I'm not sure whether to admire how much NoA doesn't give a fuck, or be appalled by it.
I'm not sure whether to admire how much NoA doesn't give a fuck, or be appalled by it.
Can't say I'm surprised..... I'll probably end up importing them and modding my wii.
badgenome said: I'm not sure whether to admire how much NoA doesn't give a fuck, or be appalled by it. |
A little of both, really. It's part of what makes Nintendo so peculiar (that they are simultaneously the industry pioneer and the industry dinosaur), and this puts them more firmly on the dinosaur side of the line, since they never did anything meaningful like PlayStations Qore or created a figure like Major Nelson, and they just don't engage the media that well period, which is why e3 is so much more critical for Nintendo (because its the only time of year they ever actually say anything, whereas the others put actual stock in TGS and GamesCom), but it does take some big balls to be that lazy...
Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.
^They're not afraid, they are probably too tied up with 3DS and Wii U, perhaps due to mismanagement. They know they could make a small profit on theses games, but they feel it would be a waste of human resources they currently need in order to face bigger challenges, like supporting 2 new consoles, and perhaps also building better ties with 3rd parties in America,
If anything, I'd say they are afraid of losing out next gen, and are putting all their strength behind starting it the best way they possibly can. They might call this 'being disruptive', and I'll hand it to them that cutting support to their products prematurely, and not releasing any games is certainly a disruptive move
They're essentially killing themselves before any competitor has the chance to, kind of like a Ninja committing Sepuku so his secrets aren't revealed to his enemy. It's a ballzy move as any other they have made, and I hope their audience makes them pay for it, but it's not an unprecedented one.
Think about Microsoft's release model for Windows up until XP: ship a product that over-promises and under-performs, so you can convince the audience that the flaws will be fixed in the next major release. It's no wonder people were unwilling to upgrade to Vista, they had no reason to since XP did everything it promised, and did it well. Peter Molyneux games also follow a similar pattern, as I'm sure many other products do.
I think this was a lesson learned back in the 40s-50s by the automotive industry: if your products are too successful and too well-made, it's detrimental to the company's bottom line in the long run... Such is the world we live in, apparently.
Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!
Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US
mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?
Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club
When I think about it, isn't that comment quite encouraging? I remember NoE saying something in the line of "we never say never" earlier this year regarding The Last Story and that they had no plans to localise it, and everyone took that as confirmation fo TLS not coming to Europe.
TLS is now confirmed for Europe!
Don't get your hopes up though. "never say never" has a totally different meaning when it comes to NoA.
forest-spirit said: When I think about it, isn't that comment quite encouraging? I remember NoE saying something in the line of "we never say never" earlier this year regarding The Last Story and that they had no plans to localise it, and everyone took that as confirmation fo TLS not coming to Europe. TLS is now confirmed for Europe! ![]() Don't get your hopes up though. "never say never" has a totally different meaning when it comes to NoA. ![]() |
I'd actually call it discouraging because previously PR response for Monado/Xenoblade had always been that it would release in NA and that has since been changed to no plans. So it's actually gotten worse.
Torillian said:
I know, and that's why I added the last part.
It still could come out, just no time soon. I dont know why people are shocked, some of you were swearing up and down we would see these games in NA this year and even summer months. That was never gonna happen, It takes time to translate and if they had at first said there were not plans right now (when TLS came out in Japan) that means they hadnt even started the process. And no way in hell were they going to put these up to get killed by Zelda and Mario in the winter months. Im thinking Spring/SUmmer of next year or not at all
this sucks. all that for nothing. i agree with Rol, but instead of just kicking his ass fire him. fire reggie and get somebody more competent in there.