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TomaTito said:
oniyide said:

I meant target audience

I dont disagree with you at all, they could and should have made a DR for the ground up for Wii, I have no issue with that. THats why i find it silly when people want RE5 for Wii, if you want that game get the console its made for. THe energy and time it would take to get it to work on Wii would not be worth it, it would still be inferior to the HD version, now take that energy and time and make an original RE (not rail shooter) and its freaking christmas

Okey, I was just wondering :P

DR is a difficult game to port, that's why they should have changed the aesthetic while keeping the gameplay. I'd have welcomed a topdown view zombie infested mayhem, but as seen with GTA people prefer the 3D ones... And those RE5 comments came from the desperation of trials and promises from Capcom, it seemed they didn't want to make a new RE game for Wii, so people would just ask for table scraps, the port - whose time and energy spent on it would have been much less than a ground up prequel/sequel to RE5. It's not the Wii but the 3DS who is getting the latter game.

I dont agree, the time and money spent on a RE5 for Wii would not have been cheaper than an orginal game and been more profitable. IMHO, THe Wii would have received a weaker port a year later than the HDs. By that time most of the people who wanted the game would have gotten it for 360 or PS3, its not like they didnt know it was coming years in advance. Late ports rarely sell as well as the original game. THe engine for RE5 would not run on Wii, they would have to use RE4's and what would be lost in translation?? Eniemy AI count/intel, NPC partner/ intel, on screen enemies, cinema, no local multi or online multi, maybe some of those things maybe all, but something would be lost, you would be playing RE4 witha 5 skin. They would have to recreate the game from the ground up, thats like making a new game, that very little people would buy anyway, instead of doing that just make a new game, that way all those multiplat owners, yes there are alot of them, would buy it as well.