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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii owners continue to fund Ubisoft's HD games


How do you feel about the way Ubisoft does business?

Smart move, Ubisoft. 28 19.31%
I would do the same, if I were in charge. 19 13.10%
Love you, Ubisoft! 7 4.83%
Suck it up, Nintendrones! 24 16.55%
Ubisoft: "Wii screw U." 67 46.21%
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:

stuff like dlc that can't be done on the wii

Are you going to back that up with facts?

how many wii games have dlc and whats the point of dlc on a large scale without a harddrive?

Now, you're just twisting your own words.

yes what i said earlier was an exaggeration i'm sorry that you took it so literally

Oh. Now you're just playing the shift the blame game.

nope as i said i'm sorry you took my exaggeration so seriously... i don't understand whats so difficult to understand about that

Exaggeration? It's outright denial. Surely, you know the difference between "cannot be done" and "don't want to do it". That's misinformation.

You're not going to tell me English isn't your first language next, are you?

actually it is i'm sorry that my grasp of the english language isn't up to your high standards my good man... from this day forth i shall be sure to dedicate myself to following your example of perfect communications skills

but regardless it doesn't change the fact that the wii hardware is not designed to facilitate the use of dlc or at least not to the extent where devs have felt the need to support it

I can continue and debunk your statements but it's not even worth it when you don't even own up like a man when called out on.

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Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:

stuff like dlc that can't be done on the wii

Are you going to back that up with facts?

how many wii games have dlc and whats the point of dlc on a large scale without a harddrive?

Now, you're just twisting your own words.

yes what i said earlier was an exaggeration i'm sorry that you took it so literally

Oh. Now you're just playing the shift the blame game.

nope as i said i'm sorry you took my exaggeration so seriously... i don't understand whats so difficult to understand about that

Exaggeration? It's outright denial. Surely, you know the difference between "cannot be done" and "don't want to do it". That's misinformation.

You're not going to tell me English isn't your first language next, are you?

actually it is i'm sorry that my grasp of the english language isn't up to your high standards my good man... from this day forth i shall be sure to dedicate myself to following your example of perfect communications skills

but regardless it doesn't change the fact that the wii hardware is not designed to facilitate the use of dlc or at least not to the extent where devs have felt the need to support it

I can continue and debunk your statements but it's not even worth it when you don't even own up like a man when called out on.

go right on my good man i look forward to learning all i can from you

RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:

Classic Controller support, problem solved.

is a nonstandard controller on the wii meaning that not all wii owners own one but thats not even the main issue the main issue is that the most touted feature of the wii is the controls why is a dev going to disregard them completely in a game for the wii?

Because it makes no sense to use motion controls when they break the game. Nintendo led the way with Super Smash Bros. Brawl and it didn't hurt the sales of the game in any way.

i agree with the breaking the game part for certain... but you must remember that brawl had it as being optional it didn't disregard the motion controls ( the main feature of the wii ) completely obviously that wouldn't ahve worked with a conventional soul caliubur...

so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts or go a different route altogether and look outside the box ( what many gamers fans demand of devs ) for a way to structure soul calibur that allows the motion controls to work

i don't bash them for attempting something new but some people do, oddly enough those same people criticise the lack of originality in games today

New HD games could also mean it`s for Wii U.
And their business might change if Wii U - even if just at the start - attracts more hardcore than casual. Then, the casual games won`t give them that huge margin of profit.

I think that having a Ghost Recon, Assassins Creed and Killer Freaks is already good indication that Ubisoft might take Wii U more seriously than did with Wii.

o_O.Q said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

ubisoft is making an exclusive assassin's creed for wii u :

in addition to a brand new ip exclusive to wii u


yup ubisoft does nothing but screw over nintendo gamers... 

Yes, and the Wii got exclusive Soul Calibur, Castlevania, Resident Evil and Dead Space games. Way to prove your point.

And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel.

so therefore now you've aknowledged that developers did indeed throw significant effort behind the wii i must ask whats your point?

the wii could not handle the full soul calibur 4 or assassins creed or... so therefore specialised games were made exclusively for the wii in their place

"And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel."

criticising a game before its been revealed properly... ok

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.

given the controller how would a developer get a conventional form of soul calibur to run on the wii? as a console based on motion controls i guess the devs wanted to utilise the feature which obviously woulodn't have worked for conventional soul calibur... as far assassin's creed i wouldn't call the psp version a "real" version but the original question arises how would devs get assassin's creed to work with motion that is the wii's main feature? and this s without considering the power limitations

1st off, there is NO power limitation, the Wii is much stronger than the PSP. 

2nd, how did Capcom manage to get a fighter to work on the Wii? Soul Calibur could work just like Tatsunoko vs Capcom, use the Classic Controller, or even the GC controller.

And lastly, not every game needs to use motion controls, even though it could work in Assassin's Creed.


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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

i agree with the breaking the game part for certain... but you must remember that brawl had it as being optional it didn't disregard the motion controls ( the main feature of the wii ) completely obviously that wouldn't ahve worked with a conventional soul caliubur...

so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts or go a different route altogether and look outside the box ( what many gamers fans demand of devs ) for a way to structure soul calibur that allows the motion controls to work

i don't bash them for attempting something new but some people do, oddly enough those same people criticise the lack of originality in games today

That would have worked with Soul Calibur too and it wouldn't have required much work. They just needed to think up some Wiimote/Nunchuk setup to support the main controller and the majority of people would have played it with Classic or Gamecube controllers anyway, just like it was with SSBB. And seeing that SSBB sold 10 million copies, there were more than enough optional controllers out there to make a proper Soul Calibur game viable.

You make it sound like a follow up to a millionselling Gamecube game would be hard to pull off on the Wii or not a sound business decision while in fact the exact opposite is the case. You are completely siding with developer ignorance here, but didn't you say once upon a time that you appreciate gaming on the whole? You don't sound like a gamer here, but rather like a corporate shill.

i don't see anything wrong with devs trying out something new if someone wanted classic soul calibur theres the HD twins if they wanted something new theres the wii version

RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:

That would have worked with Soul Calibur too and it wouldn't have required much work. They just needed to think up some Wiimote/Nunchuk setup to support the main controller and the majority of people would have played it with Classic or Gamecube controllers anyway, just like it was with SSBB. And seeing that SSBB sold 10 million copies, there were more than enough optional controllers out there to make a proper Soul Calibur game viable.

You make it sound like a follow up to a millionselling Gamecube game would be hard to pull off on the Wii or not a sound business decision while in fact the exact opposite is the case. You are completely siding with developer ignorance here, but didn't you say once upon a time that you appreciate gaming on the whole? You don't sound like a gamer here, but rather like a corporate shill.

i don't see anything wrong with devs trying out something new if someone wanted classic soul calibur theres the HD twins if they wanted something new theres the wii version

That is not an answer to what I said. What's at work here is your basic dodge routine when your argument falls apart.

dodging what? that the wiimote could be supported? i don't know maybe maybe not it worked with smash bros but that doesn't mean it'd work for soul calibur regardless just like smash bros the classic controller would have been the way to go as i aknowledged here 

"so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts"

yes it could be done but the devs chose to try something new... and i'm saying that devs trying new ideas is something people clamour for in this industry and thats exactly what happened here... so i'll ask you now would you have preffered if devs didn't attempt to utilise the motion on the wii or tried new concepts for games?

.:Dark Prince:. said:
o_O.Q said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

ubisoft is making an exclusive assassin's creed for wii u :

in addition to a brand new ip exclusive to wii u


yup ubisoft does nothing but screw over nintendo gamers... 

Yes, and the Wii got exclusive Soul Calibur, Castlevania, Resident Evil and Dead Space games. Way to prove your point.

And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel.

so therefore now you've aknowledged that developers did indeed throw significant effort behind the wii i must ask whats your point?

the wii could not handle the full soul calibur 4 or assassins creed or... so therefore specialised games were made exclusively for the wii in their place

"And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel."

criticising a game before its been revealed properly... ok

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.

given the controller how would a developer get a conventional form of soul calibur to run on the wii? as a console based on motion controls i guess the devs wanted to utilise the feature which obviously woulodn't have worked for conventional soul calibur... as far assassin's creed i wouldn't call the psp version a "real" version but the original question arises how would devs get assassin's creed to work with motion that is the wii's main feature? and this s without considering the power limitations

1st off, there is NO power limitation, the Wii is much stronger than the PSP. 

2nd, how did Capcom manage to get a fighter to work on the Wii? Soul Calibur could work just like Tatsunoko vs Capcom, use the Classic Controller, or even the GC controller.

And lastly, not every game needs to use motion controls, even though it could work in Assassin's Creed.

1. actually i mean't in comparison to the HD consoles, soul calibur was on the gc and the wii is more powerful you didn't have to go all the way to the psp

2. yes i aknowledge that classic controls could have worked i never said not i actually mean't in a situation where devs are trying to utilise the motion controls 

its funny that people demand that devs try new things in games or games will get stale and boring but when devs actually try it you find people protesting

The sad thing is I expected this to be a joke, I checked the source, and it was true.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:

That is not an answer to what I said. What's at work here is your basic dodge routine when your argument falls apart.

dodging what? that the wiimote could be supported? i don't know maybe maybe not it worked with smash bros but that doesn't mean it'd work for soul calibur regardless just like smash bros the classic controller would have been the way to go as i aknowledged here 

"so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts"

yes it could be done but the devs chose to try something new... and i'm saying that devs trying new ideas is something people clamour for in this industry and thats exactly what happened here... so i'll ask you now would you have preffered if devs didn't attempt to utilise the motion on the wii or tried new concepts for games?

In the case of Soul Calibur, yes, absolutely. And I am certainly not alone in this as it's well established that spinoffs to fighting games tend to turn out catastrophic. You don't need to look any further than Namco's other big fighting IP Tekken. Nina Williams got her own game and it sucked hard, so why would any Soul Calibur fan want to have the same done to SC?

I mean, it's a totally clear cut case here. Soul Calibur Legends or a graphically inferior (compared to the 360/PS3 version), but still great looking Soul Calibur IV. What would you choose?

but this is exactly how new ideas and concepts become successful by trial and error trying something out and succeeding or failling only to change it a bit and try it again

back in the 90s nintendo attempted to release a 3d game device called the virtual boy :


it failed, but now years later nintendo has revised their original idea and implemented it into the 3ds in a different way and examples like this can be found all around in gaming... sure now you may say soul calibur legends was a failure a bad idea etc but i personally commend the devs on having the balls to try something new ( something that as i said before gamers are beginning to demand more and more )


"Soul Calibur Legends or a graphically inferior (compared to the 360/PS3 version), but still great looking Soul Calibur IV. What would you choose?"

as a new wii owner eager to try out the motion controls and hearing that soul calibur has motion for the first time after years of other soul calibur games using the same formula i'd probably be more interested in legends but i do understand your point