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Player1x3 said:

Runa216 said:


and no, I said that faith is believing in something without adequate (or no) supporting evidence.  stop twisting my words, no wonder it's so hard to argue with those of faith. 

Read again. its really not hard to understand.

In your replay to that american guy Kazs206, you said ''Faith is to believe something regardless of the facts, or lack thereof'' To believe in something regardless of the facts indicates that you meant faith is something you believe in despite the facts showing otherwise. I noted you also said, lack therof, which is why I used ''You seem'' I didnt said you directly said it, but rather it seemed you drift towards the tought

*eyetwitch*  just stop it, seriously.  Lack of disproof is not proof.  not going up doesn't mean you're going down.  Believing in something in regardless of the facts is not the same as believing in something that's been proven wrong.  They are not the same thing and stop assuming they are.  

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