
Elvis Presley - 5.4 Million
Foo Fighters - 7 Million
Mariah Carey - 7 Million
Madonna - 7.6 Million
Britney Spears - 17 Million
Adele - 18 Million
The Beatles - 25 Million
Katy Perry - 39 Million
Michael Jackson - 45 Million
Lady Gaga - 48 Million

I think the only 2 music artists on Facebook that have more likes than her are Eminem and Rihanna, both with 50+ Million.

She's huge. People love her. People love her music. Her music sells really well. People hate popularity.


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Gaga is great as well as Rihanna, but none of them will ever reach Elvis

and i believe the 1st album was Gaga's peak album

now if u say Adele, there is a chance, because she is quality and her voice, noone like her, no cheap/boring club songs like most modern singers do (copy each other)

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Lady gaga is well known but not well liked.

Adele is not as well known but more liked.

Carl2291 said:
Seece said:
No grammy's for Lady Gaga ... the hype has died massively this past 6 months

Elvis only ever won 3 Grammy's.

The Foo Fighters have more Grammy's than The Beatles.

I don't need to say anything else about the Grammy's. 

She's sold 115 Million records Worldwide over 3 albums and the singles released from said albums. That's huge. The potential is there for her to sell over a Quarter of a Billion records. Beyond that? Who knows how far she can go...

Will she have a legacy like Elvis? Michael Jackson? The Beatles? No. Very, very unlikely. For that to happen she will need to repeat the success she's seen for another 4/5 Years then simply die. Something that tells you she's popular is the hate she gets from people like seen in this thread. People love to hate on things that are popular. Seeing that we're on a videogame forum, compare her to the Wii's early Years. It was hated because it was popular and different.

When you have a hardcore fanbase, like Gaga does... And your songs reach out to Millions more beyond that fanbase, you will be popular and successful. People hate other people liking something they don't. They hate something being more popular than what they like. To show just how popular Lady Gaga is right now, I'm gonna do something simple. Let's compare Facebook page "likes". With some names brought up in this thread.

Janet Jackson - 1 Million
Whitney Houston - 2 Million (With sudden bump, for obvious)
Elvis Presley - 5.4 Million
Foo Fighters - 7 Million
Mariah Carey - 7 Million
Madonna - 7.6 Million
Britney Spears - 17 Million
Adele - 18 Million
The Beatles - 25 Million
Katy Perry - 39 Million
Michael Jackson - 45 Million
Lady Gaga - 48 Million

I think the only 2 music artists on Facebook that have more likes than her are Eminem and Rihanna, both with 50+ Million.

She's huge. People love her. People love her music. Her music sells really well. People hate popularity.

I'm so gland to the legendary Michael to have so many fans, imagine if facebook and youtube existed during his time

Gaga is huge and i love her, but she won't get anywhere close


and why doesn't Adele even receive even a bit of hate!? because she's original, and that's why her album and songs still rule the billboad one year after the album's release

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

People love to hate on celebrities that reach huge heights. Two years ago almost everyone listened to her stuff and didn't have anything negative to say. Now because she's this global phenomenon it's cool to start hating on her. Same reason why Everyone hates Tom Cruise, and are starting to hate Will Smith. People become too big and everyone loves to hate to try to bring them down. I like Lady Gaga, how she dresses doesn't effect me in the slightest. All I know is she makes good club tracks that are fun to listen to.

I was walking down along the street and I heard this voice saying, "Good evening, Mr. Dowd." Well, I turned around and here was this big six-foot rabbit leaning up against a lamp-post. Well, I thought nothing of that because when you've lived in a town as long as I've lived in this one, you get used to the fact that everybody knows your name.

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I think she can come back but her career is not going up for now.

Her last albulm was nowhere as popular as her last and it was all media hype.

Also your list is not honest, you missed a lot of people and Shakira is just as popular on facebook and will likley beat Gaga in terms of fan due to her overseas popularity.

For crying out loud Linkin Park has 39 million fans.
Also Shakira has around the same number at 46 million (she is big overseas) and growing faster and will overtake Gaga.
Bob Marley

Carl2291 said:
Seece said:
No grammy's for Lady Gaga ... the hype has died massively this past 6 months

Elvis only ever won 3 Grammy's.

The Foo Fighters have more Grammy's than The Beatles.

I don't need to say anything else about the Grammy's. 

She's sold 115 Million records Worldwide over 3 albums and the singles released from said albums. That's huge. The potential is there for her to sell over a Quarter of a Billion records. Beyond that? Who knows how far she can go...

Will she have a legacy like Elvis? Michael Jackson? The Beatles? No. Very, very unlikely. For that to happen she will need to repeat the success she's seen for another 4/5 Years then simply die. Something that tells you she's popular is the hate she gets from people like seen in this thread. People love to hate on things that are popular. Seeing that we're on a videogame forum, compare her to the Wii's early Years. It was hated because it was popular and different.

When you have a hardcore fanbase, like Gaga does... And your songs reach out to Millions more beyond that fanbase, you will be popular and successful. People hate other people liking something they don't. They hate something being more popular than what they like. To show just how popular Lady Gaga is right now, I'm gonna do something simple. Let's compare Facebook page "likes". With some names brought up in this thread.

Janet Jackson - 1 Million
Whitney Houston - 2 Million (With sudden bump, for obvious)
Elvis Presley - 5.4 Million
Foo Fighters - 7 Million
Mariah Carey - 7 Million
Madonna - 7.6 Million
Britney Spears - 17 Million
Adele - 18 Million
The Beatles - 25 Million
Katy Perry - 39 Million
Michael Jackson - 45 Million
Lady Gaga - 48 Million

I think the only 2 music artists on Facebook that have more likes than her are Eminem and Rihanna, both with 50+ Million.

She's huge. People love her. People love her music. Her music sells really well. People hate popularity.

I think you, and most Lady Gaga fans in this thread, are missing the point and using unreasonable comparisons ...

The latest statistics I saw demonstrated that (something like) 75% of facebook users were under 35, and the most active Facebook users were overwhelmingly under 25. Demonstrating that Lady Gaga is more popular on facebook only demonstrates that she is more popular with this demographic, which realistically isn't surprising to anyone.



I'll put it to you another way, I'm old enough that I have seen this same basic argument about many groups and artists over the past 20 years. And, even though their fans at the peak of their career were certain that these artists were going to become the music legends of the future, the vast majority of these artists and groups disappeared within a couple years of their peak. A large part of the reason for this is the vast majority of what seems ground breaking, fresh and new today will seem like Limp Bizkit does 10 years from now. Realistically, Lady Gaga will have a couple of hit songs that don't seem so dated that will survive, and the rest of her work will easily be forgotten.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
Carl2291 said:
Seece said:
No grammy's for Lady Gaga ... the hype has died massively this past 6 months

Elvis only ever won 3 Grammy's.

The Foo Fighters have more Grammy's than The Beatles.

I don't need to say anything else about the Grammy's. 

She's sold 115 Million records Worldwide over 3 albums and the singles released from said albums. That's huge. The potential is there for her to sell over a Quarter of a Billion records. Beyond that? Who knows how far she can go...

Will she have a legacy like Elvis? Michael Jackson? The Beatles? No. Very, very unlikely. For that to happen she will need to repeat the success she's seen for another 4/5 Years then simply die. Something that tells you she's popular is the hate she gets from people like seen in this thread. People love to hate on things that are popular. Seeing that we're on a videogame forum, compare her to the Wii's early Years. It was hated because it was popular and different.

When you have a hardcore fanbase, like Gaga does... And your songs reach out to Millions more beyond that fanbase, you will be popular and successful. People hate other people liking something they don't. They hate something being more popular than what they like. To show just how popular Lady Gaga is right now, I'm gonna do something simple. Let's compare Facebook page "likes". With some names brought up in this thread.

Janet Jackson - 1 Million
Whitney Houston - 2 Million (With sudden bump, for obvious)
Elvis Presley - 5.4 Million
Foo Fighters - 7 Million
Mariah Carey - 7 Million
Madonna - 7.6 Million
Britney Spears - 17 Million
Adele - 18 Million
The Beatles - 25 Million
Katy Perry - 39 Million
Michael Jackson - 45 Million
Lady Gaga - 48 Million

I think the only 2 music artists on Facebook that have more likes than her are Eminem and Rihanna, both with 50+ Million.

She's huge. People love her. People love her music. Her music sells really well. People hate popularity.

I'm so gland to the legendary Michael to have so many fans, imagine if facebook and youtube existed during his time

Gaga is huge and i love her, but she won't get anywhere close


and why doesn't Adele even receive even a bit of hate!? because she's original, and that's why her album and songs still rule the billboad one year after the album's release

Because she JUST burst onto the music scene, and is only now being seen as a huge recording arists. Yes she had another album in 2008 but that wasn't even close to being a huge success. This year is her year. Her next record will also be a massive hit, but after that everyone will start hating on her as well. Afterall can't have someone gain too much success based on talent. I can tell you right now they'll be saying "every song sounds the same".

I was walking down along the street and I heard this voice saying, "Good evening, Mr. Dowd." Well, I turned around and here was this big six-foot rabbit leaning up against a lamp-post. Well, I thought nothing of that because when you've lived in a town as long as I've lived in this one, you get used to the fact that everybody knows your name.

Lordmandeep... My list is honest... Read what I wrote before I actually posted the list. People who had been mentioned in the thread. Shakira wasn't and is below Gaga anyway, same for Linkin Park and Bob Marley.


your point being??


Its 47,870,960 and 46,358,696 likes.

the fact Shakira has about the same number of fans makes your whole point potintless.


The only thing we learned is Gaga is more popular in the anglosphere while Shakira is more popular in the rest of the world.



My whole point is gaga is huge, but nothing suggesting all time.

Also no she did not sell 100+ million records. Its impossible for an artist these days to do so.