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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN UK Review: Xenoblade is the best JRPG of the generation


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Ign is retarded, why are we arguing about this again?

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Nintendo! Why Won't You Take MY MONEY FROM ME?!?!

oniyide said:
"wahhh! They only gave it a seven for graphics! This should have gotten a 9.5, not just a 9!" oh for the love of god stop crying people thats a great score. I admit, its stupid to dock points from a game just because Ninty decided to cheap out on hardware all those years ago, but who cares the game still got alot more praise than hate.
I wasnt going to import, because as far as im concerned, NOE NOA they all fall under the Nintendo umbrella, so importing the game from NOE is still giving NINTENDO my money. BUt screw it, this sounds too good, if i dont hear nothing by years end. Ill probably get it

People are upset because it was docked points because it doesn't look as good as a 360/PS3 game.  Well no $#!^ Sherlock. It should be compared with the capabilities of the system.  If we compared 360/PS3 games to PC games like Witcher 2, they would all get 6's.

Another great review. I'm actually in Spain for vacation and thinking about buying it and modding my Wii when I get home. Either that or wait for NoA to get their shit together.

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I'm going to import it and use dolphin.

Though, for it to be the best RPG J or otherwise... I'm going to have to like it more than any other game by that group including xenogears.

I do think the graphic complaint is valid for wii games in general. Though from what I've seen the artstyle would make up for a lot of it. But IGN has scored wii games high in the past in that department. So they are scoring inconsistantly. 

PhalanxCO said:
oniyide said:
"wahhh! They only gave it a seven for graphics! This should have gotten a 9.5, not just a 9!" oh for the love of god stop crying people thats a great score. I admit, its stupid to dock points from a game just because Ninty decided to cheap out on hardware all those years ago, but who cares the game still got alot more praise than hate.
I wasnt going to import, because as far as im concerned, NOE NOA they all fall under the Nintendo umbrella, so importing the game from NOE is still giving NINTENDO my money. BUt screw it, this sounds too good, if i dont hear nothing by years end. Ill probably get it

People are upset because it was docked points because it doesn't look as good as a 360/PS3 game.  Well no $#!^ Sherlock. It should be compared with the capabilities of the system.  If we compared 360/PS3 games to PC games like Witcher 2, they would all get 6's.

People are mad about the description they gave the game. They say this is the best the Wii can do. They gave it a 7.5 >.> That makes no sense.

Soriku said:

Yes, all throughout this thread in later pages:

The 7/10 for graphics is a joke. But at least the overall score is good though.



PhalanxCO said:
oniyide said:
"wahhh! They only gave it a seven for graphics! This should have gotten a 9.5, not just a 9!" oh for the love of god stop crying people thats a great score. I admit, its stupid to dock points from a game just because Ninty decided to cheap out on hardware all those years ago, but who cares the game still got alot more praise than hate.
I wasnt going to import, because as far as im concerned, NOE NOA they all fall under the Nintendo umbrella, so importing the game from NOE is still giving NINTENDO my money. BUt screw it, this sounds too good, if i dont hear nothing by years end. Ill probably get it

People are upset because it was docked points because it doesn't look as good as a 360/PS3 game.  Well no $#!^ Sherlock. It should be compared with the capabilities of the system.  If we compared 360/PS3 games to PC games like Witcher 2, they would all get 6's.

i understand that, but sitting here crying and moaning about it, is not going to change the score, if anything they should drop a email directly to the reviewer and tell him why they think the score is stupid. Anything less than that is blowing hot air