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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony have already won...

X-man you still seem to be arguing that including all the Playstation brands profits/losses from PS1 till now means that Sony is doing well.

That may be logical from a "wow look Sony made 1 billion from playstations" but it doesn't show that before the PS3 they probably had 3 or 4 billion more.

It is tru I have no idea how much profit the PS1 made... however I am quite sure that for all PS2 brand Sony made 2 billion,... and we know the PS3 alone has lost all of it....
you claim the war is between the PS3 and 360 only... yet don't see that PS3 has actually lost as much money for Sony as 360 has for MS.

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TWRoO said:
X-man you still seem to be arguing that including all the Playstation brands profits/losses from PS1 till now means that Sony is doing well.

That may be logical from a "wow look Sony made 1 billion from playstations" but it doesn't show that before the PS3 they probably had 3 or 4 billion more.

It is tru I have no idea how much profit the PS1 made... however I am quite sure that for all PS2 brand Sony made 2 billion,... and we know the PS3 alone has lost all of it....
you claim the war is between the PS3 and 360 only... yet don't see that PS3 has actually lost as much money for Sony as 360 has for MS.

*Sighs* You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say 'Sony is doing well', all I stated was that Sony have made huge profits from the Playstation Brand overall. Period. Nothing more, nothing less.

And again, how do you know Sony made 2 billion from the PS2? I can believe they made that from hardware, but from hardware AND software combined? Not a chance.

And no, I didn't claim the console war is between the PS3 and 360.

X-Man said:
fkusumot said:
X-Man said:

I'm not talking about share holders, i'm talking about how much Sony has made from the Playstation brand. Software sales alone make up the losses from the PS3. And again, MS aren't making money, they're recouping. Nintendo are making a killing though.

What? What is your source for this information?

My conclusion is based on logic, not a source. Sony have sold around 1.8 billion units of software with the PS1 and PS2. You do the math.

 Well, your logic is wrong. Your conclusion is flawed.

X-Man said:
lvader said:
Previous years profits don't count for much, Sony gaming division has lost a lot of money in the last 2 years and continue to do so. MS now make money from Xbox products.

Lol, of course it matters. MS aren't making money, they're making their money back. They're still billions in the hole. Sony are still billions up. And Nintendo are always making a profit.

Do you have a source for this post? Or is this just your logic?

My logic dictates if an animal walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a cat.

My logic also says it's ok to give sharp objects to children, use an electric shaver while I'm in standing water and to consume spoiled foods.

X-Man said:

no fanboys. 

no fanboys ? :D

u should get out then ^^

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fkusumot said:
X-Man said:
fkusumot said:
X-Man said:

I'm not talking about share holders, i'm talking about how much Sony has made from the Playstation brand. Software sales alone make up the losses from the PS3. And again, MS aren't making money, they're recouping. Nintendo are making a killing though.

What? What is your source for this information?

My conclusion is based on logic, not a source. Sony have sold around 1.8 billion units of software with the PS1 and PS2. You do the math.

 Well, your logic is wrong. Your conclusion is flawed.

I have a question for you - Do you think Sony made less than 2 billion dollars on PS1 and PS2 software? Try and give a yes or no answer, and then your reasoning, if you have any.

I believe Sony made a lot more than 2 billion on PS2 and PS1 software....

I believe sony made 2 billion on PS2, admitedly this is probably quite old (i remember it being 2006 i heard it), and i am sorry but i cannot find a source (considering i can't find a souce for sonys last fiscal that is not surprising)... it is probable Sony have made a further billion since then.

Just because Sony had made only 2 billion on PS2 doesn't mean the software was not more than that, I am sorry for another point with no source but i think Sony were not profitable on PS2 hardware until 2005 (this may have been when they stopped giving out PS2s free to any broken ones), which means that not much money hasbeen made on PS2 hardware over it's whole life.... but the software will of course negate that.

I still don't understand what kind of point you were trying to get across with the OP?... because nothing you originally said has anything to do with the PS1 or 2

TWRoO said:
I believe Sony made a lot more than 2 billion on PS2 and PS1 software....

I believe sony made 2 billion on PS2, admitedly this is probably quite old (i remember it being 2006 i heard it), and i am sorry but i cannot find a source (considering i can't find a souce for sonys last fiscal that is not surprising)... it is probable Sony have made a further billion since then.

Just because Sony had made only 2 billion on PS2 doesn't mean the software was not more than that, I am sorry for another point with no source but i think Sony were not profitable on PS2 hardware until 2005 (this may have been when they stopped giving out PS2s free to any broken ones), which means that not much money hasbeen made on PS2 hardware over it's whole life.... but the software will of course negate that.

I still don't understand what kind of point you were trying to get across with the OP?... because nothing you originally said has anything to do with the PS1 or 2

Thank you, at least some people can be honest. Even if they made $3 per game, that's over $5 billion.

And yes, my OP had nothing to do with the PS1 or PS2, it was a separate point I made to someone.

X-Man said:
fkusumot said:
X-Man said:
fkusumot said:
X-Man said:

I'm not talking about share holders, i'm talking about how much Sony has made from the Playstation brand. Software sales alone make up the losses from the PS3. And again, MS aren't making money, they're recouping. Nintendo are making a killing though.

What? What is your source for this information?

My conclusion is based on logic, not a source. Sony have sold around 1.8 billion units of software with the PS1 and PS2. You do the math.

Well, your logic is wrong. Your conclusion is flawed.

I have a question for you - Do you think Sony made less than 2 billion dollars on PS1 and PS2 software? Try and give a yes or no answer, and then your reasoning, if you have any.

 Your logic is flawed because you're trying to prove a point by making up numbers in your head instead of looking them up. You've already admitted that you made up your numbers so until you can come back with some real ones you can logic away at this and prove whatever you want with those numbers in your head.

GhaudePhaede010 said:
lvader said:
Diomedes1976 said:
As long as the Wii users are casuals of the worst kind and third party software bombs in the machine the Wii will be a little more that a toy only Nintendo gets benefit from .

In that perspective the real "videogame " market is between the X360 and PS3 ,and PS3 will win sooner or later .

Not only userbase decides where development goes .If that were the case there wouldnt be ever any new generation because the new machines when launched (and along their first year usually ) get outsold by they older siblings .There are far more PC enabled to run games optimized for graphics cards along the 6800 models that after the 8800 .But ,this industry moves on technology and the new developments will be for PS3 and X360 ,thats where the fresh money will go .Wii will have its fun minigames ,gimmicky sports games and the likes along the Nintendo franchises and that will be all.Oh ,and quick cash-ins and shovelware of course ,its speciality .Thats pretty clear .


You two absolutely cannot be serious... If you are, then you two are as big a problem for the video gaming world as those casuals that you are so offended by.

Have either of you seen the list of RPG games coming to Nintendo's newest console? I am pretty sure there is a little more than, "fun minigames, gimmicky sports games, quick cash-ins, and shovelware" to talk about. And since it seems to have those games and still be murdering your precious favorite consoles, what is going to happen when Tales and the like start hitting?


On topic, Sony will outsell Microsoft worldwide because Microsoft has absolutely no market in Japan where Sony has at least a little penetration in America. Sorry to Microsoft fan...

Wich RPG ?Some Tales of ,a Namco one and a FF spin-off .Just like the Cube had .

It can get more ,thats for granted .But once gamers get a taste of a RPG on the PS3 like White Knight Story or Final Fantasy XIII few japanese will like to go back to the PS2-like graphics of the Wii to seek beautiful worlds ..and thats one of the main attraction of JRPG .