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Forums - General Discussion - UPDATE Man Faces Minimum 1 Year in Prison for Bringing Manga to Canada On His Laptop

Galaki said:
sapphi_snake said:

When everyone is arguing against you, the probability that you're wrong is very high.

From personal experience, I've learned that this is not always the case. Depends who the people arguing against you are. Considering their identities, I'm not worried.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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shuraiya said:

This is the very distinction I was trying to make; you are viewing all pedophiles in a worst-case senario. Everyone may agree that pedophilia is disgusting, depraved, or even sinful, but what we must not forget is that it isn't a crime. Pedophiles choose whether of not to act on their desires. Those that do end up justifying their crime in the manner you described above: people reach full sexual maturity at the age of 5. This extreme view is not characteristic of all pedophiles, but merely of those make the decision to act on their desires and then attempt to avoid punishment through desperate rationalization.

On the point of animated child pornography, we will have to agree to disagree. There are two sides to the arguement. The other side is of the belief that it can provide a means of satisfying most of the pedophiles urges--urges that would be directed at real children--thus reducing the chances of criminal behavior. It could even be further argued that outlawing such material outright could lead to an increase in cases of child molestation by pedophiles.

I think that this is debatable, and I wish a real psychiatrist (if such an individual is among us) would further elaborate. Paedophilia is considered a mental illness. If it were something so easily controlable, then it wouldn't really be a problem.

Here's an interesting artcile regarding the profile of a pedophile:

Pedophiles usually come to medical or legal attention by committing an act against a child because most do not find their sexual fantasies distressing or ego-dystonic enough to voluntarily seek treatment.

I'm pretty sure this itself is reason enough to send individuals like this guy to a psychiatrist.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"



To add to this, not everyone who is a pedophile sexually abuses children. That's where you're missing the point. DO FPSes claim a 100% conversion rate to mass murderers? How about we get rid of those, too?

Apples and oranges.

Is that the same for rapists? Do rapists commit crimes and then when caught say "Whoops. I didn't know I was doing wrong!"?

"Rape" is an act. Paedophiles who sexually abuse children are also "rapists". Your action can't really be answered, as rapists are not a homogenous group. The term "rapist" doesn't say anything about the psychology of the individual, only that said individual raped someone.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Potable_Toe said:

sapphi_snake said:


Is a rapist not just as "insane" as a paedophile? Is anyone who watches rape-porn insane?

Not really, unless the rapist has dellusional thoughts. The problem is that you're only thinking of the act itself, and not the motivation behind said act.

For example two people can shoot someone. One of them shot his father because he wanted to inherit his money. The other shot an old lady on the street because a voice in his head told him she was the antichrist. Which one of them is the crazy one? I think it's obvious.

The person watching rape-porn isn't really insane, unless they cannot distinguish reality from fiction.



And that is the crux of the argument pretty much, this alone disagrees with and disproves your whole argument because the fact is the vast majority of people who would ever view such material (I would like to say all but there really are some properly disturbed people out there) are perfectly capable of distinguishing manga/anime/cartoons/games from reality, no matter what they depict. Your entire point is that this isn't the case and that ultimately they are mentally fucked up.

I'm talking about lolicon, not about manga in general.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Most manga chicks are Highschoolers, 16-17... so anytime you have a daring pic on a signature, you downloaded child port to your comp....

Also some manga have nude scenes that just pop out of nowhere... Ubel Blatt being a good example... the thing is a bout a swordmaster who comes back for vengence after his body was mutilated and he came back to life by transforming into a faery... so he's now a kid..... and in the 10 first volumes, that kid has relations with grown ups at least twice... one of which is "payment"... so really unnecessary to the story.
What is wrong here is the portrayal of the guy as a young character, yet the reader knows it's an adult... But the custom officer will only see the immage and think "that's a child"....

Moreover, where does "child" start and end? I know a good many women in thier 20ies that could easily pass for 15 year olds...


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sapphi_snake said:
Potable_Toe said:

sapphi_snake said:


Is a rapist not just as "insane" as a paedophile? Is anyone who watches rape-porn insane?

Not really, unless the rapist has dellusional thoughts. The problem is that you're only thinking of the act itself, and not the motivation behind said act.

For example two people can shoot someone. One of them shot his father because he wanted to inherit his money. The other shot an old lady on the street because a voice in his head told him she was the antichrist. Which one of them is the crazy one? I think it's obvious.

The person watching rape-porn isn't really insane, unless they cannot distinguish reality from fiction.



And that is the crux of the argument pretty much, this alone disagrees with and disproves your whole argument because the fact is the vast majority of people who would ever view such material (I would like to say all but there really are some properly disturbed people out there) are perfectly capable of distinguishing manga/anime/cartoons/games from reality, no matter what they depict. Your entire point is that this isn't the case and that ultimately they are mentally fucked up.

I'm talking about lolicon, not about manga in general.

The argument is the same though, and in this context it is about 'lolicon' in manga i.e. drawings and fictional depictions that many people may or may not agree with but that isn't the point... the point is your own argument of "unless they cannot distinguish reality from fiction" ultimately ends all debate, or atleast should, as all but the most mentally incapable would not be able to see it as anything but a drawing.

shuraiya said:
brendude13 said:
shuraiya said:

This is the very distinction I was trying to make; you are viewing all pedophiles in a worst-case senario. Everyone may agree that pedophilia is disgusting, depraved, or even sinful, but what we must not forget is that it isn't a crime. Pedophiles choose whether of not to act on their desires. Those that do end up justifying their crime in the manner you described above: people reach full sexual maturity at the age of 5. This extreme view is not characteristic of all pedophiles, but merely of those make the decision to act on their desires and then attempt to avoid punishment through desperate rationalization.

On the point of animated child pornography, we will have to agree to disagree. There are two sides to the arguement. The other side is of the belief that it can provide a means of satisfying most of the pedophiles urges--urges that would be directed at real children--thus reducing the chances of criminal behavior. It could even be further argued that outlawing such material outright could lead to an increase in cases of child molestation by pedophiles.

What exactly do you mean by that, are you sure you didn't mean 15?

It should be, but I was directly quoting sapphi_snake to use it as an example of how justification usually comes after the crime has been commited, or at least the decision to commit the crime made.

Oh I see what you mean, got a little confused there.

Man, that's stupid.

Above: still the best game of the year.

sapphi_snake said:


To add to this, not everyone who is a pedophile sexually abuses children. That's where you're missing the point. DO FPSes claim a 100% conversion rate to mass murderers? How about we get rid of those, too?

Apples and oranges.

No, it's really not. You're speaking in the equivalent that playing GTA would turn people into murderers. You can't just say rules apply to one group and not the other just to justify your stance. That's blantant ignorance right there.

sapphi_snake said:

Is that the same for rapists? Do rapists commit crimes and then when caught say "Whoops. I didn't know I was doing wrong!"?

"Rape" is an act. Paedophiles who sexually abuse children are also "rapists". Your action can't really be answered, as rapists are not a homogenous group. The term "rapist" doesn't say anything about the psychology of the individual, only that said individual raped someone.

Yes, and the only threatening pedophiles out there are the ones who DO commit the abuse, not the entire community of pedophiles. Stop outcasting an entire group based on the bad ones within the group.

Do you really care what someone THINKS as opposed to what someone DOES? Do you really think that people's thoughts should be policed, because your argument is treading in that very direction.

sapphi_snake said:


Also, you claim paedophiles are "insane" and, furthermore, that anyone being turned on by paedophilic material is a paedophile, but it's not that simple. Please don't take this as to mean I'm ok with it, but it's true that paedophilia is the big taboo of today's society.

Paedophilia is considered a mental illness, and if you read the typical profile of a paedophile, it's pretty hard to not consider them insane. I mean, it's not any different than a schizophrenic, or someone who hears voices.

Is a rapist not just as "insane" as a paedophile? Is anyone who watches rape-porn insane?

Not really, unless the rapist has dellusional thoughts. The problem is that you're only thinking of the act itself, and not the motivation behind said act.

For example two people can shoot someone. One of them shot his father because he wanted to inherit his money. The other shot an old lady on the street because a voice in his head told him she was the antichrist. Which one of them is the crazy one? I think it's obvious.

The person watching rape-porn isn't really insane, unless they cannot distinguish reality from fiction.

But, more importantly, take a 13 year old girl. If an adult has sex with her, it's paedophilia. Ok. But is it if he just has any sort of attraction to her? According to you, yes it is. Then again, there are plenty of girls around that age that most grown men would actually find attractive, even if most would never ever admit to it, because it's a such a huge taboo. Are all these men secretly insane then?

There are lot's of pretty normal, even natural, reasons someone could like these things to different degrees.

The problem with your example is that it really wouldn't be paedophilia in any case (not to mention that paedophilia is a quality of the paedophile, it's not an actual act; the act is called child molestation). Paedophilia means finding pre-pubescent children attractive. Most 13-year-old girls are already going through puberty, and a girl I went to school with at that age looked like she was in her late teens or early 20s. It really wouldn't be paedophilia, unless she were severly underdeveloped and loked like an infant. Replace "13-year-old girl" with "6 year-old-girl" and now we're talking. That's paedophilia. I doubt you can find any excuses for that!

Oh, sorry, I was under the impression what you said applied to any non-adult person, so I see that part of my post really has nothing to do with what you said. But all we know from the OP is he was arrested for child porn in manga form. I though any minor would classify as child porn.

Still, I understand that the profile of these people who rape children would be mentally ill, but can that be generalised to anyone being turned on by the fantasy of it? What's the ratio between just enjoying fictional porn of the kind and actually abusing children? There doesn't seem to be a correlation between the two in different cultures according to statistics shown here. Now I'm the first to say this kind of "analisys" is not very conclusive, but it certainly doesn't seem to hint at your assumption.