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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:

That is not an answer to what I said. What's at work here is your basic dodge routine when your argument falls apart.

dodging what? that the wiimote could be supported? i don't know maybe maybe not it worked with smash bros but that doesn't mean it'd work for soul calibur regardless just like smash bros the classic controller would have been the way to go as i aknowledged here 

"so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts"

yes it could be done but the devs chose to try something new... and i'm saying that devs trying new ideas is something people clamour for in this industry and thats exactly what happened here... so i'll ask you now would you have preffered if devs didn't attempt to utilise the motion on the wii or tried new concepts for games?

In the case of Soul Calibur, yes, absolutely. And I am certainly not alone in this as it's well established that spinoffs to fighting games tend to turn out catastrophic. You don't need to look any further than Namco's other big fighting IP Tekken. Nina Williams got her own game and it sucked hard, so why would any Soul Calibur fan want to have the same done to SC?

I mean, it's a totally clear cut case here. Soul Calibur Legends or a graphically inferior (compared to the 360/PS3 version), but still great looking Soul Calibur IV. What would you choose?

but this is exactly how new ideas and concepts become successful by trial and error trying something out and succeeding or failling only to change it a bit and try it again

back in the 90s nintendo attempted to release a 3d game device called the virtual boy :


it failed, but now years later nintendo has revised their original idea and implemented it into the 3ds in a different way and examples like this can be found all around in gaming... sure now you may say soul calibur legends was a failure a bad idea etc but i personally commend the devs on having the balls to try something new ( something that as i said before gamers are beginning to demand more and more )


"Soul Calibur Legends or a graphically inferior (compared to the 360/PS3 version), but still great looking Soul Calibur IV. What would you choose?"

as a new wii owner eager to try out the motion controls and hearing that soul calibur has motion for the first time after years of other soul calibur games using the same formula i'd probably be more interested in legends but i do understand your point