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Forums - General Discussion - Why do we exist,GOD or BIG BANG theory?


Who created everything?

GOD 184 41.82%
BIG BANG 251 57.05%
sapphi_snake said:
snakenobi said:

now this is called being ignorant.

its not that he is being secretive about it,its just that our soceity's formed that every ignores it

people would have to reinvent the wheel as the few people surviving wouldn't have the resources to build the world like its today and the next generation would carry forward the info but have totally new thinking

i do see the difference,according to our soceity science is the correct way but it still hasn't proved everything.we debate on current day info not future info when anything could  happen.

religion is not correct most of the time but i would only be able to fully say that when i would have known high authorities,its the same thing like the high classified shit going on in labs around the world and alien knowledge of area 51 which we don't know about.

*sigh* You of all people should not be using the word "ignorant" so liberally.

i am not.its just that you think when you haven't even been there to know everything about it.

its like people thought only birds could fly back in the day but when people built planes,then they changed their mind

what you are saying is correct,i totally agree but we have to once atleast know it from inside out

we are just speculating about relgion in the same way we are speculate about big bang,just assumption by our current day mindset

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Zkuq said:
dany612 said:

Look at life and how perfectly the cycle works. Look at the Universe. Everything happens in a constant cycle. Why did evolution lead to our human existence? Why were plants created and animals created the way they are? There is a God, but we can never know just how as our knowledge is limited and the cycle is perfection. Why are humans able to manipulate data, to create? We are also given the power to question this and our existence. 

Do you know how evolution works? If you know, then you should also know why it 'led' to humans. What makes you think animals and plants were created? And if they were created, what makes you think they were created the way they are? Didn't you just ask a question about evolution? Do you even believe in evolution if you have to ask such questions? And once more, do you know how evolution works?

hehe I know how evolution works. I was questioning why evolution took the path it took that lead to us, for all we know evolution could have gone a different direction. Us being individuals who can far outdo other animals.



dany612 said:
Zkuq said:
dany612 said:

Look at life and how perfectly the cycle works. Look at the Universe. Everything happens in a constant cycle. Why did evolution lead to our human existence? Why were plants created and animals created the way they are? There is a God, but we can never know just how as our knowledge is limited and the cycle is perfection. Why are humans able to manipulate data, to create? We are also given the power to question this and our existence. 

Do you know how evolution works? If you know, then you should also know why it 'led' to humans. What makes you think animals and plants were created? And if they were created, what makes you think they were created the way they are? Didn't you just ask a question about evolution? Do you even believe in evolution if you have to ask such questions? And once more, do you know how evolution works?

hehe I know how evolution works. I was questioning why evolution took the path it took that lead to us, for all we know evolution could have gone a different direction. Us being individuals who can far outdo other animals.

There was an ecological niche for an animal with high intelligence. Humans exploited it.

Player1x3 said:

Runa216 said:


and no, I said that faith is believing in something without adequate (or no) supporting evidence.  stop twisting my words, no wonder it's so hard to argue with those of faith. 

Read again. its really not hard to understand.

In your replay to that american guy Kazs206, you said ''Faith is to believe something regardless of the facts, or lack thereof'' To believe in something regardless of the facts indicates that you meant faith is something you believe in despite the facts showing otherwise. I noted you also said, lack therof, which is why I used ''You seem'' I didnt said you directly said it, but rather it seemed you drift towards the tought

*eyetwitch*  just stop it, seriously.  Lack of disproof is not proof.  not going up doesn't mean you're going down.  Believing in something in regardless of the facts is not the same as believing in something that's been proven wrong.  They are not the same thing and stop assuming they are.  

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dany612 said:
Zkuq said:
dany612 said:

Look at life and how perfectly the cycle works. Look at the Universe. Everything happens in a constant cycle. Why did evolution lead to our human existence? Why were plants created and animals created the way they are? There is a God, but we can never know just how as our knowledge is limited and the cycle is perfection. Why are humans able to manipulate data, to create? We are also given the power to question this and our existence. 

Do you know how evolution works? If you know, then you should also know why it 'led' to humans. What makes you think animals and plants were created? And if they were created, what makes you think they were created the way they are? Didn't you just ask a question about evolution? Do you even believe in evolution if you have to ask such questions? And once more, do you know how evolution works?

hehe I know how evolution works. I was questioning why evolution took the path it took that lead to us, for all we know evolution could have gone a different direction. Us being individuals who can far outdo other animals.

Well, unless you can provice a reason why evolution would not have taken this path, there's no point in thinking there's a higher power behind this outcome. Things could have been different and maybe somewhere else in the universe they are but right here, right now, things are the way they are. I don't find intelligent life forms to be too hard to believe to evolve on their own: After all, intelligence is a feature that makes survival easier. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

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I've personally had too much spiritual experience to even doubt whether God and spirits exist. In fact, one could try to convince me that I'm serving the wrong God, but convincing me that there's no spirit world would be as hard as convincing me that I don't exist. He could have used a BIG BANG to create the universe, or not. I could write a long post to try to preach to you about what I believe, but as Richardhutnik said, game forums are usually bad for things like this. I suggest you discuss with people around you. If you came here because you don't want to discuss this with people that know you, then bring up the topic when you make a new friend at the mall or something." type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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my ass exploded, then there came the universe. I'm not joking, you are all just accidents. seriously though, I can see stuff, so what?

Kasz216 said:
You'd actually be quite surprised.  If you've ever been around the scientific journal system or in general study the "evolution" of science... which is better called a "revolution" of science.

Not saying it's as much faith as... well faith...

but faith actually plays a MUCH bigger roll in science then we'd wish.

It's been that way ever since we monetized science.  Well, even before then... but the monteization of it has made it even more faith based since it's livelyhood based.

I mean, in reality, when new theories come out, they get popular... mostly because the young scientists entering the field and taking classes become fans of the theory and acknowledge it.

While the older scientists generally stick to their own theories and go out of their way to discredit it, even when it can no longer be discredited.

Or even really, just scientists who don't want to believe they've been wrong for the last 10-20 years etc.

Agree. Like one guy said: "Science advances one funeral at a time"

But that is the beauty of science. While it can be wrong about particular things (ether? phlogistons? pfffh!) and relies on faulty humans with their weaknesses it still manages to give us a systematic way it improve our knowledge. to paraphrase Churchill:

science is the worst form of acquiring knowledge... except for all others.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


Jay520 said:
So if there is no higher power, does that make humans God, since we have the most control in the Universe? But that wouldn't make us a God because humans are not eternal..... I don't know

Your assumption is that there must be such a thing as a god. To push it to the absurd: If there is no higher power and humans kill themselves off with nuclear devices so that only coackroaches remain, would cockroaches be god?

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


Player1x3 said:
I keep asking you, what is this ''proof'' that doesnt allow one to have faith in God. You seem to act like there is some divine reason and proof that makes all faith in God irrelevant. Keep in mind that absence of proof is no proof of absence. You also seem to think that faith is belief in something that is wrong based on evidence, when every person even slighlty educated will tell you that faith is when you believe in something you do not know based on evidence exists/will happen, but something inside you tells you so. And you'd be suprized how big of a role faith plays in modern science

He doesn't claim that it is impossible, only that it is irrational.

Bolded: Faith it the belief in something in the absence of evidence. It can include belief in something in the presence of contrary evidence (like young earth creationists) but not all faith is like that.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"