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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:

Classic Controller support, problem solved.

is a nonstandard controller on the wii meaning that not all wii owners own one but thats not even the main issue the main issue is that the most touted feature of the wii is the controls why is a dev going to disregard them completely in a game for the wii?

Because it makes no sense to use motion controls when they break the game. Nintendo led the way with Super Smash Bros. Brawl and it didn't hurt the sales of the game in any way.

i agree with the breaking the game part for certain... but you must remember that brawl had it as being optional it didn't disregard the motion controls ( the main feature of the wii ) completely obviously that wouldn't ahve worked with a conventional soul caliubur...

so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts or go a different route altogether and look outside the box ( what many gamers fans demand of devs ) for a way to structure soul calibur that allows the motion controls to work

i don't bash them for attempting something new but some people do, oddly enough those same people criticise the lack of originality in games today