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Forums - Website Topics - Show your true face!!!!(continued..)PT II

MessiaH said:
naimisharanya said:
darkknightkryta said:
naimisharanya said:
darkknightkryta said:

After which MGS was this!?

I did that 2 or 3 years ago.  The outfit was mimicking black camo from Snake Eater.  I'd have done full out black face camo, but it was hot and it wasn't a good idea.  Didn't have an eye patch in time though.

After playing MGS on PSOne I used to sneak to school and try to not be spotted. There were some tough moments though - I had to dive into the bushes on a couple of occasions when a car or a jogger came past. Once someone was walking their dog and the dog sniffed me out while I was poised for the strike; Talk about embarressing moments.

Please tell me that is a true story and you really did that. Because that is so hilariously amazing! I love it! I love people that play out their fantasy world in their real life with no shame! It's awesome! Reminds me of a story of a friend of mine, he told me that he used to wear his batman costume every now and then. This one night, he wore it, and was chilling on the roof-top of his several story high dorm building in college, he would stand on the edge and look down below. This person passed by and looked up and so my friend, terrified from embarassment, just froze in place hoping that wearing a black bat suit in the darkness would render him invisible. He told me that person just stared at him for like aminute, maybe trying to figure out what he was looking at in the darkness, and my friend the whole time remained motionless. Hahahahaha! when that person gave up and walked off, my friend just ran to his room and took his bat suit off!

What a riot!

It's a true story! I was 13 at the time and read some joke in OPM that inspired me. I had my BB Gun (shoots those plastic yellow balls) with me at the time. For some weird reason I used to go to school insanely early, so when I used to walk there was almost no-one around and it was still a little dark...

Your friend's story kills mine though!

I had a friend who used to sit in trees and pretend to be some type of predator - he once jumped a 10 year old kid and scared the living shit out of him maaan that guy was out of his mind. 

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naimisharanya said:
MessiaH said:
naimisharanya said:
darkknightkryta said:
naimisharanya said:
darkknightkryta said:

After which MGS was this!?

I did that 2 or 3 years ago.  The outfit was mimicking black camo from Snake Eater.  I'd have done full out black face camo, but it was hot and it wasn't a good idea.  Didn't have an eye patch in time though.

After playing MGS on PSOne I used to sneak to school and try to not be spotted. There were some tough moments though - I had to dive into the bushes on a couple of occasions when a car or a jogger came past. Once someone was walking their dog and the dog sniffed me out while I was poised for the strike; Talk about embarressing moments.

Please tell me that is a true story and you really did that. Because that is so hilariously amazing! I love it! I love people that play out their fantasy world in their real life with no shame! It's awesome! Reminds me of a story of a friend of mine, he told me that he used to wear his batman costume every now and then. This one night, he wore it, and was chilling on the roof-top of his several story high dorm building in college, he would stand on the edge and look down below. This person passed by and looked up and so my friend, terrified from embarassment, just froze in place hoping that wearing a black bat suit in the darkness would render him invisible. He told me that person just stared at him for like aminute, maybe trying to figure out what he was looking at in the darkness, and my friend the whole time remained motionless. Hahahahaha! when that person gave up and walked off, my friend just ran to his room and took his bat suit off!

What a riot!

It's a true story! I was 13 at the time and read some joke in OPM that inspired me. I had my BB Gun (shoots those plastic yellow balls) with me at the time. For some weird reason I used to go to school insanely early, so when I used to walk there was almost no-one around and it was still a little dark...

Your friend's story kills mine though!

I had a friend who used to sit in trees and pretend to be some type of predator - he once jumped a 10 year old kid and scared the living shit out of him maaan that guy was out of his mind. 

We need to start a ''I dare you'' thread with this kind of stuff - it would be the best thing ever.

ruimartiniman said:
rutea7 said:


taken today

Uma portuguesa no VGC?  Tão raro encontrar raparigas por aqui e logo uma do meu país. Foto muito expressiva.

A portuguese girl on VGC? Nice photo.

Olá, já cá ando à uns tempos mas ainda não te tinha visto. Prazer em conhecer!

rutea7 said:
ruimartiniman said:
rutea7 said:


taken today

Uma portuguesa no VGC?  Tão raro encontrar raparigas por aqui e logo uma do meu país. Foto muito expressiva.

A portuguese girl on VGC? Nice photo.

Olá, já cá ando à uns tempos mas ainda não te tinha visto. Prazer em conhecer!

Igualmente. Embora esteja registado há quase 3 anos não costumo participar muito, mas gosto muito do site; venho aqui todos os dias consultar as novidades e meia dúzia de threads.

I wish I had a funny picture to post :/ Oh well

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TruckOSaurus said:

Here's me in Paris a couple days ago:

école militaire ^^ t'es allé voir les soldats en uniforme? :p


one of my favourite photos of myself

I rarely ever do this on internet forums but I've been here for over four years and some might actually be wondering what I look like...

This pic was taken about seven months ago, my hair was a bit longer than it is now and I've gained 4-5 kilo's in the same timeframe but still look pretty much the same.

I'm the one in the middle, flanked by two of my cousins.


About a year old, aside from a bit longer hair, the same guy. I'll change my avatar soon to a newer one.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

From a couple days ago, and to anyone that saw some older pictures I posted on this thread, yes, I got a haircut xD