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homer said:
thetonestarr said:
homer said:
thetonestarr said:
homer said:
I hope you get caught and they stick you under the jail for your blatant illegal activity!
On a totally unrelated note, if I reported you to the mods, would they ban you for admitting to piracy, or is that not against the ToS?

Grow up.

Gain morals.

I never said I wasn't against piracy. Except I'm not going to go around trying to get someone banned from a website because I don't like what they do and they admit they do it. Is his piracy hurting you? Is it making your experience on this site drastically worse because he admits to doing so? Again, grow up. He's not doing anything to make things worse for you

To be honest, that is a piss poor excuse. "Is his piracy hurting you?" No its not, but it is wrong morally and legally. Its nice to see people who are so eager to turn a blind eye to injustice when it does not affect you. I wish there were less people who believed like you.

I wish there were fewer people out there that try to hurt people just because they're doing something that they don't like that isn't even hurting anybody.

You're trying to pull a morality card here, but how moral are YOUR actions? You're trying to go out of your way to attack someone for an action that's not damaging anything. Do you go out on the road and ram into other peoples' cars when they pull out in front of you, because they're running a stop sign or light? That's the same kind of action. Knock it off.
