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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does my prediction of the PSVita outselling the 3DS sound crazy now?

Excellent analysis. I agree with everything. Nintendo Domination is over. It's time for Playstation Domination: Playmination.

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As the default underdog in any handheld battle with Nintendo, the other company, here being Sony, should not assume anything. As the underdog, words like "dominate" and "obvious" should not be in your vocabulary. They should focus on "bringing the noise," which they've done pretty perfectly up to this point. Just keep making the right moves and it will pay off. But just be humble, that way it'll be easier to enjoy what will most likely be a great success in the Vita. I AM comfortable in claiming the Vita will be successful.

But let's save the talk until after we've seen it do some damage on the battlefield. :P

I think the 3DS will still be on top in the end, but it´ll be a much closer battle now...very unlikely the gap between the 3DS and Vita will be as big as the one between DS and PSP.

Yes it does. Very crazy.

they were WRONG!

It was INSANE!

haha lol Paul

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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Yes it does. Gilgamesh, you are a madman.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Hummm... who knows what will happen... well at least know what I hope will happen^^

That prediction definitely looks crazy to me

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

In hindsight, this prediction made sense if one could assume Nintendo kept 3DS at the same price.

It still seemed extremely unlikely because I am confident that Mario and Pokemon were and still are 100% powerful enough IPs alone to keep Nintendo in the lead. BUT, if sitting at the same price, Vita absolutely had a running chance.

HOWEVER, I would have never expected Nintendo to let their handheld compete head-to-head with the Vita. It was entirely obvious that Nintendo would cut price and make sure that 3DS was financially a better choice. If I cared to dig up a year-old post proving that, I would.

But anyways, things right now look impossible for Vita to do well unless Sony does the same and cuts price significantly. Or else it'll pull a PS3 and start selling really well in a few years when it develops a large catalogue of games and drops price.

