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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does my prediction of the PSVita outselling the 3DS sound crazy now?

kowenicki said:
mhsillen said:
i can't say for sure, how crazy your prediction is cause it's likely true. PS3 was able it pull its ass in front of it looking (in my estimates) to finally out sell the 360 by yr.'s end 2013!

hey there's a crazy notion right their i think lol!

But you could compare the PS3 to the wii and find the sales gap might be to much.  Plus the nintendo franchises a

hmmmmmmmmm were you here in (2008 i know) 2010 when i made a post in a thread detailing how and when PS3 would outsell the Wii by the yr. 2016? or 2020, i can't really remember. well somebody else detailed my thought's but not accurately.

the final numbers were Wii 118-120m, and PS3 124/125m. i even sent Kow a message about it back then cause he asked me to post how it would be done. i also sent him a message reminding him about it, but he didn't remember it lol.

But the one thing about me is, i've always adjusted my numbers/findings over the past 2 yr.'s, before the patterns themselves changed. it's like a 3rd sight i guess you can say, and it seems everyone on vgc has one.

right now i can see all 7th gen. consoles settling around 105m, with PS3 and 360 staying on the market the longest, but MS will want to push nextbox next more so then 360, so in the end the PS3 will out last the other 7th gen. consoles.

the beauty is i don't have to be right. it's not a prediction, just analysis. i'm still over 90% with my predictions and analysis, but that doesn't matter, and i don't make many.

but yea, you can look at it like that, but it will only hold true if Wii doesn't continue it's led brick path, and PS3 stabilizes at a reasonable sales path over the course of it's life. in the end PS3 just ma win this war, but most of us won't care. it will likely receive some mention, but that's about it.

yea right lol!!! when it happens, watch the shit storm!!!!! 

this was your prediciton... was in a message... 


RE: the break down. i don't mind?

from MARCUSDJACKSON, to kowenicki on 26 May 2010 (Delete Message)

some expect PS3 selles to increase by 2m again next yr. i can do all sorts of analysis. even if it dosesn't turn out this way, PS3 sells will still be around 110-115 by 2016? now with that being said. here goes. i realy wasn't prepared.


2010 45m average gamer prediction for this site for PS3 yr end sells

2011 17m                               yr. end sells 62

2012 19m                               yr. end sells 81  (my personal predictions don't include 2013)

2013 15m (original was 20m) yr. end sells 96m

2014 14m                               yr. end sells 110m

2015 9m                                 yr. end sells 119m

2016 5m                                 yr. end sells 124m

i know theres not a big drop off, but this is still based on what alot of people expect for 2010. it all starts with 2010 and PS3 selling 45m. PS3 needs to sell 10m this holiday season to sell 45m. i can take the 2012 19m drop it to 17 or 15m and it would do it by 2018 or 2020. but if PS4 comes out earlier then 2014. sony will finish second.

yea it's strange that 2 months after i sent that message i realized how f'd up it was lol. i guess i was more of a fanboy and didn't know it lol.

no i just had high expectations, but you can see allot has changed since 2010.

the past can be so telling, yet not reflect the future, cause now i wouldn't dream of saying shit like that lol.

i guess whats even funnier is that Wii likely won't have second place lol. 3 yr.'s low end is what it's going to take for PS3 and 360 to pass Wii ww.

Around the Network
Jay520 said:
Excellent analysis. I agree with everything. Nintendo Domination is over. It's time for Playstation Domination: Playmination.

I still agree with this post.

Jay520 said:
It was never crazy to begin with. I see some of you forgetting the power of Playstation.

Wait till Gran Turismo releases. Then we'll talk.
Jay520 said:
Jay520 said:
Excellent analysis. I agree with everything. Nintendo Domination is over. It's time for Playstation Domination: Playmination.

 I still agree with this post.
Jay520 said:
 I don't believe. I know.

...I'm starting to think that you're not actually joking after all 

Jay520 said:
VicViper said:
Jay520 said:
It was never crazy to begin with. I see some of you forgetting the power of Playstation.

Wait till Gran Turismo releases. Then we'll talk.

Price cut, Call of Duty, Monster Hunter.

Never heard the gran turismo saving theory before! One more and it's chalkboard time!

I've never understood the PS3 chalkboard. A lot of the things listed really DID contribute to saving the PS3.

Because it was never a list of things to save it.

It was a list of things to make it pass the competition screaming "bye suckas!".

zero129 said:
I bet some of the people that agreed with this feels kinda hmm let down now lol.
Jay520 it's not going to happen, it would take Nintendo to F up big time and for Sony to pull a miracle out of its a** to catch up never mind pass it. Oh and GT won't help Sony in the handheld market or COD.

A doubter, I see. Just wait till the end of the year when that 15 million lead whithers away to less than 8 million.

Around the Network
VicViper said:
Jay520 said:
VicViper said:
Jay520 said:
It was never crazy to begin with. I see some of you forgetting the power of Playstation.

Wait till Gran Turismo releases. Then we'll talk.

Price cut, Call of Duty, Monster Hunter.

Never heard the gran turismo saving theory before! One more and it's chalkboard time!

I've never understood the PS3 chalkboard. A lot of the things listed really DID contribute to saving the PS3.

Because it was never a list of things to save it.

It was a list of things to make it pass the competition screaming "bye suckas!".

I'm pretty sure it was things to save the PS3.

zero129 said:
Jay520 said:
zero129 said:
I bet some of the people that agreed with this feels kinda hmm let down now lol.
Jay520 it's not going to happen, it would take Nintendo to F up big time and for Sony to pull a miracle out of its a** to catch up never mind pass it. Oh and GT won't help Sony in the handheld market or COD.

A doubter, I see. Just wait till the end of the year when that 15 million lead whithers away to less than 8 million.

Ok im really not sure if you're just joking or not?? xD.

So far the lead is growing every week not shrinkin O_o

That's just now. Just wait until it gets things like Gran Turismo! Call of Duty! Grand Theft Auto! New IPs! Price Cut! Assassin's Creed! Victory is all but assured.

Jay520 said:
zero129 said:
Jay520 said:
zero129 said:
I bet some of the people that agreed with this feels kinda hmm let down now lol.
Jay520 it's not going to happen, it would take Nintendo to F up big time and for Sony to pull a miracle out of its a** to catch up never mind pass it. Oh and GT won't help Sony in the handheld market or COD.

A doubter, I see. Just wait till the end of the year when that 15 million lead whithers away to less than 8 million.

Ok im really not sure if you're just joking or not?? xD.

So far the lead is growing every week not shrinkin O_o

That's just now. Just wait until it gets things like Gran Turismo! Call of Duty! Grand Theft Auto! New IPs! Price Cut! Assassin's Creed! Victory is all but assured.

I think the point is that it was claimed that PSV was going to dominate at the current price point and it didn't, so by default, they lost already.

Soonerman said:
Jay520 said:
zero129 said:
Jay520 said:
zero129 said:
I bet some of the people that agreed with this feels kinda hmm let down now lol.
Jay520 it's not going to happen, it would take Nintendo to F up big time and for Sony to pull a miracle out of its a** to catch up never mind pass it. Oh and GT won't help Sony in the handheld market or COD.

A doubter, I see. Just wait till the end of the year when that 15 million lead whithers away to less than 8 million.

Ok im really not sure if you're just joking or not?? xD.

So far the lead is growing every week not shrinkin O_o

That's just now. Just wait until it gets things like Gran Turismo! Call of Duty! Grand Theft Auto! New IPs! Price Cut! Assassin's Creed! Victory is all but assured.

I think the point is that it was claimed that PSV was going to dominate at the current price point and it didn't, so by default, they lost already.

Very true. Domination is impossible to prove at this point. There are too mant unknown factors.

Very crazy indeed. If Vita comes even close to the 3DS in lifetime sales it would be a major miracle.