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IamAwsome said:
oniyide said:
It seems that the OP is pissed because Just Dance funds games for HDs, while the Wii gets nothing??? That would be a great argument, if it were true, The fact is that there are more games published by Ubisoft on the Wii than 360 or PS3. 92 for Wii, 72 for 360 50 for PS3 according to there own websites. Now the math shows that the HD are in fact NOT getting all the games that the Wii gets and vice versa. OK, there is a lot of shovelware there, no denying, but there are also quite a few core games on there, Red Steel, NMH, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, TMNT, PoP series.Driver, Rayman, FarCry, Hawx, Ghost Recon, Shaun WHite. Hell, oustide of AC series and Rainbow Six i cant think of any Ubi IP that was on a HD console but did not appear on WIi in any form.
So, i ask what is the problem?? Just Dance funds HD games, It appears they also fund Wii games as well

The thing is, Ubisoft's best work is on the HD consoles, and by "best" work, I mean complete efforts (non-niche, quality, and promotion). Look at the Ubisoft games on the Wii:


  • The first Red Steel, was garbage (and the second didn't get a marketing effort)
  • All of Suda51's games are nice, and don't sell that much, so why would No More Heroes be any different?
  • Splinter Cell, Driver, Far Cry, and Brothers in Arms are last gen ports
  • They turned Rayman into a party game
  • HAWX 2 on the Wii bears little resemblance to the PS3 and 360 versions
While they do use Just Dance to fund a few Wii games, they don't have last gen ports, and shovelware at the forefront of their PS3 and 360 lineups, so 99% of their Just Dance profits more than likely go into HD goodies, while the rest they use to populate the Wii with shovelware, and last gen ports. A similar thing could be said about EA, Activision, and THQ.


ok, thats true, but whatcha gonna do??? Its not like the majority of the Just Dance fans, give a damn about those other series anyway, so its not like they would be "offended" that the game they are buying is funding another game that they probably never heard of on a system they might not even own. As long as they are getting the next Just Dance they're happy