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Bloody hell, been a while since I stepped in here, anyway...

I'm not the kind for discussions, but I'm trying really hard to sided with o_O.Q on this topic, but the more I read, the more I'm sided with Rol and I read this from the beginning. Yes, I'm a Wii only user and a Nintendo follower, but that doesn't mean I blatantly follow them (like I used to be). Forgive me for buying the only console I can afford since this gen started (hell, I'm still fighting my arse off to acquire a PS3 atleast).
This situation that the 3-parties make on the Wii is even senseless to me, even if I was able to be a multi-console owner.
I can understand the bussiness model that o_O.Q and the gang are defending. But when I see that being a nuisance in getting more potential and often neglegted profit (what 3-parties are ignoring and even damaging), I say it's about time that it needs some sort of remodelling or I see them as they have gone mad. padib just touched on this.
I commend on 3-parties that made the efforts of making a game for the Wii, but there is a fine line as to make a game playable and one just half-arsing it. How should I praise greater than the other, eh?

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!