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Forums - Website Topics - The future of VG Chartz, what does the site mean to you?

damkira said:
ripper said:
this site could use some more mature mods. ban the people who truly deserve it, not people who disagree with your personal viewpoints. (i won't name any names but it rhymes with boff and vacations in the communist paradise of cuba) I also find incredible inconsistency in what is allowed on the website, certain disgusting and vulgar pictures and words are allowed, intelligent discourse sometimes isn't, again depending on the mod

do I detect large quantities of win here?


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I think it's very important to keep focus on what you do so well, the sales. I got plenty of good option for news, but only one good place for sales info.

 As for improvements, I'd love to see some PC charts too.

What I think we should have is some sort of reputation system. You get points for prediction league, posts and most importantly editing games. this improve the database, where so many games lack any info

The site does not NEED a lot of expansion at the moment. Mostly you should of course focus on what the site does best. But in the interest of expanding the site here is what seems most important.

The profiles for individual games are very important. It looks like you've been paying attention to these lately, since the profile for Super Mario Galaxy looks pretty good. Many good features have been added since I last checked. Little Things: The comparing games feature is good, but allow a little more interaction with the graphs (Add the option to align or un-align launch dates on essentially every graph on the site). Also put a check box on the game profile page to switch between weekly and total sales. What might be interesting to add is a similar profile feature for publishers. Game publishers (or developers) could each get their own dedicated page with sales data and other info. Actually, vgchartz could add a fairly comprehensive section of information on game developers, since there isn't a major gaming website which has clearly filled this niche. Vgchartz could become THE site for information on various publishers and developers.
The game ranking system could use some work due to its vulnerability to fanboy attack. I think forcing members to add the game to the "games I own section" to rank a game is a good idea. Although people do rent games. Alternatively you could only use the scores from actual user reviews in calculating the game ranking. I think adding official vgchartz reviews to the site is a very bad idea, but user reviews are fine. For user reviews, a "Kudos" or ranking system is important, but probably shouldn't be tied to to a users ranking in the forums or the predictions league. What I think would work best is a system similar to's review system in which you can give a review a thumbs up or thumbs down. Reviews which are determined most helpful or which are written by the most consistently helpful users are displayed at the top, while poor reviews are at the bottom or ultimately deleted.
News doesn't seem like a very important feature. People will always go to Joystiq, Kotaku or other news sites for news. VGchartz should focus on posting only the biggest most important news, (or news specifically related to sales) not posting large amounts of it.
Mantaining a good community as vgchartz continues to grow will be quite difficult. I strongly suggest that you weild the banhammer quite liberally, and delegate many mods. Don't put up with any nonsense, but ban at the first signs of trouble. It seems to have worked well for Kotaku and is probably the only way to maintain anything resembling intelligent conversation with the site traffic you are looking to obtain.

The site still needs to earn itself some more credibility and recognition (which will come partly with time). The site will eventually need a visual makeover, but I don't think you should worry about this until you are mostly finished adding in your new planned features. You need to somehow balance a more professional look (to gain credibility) and a format which is dynamic enough for interactivity of the community you are trying to build.

Mostly you're on the right track. Generally speaking, stick with database driven features. Work to make the databases as dynamic as possible. Implement some sort of Kudos reputation system which is not reliant on post count (to avoid spam). Reintroduce and improve the predictions league. You have some very ambitious plans. Don't worry too much about trying to make this the gaming facebook or a nebulous gaming site like IGN but stick mostly with what this site does best: Data.

One more thing I want...user created polls for our threads...rather than tallying votes and each new poster updating.
Many forums allow users to make polls.

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!) 

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Sorrow880 said:
One more thing I want...user created polls for our threads...rather than tallying votes and each new poster updating.
Many forums allow users to make polls.

 seconded....though I'm sure that's not what this thread is about.

I have been on this website since August (as a guest) and seeing that it had many intresting features so months later I decided to be a member. Since I became a member I can't stop visiting this site, I can't live a day without this site. THIS SITE ROCKS!!!

super_etecoon said:
Sorrow880 said:
One more thing I want...user created polls for our threads...rather than tallying votes and each new poster updating.
Many forums allow users to make polls.

 seconded....though I'm sure that's not what this thread is about.

i suggested polls earlier in the thread. are you there ioi? we want polls :)

The 403 errors are most often caused by google accelerator and other software that can cause unreasonably large number of connections to be opened to the server, which the server then considers a DOS attack. Visiting someone profile with a hundreds of games is a good way to trip it as the web accelleration software tries to prefetch all the links and images... A browser typically opens 2-4 connections to the server at a time. I have seen google accelerator open over 60 connections at one time.... and this server will give you a temporary IP block as it doesn't have enough memory to service that many connections.

When ioi upgrades the hardware, the DOS blocker will probably be removed (or at least adjusted to be less likely to trigger).

Whew! Read most of this thread, now my brain is a little numb. Irregardless here's my two cents:

Stay sales focused

Reviews only if metacritic style and/or user reviews. For user reviews allow people to vote (Was this helpful?) so good reviews are on top and any fayboyism crap or poorly written ones are on the bottom.

News articles should all have a sales focus. Interviews with industry people would be great if they have a sales slant as well.

There's a couple things does for movies that I'd like to see here.

- They give charts comparing sales of similar properties. IE: Spider-man 1 vs 2 vs 3, or Lord of the Rings vs Harry Potter vs Narnia with a daily and weekly breakdown. Obivously you can't do daily but weekly/monthly sure. These are fun and interesting to see and keep people coming back to see how MGS4 (for example) compares to MGS2 and 3 in sales week after week.

- They have someone give a prediction for sales of that weeks movie releases with well thought out reasons for why. They also post actual results after the weekend and their interpretations as to why the movies did how they did. Gives useful insight into why a movie you thought would do good hasn't or vise versa. I think this would be useful on this site cause we're always seeing threads that amount to" Niche title X only sold X #'s 1st week - why?" without the posters seeming to understand it's a niche title or whatever and what it's sales should look like.

- They also give movie budgets when possible. This is insightful when determining if a movie was actually successful. Often small movies are more profitable than blockbusters but you wouldn't think so without seeing the costs involved compared to sales. I realize that info isn't exactly shared, and they struggle with it to, but it's nice when available or reasonably estimated. This would be great for discussion on games like Zack & Wiki and Stranglehold.

Otherwise I like your idea of groups of something. In particular I'd like to be able to easily find other users with the same game and share friendcodes/gamertags/whatever plus most likely time on, etc to simplify the process as much as possible 'cause I'd really like to beat half the forum members to a pulp when SSBB launches.

Lastly happy to help (especially if there's pay) with any of this stuff. PM me if you like a resume or such.

Great job with the site so far. The data and the forum are both excellent and keep me coming back almost compulsively.