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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

i agree with the breaking the game part for certain... but you must remember that brawl had it as being optional it didn't disregard the motion controls ( the main feature of the wii ) completely obviously that wouldn't ahve worked with a conventional soul caliubur...

so devs were met with the decision to either make a conventional soul calibur supporting the classic controller ( which every wii owner does not own ) that would look woefully outdated to its HD console counterparts or go a different route altogether and look outside the box ( what many gamers fans demand of devs ) for a way to structure soul calibur that allows the motion controls to work

i don't bash them for attempting something new but some people do, oddly enough those same people criticise the lack of originality in games today

That would have worked with Soul Calibur too and it wouldn't have required much work. They just needed to think up some Wiimote/Nunchuk setup to support the main controller and the majority of people would have played it with Classic or Gamecube controllers anyway, just like it was with SSBB. And seeing that SSBB sold 10 million copies, there were more than enough optional controllers out there to make a proper Soul Calibur game viable.

You make it sound like a follow up to a millionselling Gamecube game would be hard to pull off on the Wii or not a sound business decision while in fact the exact opposite is the case. You are completely siding with developer ignorance here, but didn't you say once upon a time that you appreciate gaming on the whole? You don't sound like a gamer here, but rather like a corporate shill.

i don't see anything wrong with devs trying out something new if someone wanted classic soul calibur theres the HD twins if they wanted something new theres the wii version