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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would you do if the Wii wins this generation?

i'd carry on with my life, and keep playing my wii whenever the mood strikes

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everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Ever notcie how the Playstation 3 owners bash on nintendo?? Or vice versa??

And the ones that own both are modest. If the Wii wins, which I am sure it will, I just want great games like they have been putting out/slated for the upcoming months. Doesnt mean Ill get rid of my ps3. The graphics are good on ps3 but...way too many shooters/racers, yes the artists are damn good but what good is graphics without non boundary gameplay. Most of us drop 50+ per game in hopes it will last us a while. (replay value)

everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Ever notcie how the Playstation 3 owners bash on nintendo?? Or vice versa??

And the ones that own both are modest. If the Wii wins, which I am sure it will, I just want great games like they have been putting out/slated for the upcoming months. Doesnt mean Ill get rid of my ps3. The graphics are good on ps3 but...way too many shooters/racers, yes the artists are damn good but what good is graphics without non boundary gameplay. Most of us drop 50+ per game in hopes it will last us a while. (replay value)

I just don't see a wii victory.  The wii is facing 3 consoles that are all getting pratically the same HD games such as Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.  So in between the millions of PS3's 360's and PC's that are all going to grab onto these games the Wii just won't be able to see the light of day.  We are not going to revert to being Nintendo bitches anymore.  3rd party games are where it's at and the Wii is going to suffer the fate of all nintendo consoles; they receive no third pary games.  Hypothetically if the Wii has ps2 sales and outnumbers all the other consoles, then that will be a very big leap but I do not see that happening.  PS3 abd 360 will drop in price and the wii will less and less appealing. 

kdw13 said:
I just don't see a wii victory. The wii is facing 3 consoles that are all getting pratically the same HD games such as Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. So in between the millions of PS3's 360's and PC's that are all going to grab onto these games the Wii just won't be able to see the light of day. We are not going to revert to being Nintendo bitches anymore. 3rd party games are where it's at and the Wii is going to suffer the fate of all nintendo consoles; they receive no third pary games. Hypothetically if the Wii has ps2 sales and outnumbers all the other consoles, then that will be a very big leap but I do not see that happening. PS3 abd 360 will drop in price and the wii will less and less appealing.

System wars dont belong in this thread.

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kdw13 said:
I just don't see a wii victory. The wii is facing 3 consoles that are all getting pratically the same HD games such as Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. So in between the millions of PS3's 360's and PC's that are all going to grab onto these games the Wii just won't be able to see the light of day. We are not going to revert to being Nintendo bitches anymore. 3rd party games are where it's at and the Wii is going to suffer the fate of all nintendo consoles; they receive no third pary games. Hypothetically if the Wii has ps2 sales and outnumbers all the other consoles, then that will be a very big leap but I do not see that happening. PS3 abd 360 will drop in price and the wii will less and less appealing.

 Because the Wii is magically incapable of decreasing in price as well. Right.

And the Wii is getting 3rd-party support, whethe you like it or not. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

dpmnymkrprez said:

everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Ever notcie how the Playstation 3 owners bash on nintendo?? Or vice versa??

And the ones that own both are modest. If the Wii wins, which I am sure it will, I just want great games like they have been putting out/slated for the upcoming months. Doesnt mean Ill get rid of my ps3. The graphics are good on ps3 but...way too many shooters/racers, yes the artists are damn good but what good is graphics without non boundary gameplay. Most of us drop 50+ per game in hopes it will last us a while. (replay value)

Actually, some of the people who claim to own multiple systems have been some of the most blatant one-sided fanboys.

           Well I guess i would Play the Good Wii games. I just want to compare a few things though like a Action movie or Epic I really like getting those on HD/Bluray format but Comedy and Cartoons regular DVD are fine.there will always be certain games that i would rather get on the PS3/360 than on a WII just like movies. Just because the Wii would sell the most and have the most backing still doesn't mean I myself wouldn't get bored with the Wii controls. I guess i would Play alot less games since I would be talking some steps back visually but I am sure some good RPG elements could be added to the Wii remote.

          Wouldn't most game players want to get the system that gets the best games.....Why would anyone Hate Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft. They all have a good reason to buy one or the other or all 3. My money went first to where I know my favorite game will be..Metal gear, God of War, Devil may Cry, final Fantasy those were the game I know i will want. Halo was not a Big deal to me, but for many Halo Forza Oblivion and other games are the reason they chose the 360. If you chose a Nintendo it better be because you like Mario Zelda and Pokemon. If you choose a console for the games you know will be on it then you will always be happy with it. So why does it matter to you who wins the console war. 

         Lastly I never bought a console because it was the best selling(usually I buy the console way to early to see if it will "win" the console war) If you just buy the Wii(or any console) because thats what everyone else has you may very well be let down. 


ranzchic said:
Ok thats good, but what would you do if the Wii wins?

 eheh you're right ...

I'm an old nintendian...

I'm already happy for "nintendo reinassance" with ds...

 maybe if nintendo wins this gen war I'll make a "pilgrimage" to kyoto!!!!

if the Wii wins.. Im going to quit console gaming and stick with PC gaming.

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