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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii owners continue to fund Ubisoft's HD games


How do you feel about the way Ubisoft does business?

Smart move, Ubisoft. 28 19.31%
I would do the same, if I were in charge. 19 13.10%
Love you, Ubisoft! 7 4.83%
Suck it up, Nintendrones! 24 16.55%
Ubisoft: "Wii screw U." 67 46.21%


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TomaTito said:
oniyide said:
menx64 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
this is GREAT news! more games for us..and some laughter too! :P

that depends... If/once Just dance flops on both PS3 and 360... 

Why would that be funny?? A lot of people expect it to flop on those consoles especially on PS3. Look at it this way, Just Dance is like COD but in reverse, it just shows that what is valued on Wii is different on HDs 

Reverse in what way? If you mean the target audience then I agree, not value. They are both highly targeted games, one mainly for males and the other mainly for females. I don't think the female audience is as big in the HD consoles as it is in the Wii.

oniyide said:

There some games on HDs that simply cant be done on Wii due to limitations, at least not properly. Hell look at Dead Rising for a perfect example. Not saying it was total garbage, but was not close to the original one on 360. Im not saying all of them, but if your making games from the ground up on HDs, most of the time the Wii version will suffer. GTA4 & Just Cause 2 would not be able to be on Wii

If they would have made a Dead Rising game from the ground up it wouldn't have been a disaster. But they decided to re-skin RE4 into DR... that doesn't work. So if you are making games from the ground up on the HDs, you'd do the same for the Wii, not halfass it and blame the audience afterwards.

I meant target audience

I dont disagree with you at all, they could and should have made a DR for the ground up for Wii, I have no issue with that. THats why i find it silly when people want RE5 for Wii, if you want that game get the console its made for. THe energy and time it would take to get it to work on Wii would not be worth it, it would still be inferior to the HD version, now take that energy and time and make an original RE (not rail shooter) and its freaking christmas

oniyide said:

I meant target audience

I dont disagree with you at all, they could and should have made a DR for the ground up for Wii, I have no issue with that. THats why i find it silly when people want RE5 for Wii, if you want that game get the console its made for. THe energy and time it would take to get it to work on Wii would not be worth it, it would still be inferior to the HD version, now take that energy and time and make an original RE (not rail shooter) and its freaking christmas

Okey, I was just wondering :P

DR is a difficult game to port, that's why they should have changed the aesthetic while keeping the gameplay. I'd have welcomed a topdown view zombie infested mayhem, but as seen with GTA people prefer the 3D ones... And those RE5 comments came from the desperation of trials and promises from Capcom, it seemed they didn't want to make a new RE game for Wii, so people would just ask for table scraps, the port - whose time and energy spent on it would have been much less than a ground up prequel/sequel to RE5. It's not the Wii but the 3DS who is getting the latter game.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

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Bloody hell, been a while since I stepped in here, anyway...

I'm not the kind for discussions, but I'm trying really hard to sided with o_O.Q on this topic, but the more I read, the more I'm sided with Rol and I read this from the beginning. Yes, I'm a Wii only user and a Nintendo follower, but that doesn't mean I blatantly follow them (like I used to be). Forgive me for buying the only console I can afford since this gen started (hell, I'm still fighting my arse off to acquire a PS3 atleast).
This situation that the 3-parties make on the Wii is even senseless to me, even if I was able to be a multi-console owner.
I can understand the bussiness model that o_O.Q and the gang are defending. But when I see that being a nuisance in getting more potential and often neglegted profit (what 3-parties are ignoring and even damaging), I say it's about time that it needs some sort of remodelling or I see them as they have gone mad. padib just touched on this.
I commend on 3-parties that made the efforts of making a game for the Wii, but there is a fine line as to make a game playable and one just half-arsing it. How should I praise greater than the other, eh?

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
TomaTito said:
oniyide said:

I meant target audience

I dont disagree with you at all, they could and should have made a DR for the ground up for Wii, I have no issue with that. THats why i find it silly when people want RE5 for Wii, if you want that game get the console its made for. THe energy and time it would take to get it to work on Wii would not be worth it, it would still be inferior to the HD version, now take that energy and time and make an original RE (not rail shooter) and its freaking christmas

Okey, I was just wondering :P

DR is a difficult game to port, that's why they should have changed the aesthetic while keeping the gameplay. I'd have welcomed a topdown view zombie infested mayhem, but as seen with GTA people prefer the 3D ones... And those RE5 comments came from the desperation of trials and promises from Capcom, it seemed they didn't want to make a new RE game for Wii, so people would just ask for table scraps, the port - whose time and energy spent on it would have been much less than a ground up prequel/sequel to RE5. It's not the Wii but the 3DS who is getting the latter game.

I dont agree, the time and money spent on a RE5 for Wii would not have been cheaper than an orginal game and been more profitable. IMHO, THe Wii would have received a weaker port a year later than the HDs. By that time most of the people who wanted the game would have gotten it for 360 or PS3, its not like they didnt know it was coming years in advance. Late ports rarely sell as well as the original game. THe engine for RE5 would not run on Wii, they would have to use RE4's and what would be lost in translation?? Eniemy AI count/intel, NPC partner/ intel, on screen enemies, cinema, no local multi or online multi, maybe some of those things maybe all, but something would be lost, you would be playing RE4 witha 5 skin. They would have to recreate the game from the ground up, thats like making a new game, that very little people would buy anyway, instead of doing that just make a new game, that way all those multiplat owners, yes there are alot of them, would buy it as well.

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It seems that the OP is pissed because Just Dance funds games for HDs, while the Wii gets nothing??? That would be a great argument, if it were true, The fact is that there are more games published by Ubisoft on the Wii than 360 or PS3. 92 for Wii, 72 for 360 50 for PS3 according to there own websites. Now the math shows that the HD are in fact NOT getting all the games that the Wii gets and vice versa. OK, there is a lot of shovelware there, no denying, but there are also quite a few core games on there, Red Steel, NMH, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, TMNT, PoP series.Driver, Rayman, FarCry, Hawx, Ghost Recon, Shaun WHite. Hell, oustide of AC series and Rainbow Six i cant think of any Ubi IP that was on a HD console but did not appear on WIi in any form.
So, i ask what is the problem?? Just Dance funds HD games, It appears they also fund Wii games as well

oniyide said:
It seems that the OP is pissed because Just Dance funds games for HDs, while the Wii gets nothing??? That would be a great argument, if it were true, The fact is that there are more games published by Ubisoft on the Wii than 360 or PS3. 92 for Wii, 72 for 360 50 for PS3 according to there own websites. Now the math shows that the HD are in fact NOT getting all the games that the Wii gets and vice versa. OK, there is a lot of shovelware there, no denying, but there are also quite a few core games on there, Red Steel, NMH, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, TMNT, PoP series.Driver, Rayman, FarCry, Hawx, Ghost Recon, Shaun WHite. Hell, oustide of AC series and Rainbow Six i cant think of any Ubi IP that was on a HD console but did not appear on WIi in any form.
So, i ask what is the problem?? Just Dance funds HD games, It appears they also fund Wii games as well

The thing is, Ubisoft's best work is on the HD consoles, and by "best" work, I mean complete efforts (non-niche, quality, and promotion). Look at the Ubisoft games on the Wii:

  • The first Red Steel, was garbage (and the second didn't get a marketing effort)
  • All of Suda51's games are nice, and don't sell that much, so why would No More Heroes be any different?
  • Splinter Cell, Driver, Far Cry, and Brothers in Arms are last gen ports
  • They turned Rayman into a party game
  • HAWX 2 on the Wii bears little resemblance to the PS3 and 360 versions
While they do use Just Dance to fund a few Wii games, they don't have last gen ports, and shovelware at the forefront of their PS3 and 360 lineups, so 99% of their Just Dance profits more than likely go into HD goodies, while the rest they use to populate the Wii with shovelware, and last gen ports. A similar thing could be said about EA, Activision, and THQ.

IamAwsome said:
oniyide said:
It seems that the OP is pissed because Just Dance funds games for HDs, while the Wii gets nothing??? That would be a great argument, if it were true, The fact is that there are more games published by Ubisoft on the Wii than 360 or PS3. 92 for Wii, 72 for 360 50 for PS3 according to there own websites. Now the math shows that the HD are in fact NOT getting all the games that the Wii gets and vice versa. OK, there is a lot of shovelware there, no denying, but there are also quite a few core games on there, Red Steel, NMH, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, TMNT, PoP series.Driver, Rayman, FarCry, Hawx, Ghost Recon, Shaun WHite. Hell, oustide of AC series and Rainbow Six i cant think of any Ubi IP that was on a HD console but did not appear on WIi in any form.
So, i ask what is the problem?? Just Dance funds HD games, It appears they also fund Wii games as well

The thing is, Ubisoft's best work is on the HD consoles, and by "best" work, I mean complete efforts (non-niche, quality, and promotion). Look at the Ubisoft games on the Wii:


  • The first Red Steel, was garbage (and the second didn't get a marketing effort)
  • All of Suda51's games are nice, and don't sell that much, so why would No More Heroes be any different?
  • Splinter Cell, Driver, Far Cry, and Brothers in Arms are last gen ports
  • They turned Rayman into a party game
  • HAWX 2 on the Wii bears little resemblance to the PS3 and 360 versions
While they do use Just Dance to fund a few Wii games, they don't have last gen ports, and shovelware at the forefront of their PS3 and 360 lineups, so 99% of their Just Dance profits more than likely go into HD goodies, while the rest they use to populate the Wii with shovelware, and last gen ports. A similar thing could be said about EA, Activision, and THQ.


ok, thats true, but whatcha gonna do??? Its not like the majority of the Just Dance fans, give a damn about those other series anyway, so its not like they would be "offended" that the game they are buying is funding another game that they probably never heard of on a system they might not even own. As long as they are getting the next Just Dance they're happy

RolStoppable said:
oniyide said:
It seems that the OP is pissed because Just Dance funds games for HDs, while the Wii gets nothing??? That would be a great argument, if it were true, The fact is that there are more games published by Ubisoft on the Wii than 360 or PS3. 92 for Wii, 72 for 360 50 for PS3 according to there own websites. Now the math shows that the HD are in fact NOT getting all the games that the Wii gets and vice versa. OK, there is a lot of shovelware there, no denying, but there are also quite a few core games on there, Red Steel, NMH, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, TMNT, PoP series.Driver, Rayman, FarCry, Hawx, Ghost Recon, Shaun WHite. Hell, oustide of AC series and Rainbow Six i cant think of any Ubi IP that was on a HD console but did not appear on WIi in any form.
So, i ask what is the problem?? Just Dance funds HD games, It appears they also fund Wii games as well

It has already been made clear that the number of games, i.e. quantity, is absolutely irrelevant for this discussion. It's a quality issue, hence my original argument being that third parties are supposed to make good games instead of what they are actually doing. Being a core game or not is also not the issue, it's about quality. If you followed this thread, then you already know that Soul Calibur Legends is a core game, yet nobody was happy about it.

I'll give you a quick rundown of the games you listed:

Red Steel (mediocre, second game a one trick pony), NMH (not an Ubisoft game), Tenchu (same as NMH), Splinter Cell (rushed port, questionable quality), TMNT (completely lacking content, about 30 % of the characters don't even belong in this universe), PoP (one dirty port and one halfassed original game), Driver (quick port), Rayman (Rabbids = milked spinoff series of varying quality, none of them particularly good), Far Cry (an absolute insult), Hawx (didn't even know it was on Wii which can only mean that it must suck), Ghost Recon (on rails shooter), Shaun White (actually decent).

Overall, it's a list that is nearly exclusively full of fail. Cash-ins everywhere you look aside from a couple exceptions. And that is all that Ubisoft could ever do, out of 90 games only a handful of them are acceptable and none of them deserves to be called great? Is that what you call good support?

You know, if Ubisoft didn't make profits with their Wii games, then I would have no ground to stand on; I would have no right to complain that they spit on the Wii. But not only do they make profits, they use those to make games for other systems while the Wii continues to get halfassed efforts. That IS the problem.

OK, i could see where your coming from, but my next question would be, If these games are so terrible, HOW are they making money??? Someone has to be buying them. Just Dance alone can't be that profitable. Actually it is kind of scary, they are able to do half assed games on WIi and still make a profit, is it any wonder why they are not trying?? They are a business, and if your getting money for not even trying then why would you try?? Im not saying i condone this, I dont, but that might be their thinking.

RolStoppable said:

The purpose of a business is not to make money. The purpose of a business is to make customers.

I thought it was both