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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Just got me a Nintendo 64 (woot!), recommend me some games.

homer said:
thetonestarr said:
homer said:
thetonestarr said:
homer said:
I hope you get caught and they stick you under the jail for your blatant illegal activity!
On a totally unrelated note, if I reported you to the mods, would they ban you for admitting to piracy, or is that not against the ToS?

Grow up.

Gain morals.

I never said I wasn't against piracy. Except I'm not going to go around trying to get someone banned from a website because I don't like what they do and they admit they do it. Is his piracy hurting you? Is it making your experience on this site drastically worse because he admits to doing so? Again, grow up. He's not doing anything to make things worse for you

To be honest, that is a piss poor excuse. "Is his piracy hurting you?" No its not, but it is wrong morally and legally. Its nice to see people who are so eager to turn a blind eye to injustice when it does not affect you. I wish there were less people who believed like you.

I wish there were fewer people out there that try to hurt people just because they're doing something that they don't like that isn't even hurting anybody.

You're trying to pull a morality card here, but how moral are YOUR actions? You're trying to go out of your way to attack someone for an action that's not damaging anything. Do you go out on the road and ram into other peoples' cars when they pull out in front of you, because they're running a stop sign or light? That's the same kind of action. Knock it off.


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thetonestarr said:
homer said:
thetonestarr said:

I never said I wasn't against piracy. Except I'm not going to go around trying to get someone banned from a website because I don't like what they do and they admit they do it. Is his piracy hurting you? Is it making your experience on this site drastically worse because he admits to doing so? Again, grow up. He's not doing anything to make things worse for you

To be honest, that is a piss poor excuse. "Is his piracy hurting you?" No its not, but it is wrong morally and legally. Its nice to see people who are so eager to turn a blind eye to injustice when it does not affect you. I wish there were less people who believed like you.

I wish there were fewer people out there that try to hurt people just because they're doing something that they don't like that isn't even hurting anybody.

You're trying to pull a morality card here, but how moral are YOUR actions? You're trying to go out of your way to attack someone for an action that's not damaging anything. Do you go out on the road and ram into other peoples' cars when they pull out in front of you, because they're running a stop sign or light? That's the same kind of action. Knock it off.

Wow. Yet another piss poor excuse. Seriously, how can you condone his actions? It's clear that you honestly don't care if someone does something blatantly illegal in front of you. What he is doing is wrong, and you are trying to stick up for his illegal activity, which makes you just as bad as him in my eyes. Just because it does not affect me, does not mean that I (or anyone else) should not stick up for what is right.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

It's people like the OP, that use illegal emulators to play games that are no longer in production on a system that died a decade ago, that are killing the industry. You missed out on that era. Wait for the re-release like everybody else!

d21lewis said:
It's people like the OP, that use illegal emulators to play games that are no longer in production on a system that died a decade ago, that are killing the industry. You missed out on that era. Wait for the re-release like everybody else!

It's you, the people that buy re-releases that kill the industry!

non-gravity said:
d21lewis said:
It's people like the OP, that use illegal emulators to play games that are no longer in production on a system that died a decade ago, that are killing the industry. You missed out on that era. Wait for the re-release like everybody else!

It's you, the people that buy re-releases that kill the industry!

No to mention that I bought the new "Industry Killer 38" handgun.....for protection, of course.

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Homer, your argument is 100% invalid in every single way until the day you prove you never exceed the speed limit even by one MPH, or have never ever downloaded a song off the Internet without the artist/record label's approval, or have never stuck a tape in your VCR to keep something available from TV for the future, or have never watched content on Youtube that wasn't uploaded legally.


d21lewis said:
It's people like the OP, that use illegal emulators to play games that are no longer in production on a system that died a decade ago, that are killing the industry. You missed out on that era. Wait for the re-release like everybody else!

The other blatantly obvious problem with Homer's ridiculous high-horse morality.


Like many here have already stated, CONKERS BAD FUR DAY!, best game on the n64.


Homer, you are so right. You've enlightened me to my evil ways. I'm dealing a tremendous blow to Nintendo, developers, and the gaming industry in general. If people like me didn't exist, the gaming industry would be in a much better position. Because what I'm doing is very impactful. I'm going to go confess to the police right now. I wonder what they'll do to me. I wonder if they'll care. I bet Nintendo and developers are really upset with my actions. Stealing games from the past decade that could be making profit and putting food on someone's tablle.

Seriously though, FUCK OFF! Nobody gives a shit. Not even Nintendo. You really think they care about the N64 right now?

I always thought I hated you. Now you just proved it

Anyways, thanks everyone else.

homer said:
thetonestarr said:
homer said:
thetonestarr said:

I never said I wasn't against piracy. Except I'm not going to go around trying to get someone banned from a website because I don't like what they do and they admit they do it. Is his piracy hurting you? Is it making your experience on this site drastically worse because he admits to doing so? Again, grow up. He's not doing anything to make things worse for you

To be honest, that is a piss poor excuse. "Is his piracy hurting you?" No its not, but it is wrong morally and legally. Its nice to see people who are so eager to turn a blind eye to injustice when it does not affect you. I wish there were less people who believed like you.

I wish there were fewer people out there that try to hurt people just because they're doing something that they don't like that isn't even hurting anybody.

You're trying to pull a morality card here, but how moral are YOUR actions? You're trying to go out of your way to attack someone for an action that's not damaging anything. Do you go out on the road and ram into other peoples' cars when they pull out in front of you, because they're running a stop sign or light? That's the same kind of action. Knock it off.

Wow. Yet another piss poor excuse. Seriously, how can you condone his actions? It's clear that you honestly don't care if someone does something blatantly illegal in front of you. What he is doing is wrong, and you are trying to stick up for his illegal activity, which makes you just as bad as him in my eyes. Just because it does not affect me, does not mean that I (or anyone else) should not stick up for what is right.

Guys, just please stop it.  If you don't like piracy, just don't continue to bump this thread.  If we see something they're not supposed to be doing here, we'll put a stop to it.  Otherwise, save the piracy argument for another thread and let this thread be a testament to how great the N64 is instead.

Jay520, do not tell other members to fuck off.  If you have a problem with them report them and be done with it.

Jay520 said:
Homer, you are so right. You've enlightened me to my evil ways. I'm dealing a tremendous blow to Nintendo, developers, and the gaming industry in general. If people like me didn't exist, the gaming industry would be in a much better position. Because what I'm doing is very impactful. I'm going to go confess to the police right now. I wonder what they'll do to me. I wonder if they'll care. I bet Nintendo and developers are really upset with my actions. Stealing games from the past decade that could be making profit and putting food on someone's tablle.

Of course you are a bad boy. You have to go to Nintendo, tell them to make a new N64 and put the games you want in a cartridge. But no! You are lazy...and bad.

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