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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony have already won...

Mummelmann said:
I don't see the problem with the OP; it's already been established by popular opinion on Vgchartz that the Wii will disintegrate the Ps3 and the 360 and that the only battle left was/is for 2nd place. So why should the Wii or DS be in the equation, unless you think it'll get 2nd or 3rd place?
Is it so horrible not to have the Wii mentioned in every single thread? Get over it, this is about second place, which according to most will never go to Nintendo.

His topic title says, "Sony have already won..."


Are you telling me that Sony "won" second place? Hahahaha. You either win, or you lose. You do not "win" second place. Maybe he should have made the topic title, "Sony will take second place this generation" and nobody would have had anything to say.

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RolStoppable said:
If I remember correctly, Sony made more than $3 billion profits with the PS1 and about $2.3 billion with the PS2, combined this amounts to roughly $5.5 billion in profits for Sony's gaming division before the fiscal year the PS3 launched in.

In fiscal year 2006 (when the PS3 launched), the gaming division posted a loss of $2 billion, for the first half of fiscal year 2007, the gaming division posted a loss of $1 billion. So by doing the maths, this leaves roughly $2.5 billion of profits for Sony's gaming division since it exists, with further losses expected for at least another year.

With how things are going, the PS3 definitely has the potential to eat up all of Sony's gaming division's profits they had made during two absolutely dominating console generations.

You're exactly right, Rol.

Sony Annual Reports Game Operating Income
YearEnd Mar 31 Yen(B)  

2006  8.7
2005 43.2
2004 67.6
2003 112.7
2002 82.9
2001 (51.1)
2000 77.4
1999 136.5
1998 117
1997 57
1996 (5)

PS1 era (1996-2000) made  383B yen.  PS2 era (2001-2006) made 264B yen.

PS2 *was* (and still is) profitable, but not as much as the PS1.  Sony sold PS2 for too little to make as much as the PS1, before the next gen. box came along. 

For Fiscal Year 2007 and 2008

Q2     (96.7)
Q1     (29.2)

2007 (232.3)

So far the PS3 era (2007-now) has lost (358B yen).  So, they have now lost all they made on the PS2 (including what PS2 made the last year and a half), and are working on losing the PS1 profits as well. 

Still all together for the last 12.5 years, Sony is up 289B Yen .  At 115 yen/$ = $2.5B.




Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

actually I bet illogical fans would show up claiming that the PS3 would sell the best once sony reduced the price to $49.99 and then it would be PS3 Domination!!!

Renar said:
RolStoppable said:
If I remember correctly, Sony made more than $3 billion profits with the PS1 and about $2.3 billion with the PS2, combined this amounts to roughly $5.5 billion in profits for Sony's gaming division before the fiscal year the PS3 launched in.

In fiscal year 2006 (when the PS3 launched), the gaming division posted a loss of $2 billion, for the first half of fiscal year 2007, the gaming division posted a loss of $1 billion. So by doing the maths, this leaves roughly $2.5 billion of profits for Sony's gaming division since it exists, with further losses expected for at least another year.

With how things are going, the PS3 definitely has the potential to eat up all of Sony's gaming division's profits they had made during two absolutely dominating console generations.

You're exactly right, Rol.

Sony Annual Reports Game Operating Income
YearEnd Mar 31 Yen(B)  

2006  8.7
2005 43.2
2004 67.6
2003 112.7
2002 82.9
2001 (51.1)
2000 77.4
1999 136.5
1998 117
1997 57
1996 (5)

PS1 era (1996-2000) made  383B yen.  PS2 era (2001-2006) made 264B yen.

PS2 *was* (and still is) profitable, but not as much as the PS1.  Sony sold PS2 for too little to make as much as the PS1, before the next gen. box came along. 

For Fiscal Year 2007 and 2008

Q2     (96.7)
Q1     (29.2)

2007 (232.3)

So far the PS3 era (2007-now) has lost (358B yen).  So, they have now lost all they made on the PS2 (including what PS2 made the last year and a half), and are working on losing the PS1 profits as well. 

Still all together for the last 12.5 years, Sony is up 289B Yen .  At 115 yen/$ = $2.5B.




Are you including the gigantic losses they are going to post because of the price cuts? I know its one thing if it's gotten cheaper to lower the price, but I believe they produced so many systems early on and expected to sell them for X dollars at X loss, but now they are going for Y dollar for Y loss - all that back stock has to cost them huge

Okaaaaayyy.... So now the definition of winning is to lose 50% off your marketshare slice and bleed billions of dollars?

Damn, I wish I could be a winner like Sony.

Let's say that in 2018, Windows market share had dropped to 20% but MS was slowly creeping toward 25% by selling their new Windows Butte operating system for $12 each, losing billions in the process. Is that a success?

Or check out my new webcomic:

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Success for Apple probabally, lol.

GhaudePhaede010 said:
Mummelmann said:
I don't see the problem with the OP; it's already been established by popular opinion on Vgchartz that the Wii will disintegrate the Ps3 and the 360 and that the only battle left was/is for 2nd place. So why should the Wii or DS be in the equation, unless you think it'll get 2nd or 3rd place?
Is it so horrible not to have the Wii mentioned in every single thread? Get over it, this is about second place, which according to most will never go to Nintendo.

His topic title says, "Sony have already won..."


Are you telling me that Sony "won" second place? Hahahaha. You either win, or you lose. You do not "win" second place. Maybe he should have made the topic title, "Sony will take second place this generation" and nobody would have had anything to say.

 I thought people could read, his post is quite adament that this is about 2nd place. Do people not read the post and only the thread title? I don't.

Mummelmann said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
Mummelmann said:
I don't see the problem with the OP; it's already been established by popular opinion on Vgchartz that the Wii will disintegrate the Ps3 and the 360 and that the only battle left was/is for 2nd place. So why should the Wii or DS be in the equation, unless you think it'll get 2nd or 3rd place?
Is it so horrible not to have the Wii mentioned in every single thread? Get over it, this is about second place, which according to most will never go to Nintendo.

His topic title says, "Sony have already won..."

Are you telling me that Sony "won" second place? Hahahaha. You either win, or you lose. You do not "win" second place. Maybe he should have made the topic title, "Sony will take second place this generation" and nobody would have had anything to say.

 I thought people could read, his post is quite adament that this is about 2nd place. Do people not read the post and only the thread title? I don't.

No matter how you spin it, going from two generations of huge profit and 60-70% marketshare to struggling to get out of third place with price cuts and massive losses is not winning anything. In fact, most any businessman would call it a resounding failure.

I don't have anything against the success of the PS3 (couldn't really care less, own both systems) but saying it has "won" anything after coming from the market position it held for the past twelve years is ridiculous. 

Or check out my new webcomic:


That's the point that no one here is addressing. All informed gamers know that Sony got in this business in order to eventually introduce a unified home entertainment system. Each new console model has taken another step in that direction. MS got into video games because they refused to cede this market to Sony. Neither one saw video games as a the ultimate goal, but as a trojan horse which they could use to conquer the living room. All this - the PS1, PS2, XBox, 360 and PS3, are just a preamble for the war to come. Unless Song or MS drop out of the market altogether, the outcome will not be known for at least another 2 generations, probably more. So all this bullshit about who's profitable RIGHT NOW, who sold more games LAST GENERATION, is absolutely irrelevant.

I think ps3 will make it to 100m.

