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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I feel a MASSIVE change in the gaming industry

TalonMan said:
Bodhesatva said:

I'm not even sure Legend disagrees with that, Happy. The original topic was about a "MASSIVE change" in the industry, and what you're suggesting is much more of a gradual and predictable shift in industry resources.

Maybe he disagrees with that, but I doubt it. I certainly don't.

I'll be honest, and maybe I need to go back and read through the 100+ other posts in this thread, but I don't see where the OP's description of 'massive change' was ever directly pointed at 3rd party support and who will or will not get the most of it. I took the post as an 'overall assessment' of all things videogame related...

...and if you can sit there and say you don't think the entire videogame industry has been put on it's ear by Nintendo at this point, I don't think you've been paying attention. You, of ALL people, have been witnessing this stuff first-hand at your TRU - with the crazed shoppers and the decimated Nintendo ailes - it's all there for you to see.

No, and hopefully ArtOfAngels will correct me if I'm wrong, this is simply about how the entire viewpoint of the videogame industry has been changed - and it has, in fact, been MASSIVELY changed. The amount of news reports ALONE (regarding the Wii, of course), is astounding - when, in the recent history of videogames, have you seen coverage like this? Maybe when the PS2 was released, maybe even at a 'Halo event' or two, but nothing on the scale of Wii news - and it's been ongoing since last November! But this is just the tip of the iceburg. I've got coworkers at my job, the same ones I'd try to chit-chat videogames with in the past and would roll their eyes at me, telling me that they are leaving work early so they can get home and play Wii Tennis with their daughter!! Buddies of mine that were HUGE PS2 fans, kinda dropped out of the scene for the past couple of years because they weren't ready to plunk down the money for a PS3 and looked at me cross-eyed when I showed them the Wii last year, who's eyes were GLEAMING right before Christmas 'cause they managed to score a Wii 'for their kid' (believe me, they couldn't BS me and I could see right through them - they looked just like a 10 year old on Christmas morning!!!).

And this is not about to stop anytime soon - if anything, it's just going to pickup steam and keep rolling on. Will 3rd parties dump 360 and PS3? Of course not - but that doesn't mean they don't wish they could!! ;)

Ok, the last sentence was a bit extreme, but I think you catch my drift - we as gamers are ALWAYS excited about the latest and greatest videogame experience. But when the casual audience gets geared up for something like the way they currently are with the Wii, watch out...


If this isn't just about third parties shifting all their resources to the Wii, then I stand corrected and agree.



I absolutely agree with your assessment, Talon. Yes, I have seen it for myself; Nintendo is warping the entire industry around themselves. There's no question at this point. The best examples are EA Casual and Ubisoft Casual: two of the biggest third party companies in the world aren't just focusing their developers on the Wii, they're creating divisions -- entire divisions -- pretty much as a direct result of the DS/Wii success.

But these supreme examples should only emphasize the common ground between Legend and other posters here. EA, Ubisoft, and other companies (I know Activision has a casual-like division now, too) aren't just telling their Assassin's Creed or Metal Gear developers to start making Assassin's Creed or Metal Gear for the Wii; instead, those Assassin's Creed style games are still being made for the PS3/360/PC -- and I think that will be true for the forseeable future -- and new teams and creative input are being harnessed for Wii/DS development.

In other words, Legend (if I'm understanding him correctly) is probably right that these major, traditional third party games -- particularly the "grittier" ones that focus on shooting and sports -- will likely continue to be published primarily on the other consoles, and the new, innovative, and sometimes more casual stuff will be published on the Wii. At the same time, the very fact that these new divisions and developers are all being focused on the Wii automatically means that the industry is warping around Nintendo at the same time that these more traditional enthusiast games are being made. In essence, I still think we agree, we're just coming at this from different angles.">">

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PDF said:
********(Not saying future quality titles could be made that do well)********

Most games outside of Nintendo do no do as well. So many 3rd party companies may not be looking at it as much as Wiifans hope.

8 of there 10 top games are made by Nitendo. Nintendo games do well on the Wii. While many 3rd part ones dont. There are a few exceptions. The wii has been very good to sega and GH3 did good.

People are expecting alot more Wii support and while I think there will be more. There wont be whole lot still.

Publishers don't generall care how many of the top 10 are Nintendo games - they care how many 3rd party titles (esp their titles) make money. Last gen, most companies would rather be the #20 PS2 game than the #5 GameCube game. As the overall base grows larger, overall software sales will increase, and profitablity of all titles will increase, which will continue third party support.

TalonMan said:

I'll be honest, and maybe I need to go back and read through the 100+ other posts in this thread, but I don't see where the OP's description of 'massive change' was ever directly pointed at 3rd party support and who will or will not get the most of it. I took the post as an 'overall assessment' of all things videogame related...

...and if you can sit there and say you don't think the entire videogame industry has been put on it's ear by Nintendo at this point,


But when the casual audience gets geared up for something like the way they currently are with the Wii, watch out...


Superb John Lucas impersonation and a great post.

PDF said:
********(Not saying future quality titles could be made that do well)********

Most games outside of Nintendo do no do as well. So many 3rd party companies may not be looking at it as much as Wiifans hope.

8 of there 10 top games are made by Nitendo. Nintendo games do well on the Wii. While many 3rd part ones dont. There are a few exceptions. The wii has been very good to sega and GH3 did good.

People are expecting alot more Wii support and while I think there will be more. There wont be whole lot still.

 This is nothing new for Nintendo.... even in glory days when 4rd parties did very well, the NES, SNES, and some N64 days, 3rd parties will ALWAYS be dwarfed by Nintendo 1st/2nd party games.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

Basically EA is making money off the systems it takes seriously. It is not taking the Wii seriously, so it is not making money off it. Simple really.

So far Capcom and Namco are the ony real developers taking the Wii seriously right now and even that effort has been half hearted so far. Ubisoft is making a modest effort, but not a serious one. Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles because they're some of the few franchises that have been handled seriously thus far on the Wii.

Don't mistake this for the Wii not being able to handle serious franchises, RE4 has proven that dead wrong. It's easy to say there are no successful serious third party games on the Wii when no one puts serious third party games on the Wii to begin with. Right now anti-Wii fanboys try to spin the Wii as a one trick pony half hoping it will become true and half trying to rationalize their concern with the 360's and PS3's obvious place behind the Wii. As the gap grows and as what few serious third party games make it to the Wii and succeed grow it'll be increasingly difficult for developers to ignore it as the flagship console of this generation.

How long were we told to forgive the 360's rough start because it was only its first year? How many times did you try and tell us that it was only the PS3's first year and things would be different in 2008? Yet now oh so conveniently you want us to believe the Wii's first year is its set in stone trend from here on out and things won't improve? You want us to believe that a console which took the gaming world by storm won't makes its own equilibrium?

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I think Legend is right to an extent, as a lot of publishers are risk aversive and would rather stay with what they know works despite the deminishing returns.

But I think a game like TimeSplitters 4 or Monster Hunter 3 coming to the Wii and doing very well, will change a lot of other publishers minds.  Inevidably some publishers with some vision will blaze a trail on Wii and others will follow.  Wii will become the main focus for 3rd parties (in general) but PC/360/PS3 support will never go away entirely.  However they'll get doomed to even more of the same as, again, 3rd parties would rather drop CoD5 - 7 on them knowing it'll sell, than do anything like NiGHTS and risk huge losses.

BTW I think NiGHTS will do fine on Wii long term like many other games that started slow (Carnival Games, My Sims, Zack & Wiki, etc.)


This is what I have been saying all along - developers were "afraid" to invest in a Nintendo system heavily , to start with. Its clear that the N64 and the GC paled in comparison (sales wise most notably) to the PS1 and the PS2. Now the Wii has taken the top spot, and developers are going to have no choice but to release games on it. They have to make a profit, and if they can do so by releasing games on the Wii, it's going to happen, I can guarentee if the Wii continues the path it's on, 3rd parties are going to follow a process of - porting PS3/360 games over, and adding on games that can only be found on the Wii.

Suggesting that the Wii, if it continues to dominate in sales, will NOT also dominate in 3rd party support is the argumentative equivalent of plugging your ears and screaming "NAAAH NAAHH NAAHH! CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to point out the economic fallacy in your logic. It outsold the 360 in less than half the time and burned the PS3 right out of the gate. I realize that zealous fanbots will pluck any excuse they can from their rear ends in an attempt to reassure themselves in their decision to purchase a PS3/60, but really, it's starting to become embarrassing.

Even as a zealous GC owner, I didn't have any illusions that the GC was going to somehow surge ahead and take first in the console race. None whatsoever. It's time to wake up and take the situation for what it is: the Wii wins, end of story. I could understand if the Wii had JUST stopped selling out like crazy and sales of the console were starting to taper off, but at this rate, there's nothing to suggest that the Wii won't be the hot item NEXT Xmas as well (it's done it for two, why not three?).

And if current 3rd party devs decide to be curmudgeons and not develop for the Wii, fine, fuck 'em. Wiiware is coming out soon and boasts a crop of starry-eyed new development blood with new ideas and a fresh perspective on the market. If devs won't develop for the Wii, they're going to be left behind.

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks

Smash_Brother said:

Suggesting that the Wii, if it continues to dominate in sales, will NOT also dominate in 3rd party support is the argumentative equivalent of plugging your ears and screaming "NAAAH NAAHH NAAHH! CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to point out the economic fallacy in your logic. It outsold the 360 in less than half the time and burned the PS3 right out of the gate. I realize that zealous fanbots will pluck any excuse they can from their rear ends in an attempt to reassure themselves in their decision to purchase a PS3/60, but really, it's starting to become embarrassing.

There's something that your're missing though...  The PC, 360, and PS3 all have gamers that have relatively similar tastes in games.  I'm not saying that every PC game would be a hit on console or vice-versa but that there is definitely a lot in common between them.  The Wii on the other hand has a much more diverse audience in which the hardcore are not the majority.  Add into that the fact that the Wii has significantly less power than the other two consoles and a unique controller and it adds even more differences between them. 

So why is all that important?  Well because third parties are making a lot of multiplatform games and they can pretty much treat the PC/360/PS3 audiences as the same and development as pretty similar between them (especially with popular engines like Unreal Engine 3).  Sure there are some differences like some 360s not having a harddrive but that pales in comparison to the Wii's differences (88 megs of ram, motion controller, etc).  So basically that adds to the decisions that third parties have to make when deciding what platforms to put games on and what they want the game to achieve.

Now I'm sure someone will mention the development budget on the Wii being lower but that isn't the whole picture.  Multiplatform games can spread costs among the different versions (level designers, artists, etc).  Also because of the very nature of the PC/360/PS3 audiences it's likely easier to know what games are almost a sure thing with them.  Not only that but some successful third party multiplatform PC/360/PS3 games are hitting 3-5+ million right now.  That's several million copies of pure profit once the initial cost is paid off.  You can bet that third parties planning AAA games take that into consideration.

Bodhesatva said:

Legend may be antagonistic, but people need to stop acting like he's crazy. People have told him to "look at the math." I agree, there is a lot going for the Wii right now.

But there is a lot going for the 360, too. First and foremost, all 360 games can be properly leveraged as PS3 games, as well. Multiplatform opportunites are good. Second, while overall total software totals for the Wii may be as high or even higher than the 360 on a weekly basis now, a huge portion of these sales are 1st party. I absolutely think this reason is retarded, and basically amounts to 3rd parties saying "Nintendo is too good, let's not compete with them," which from a gamer's perspective is lousy, but it's clearly what many publishers feel and if you happen to be publishing a game that you know isn't as good as Nintendo's finest, it makes sense. As Legend says, many publishers (including major ones like EA and Activision) are making a lot more money on the 360 thus far than they are on the Wii. Lastly, the marketshare distribution is spread evenly for the Wii worldwide, and in many cases games won't have worldwide appeal, such as Madden or Singstar. A system with a lopsided sales distribution will benefit from this, as it will be the best place to put American-centric games that are unlikely to sell in the EU or Japan.

In short, is it likely that the Wii will see more games from third parties as time goes on? Yes, it is. Absolutely, and I doubt Legend would deny that. But there is also a good incentive to continue making 360/PS3 games, too, and it's extremely unlikely that they'll abandon a venture that proven profitable to go after a different one. They'll simply add on.

Let me put this simply: Nintendo isn't going to win back third parties in a year, or even in a generation. It took nearly 15 years (from the beginning of the N64 to the end of the Gamecube) to get Nintendo to the complete third party wasteland we see today, and it will probably take at least a decade for them to ever get back to third party dominance -- if they ever do. As many of Legend's detractors have said, it's simple math.

I feel like Tom Cruise and you're my new publicist trying to explain away some wacky Scientology statements I've made (I'm not a Scientologist for anyone wondering).  Anyways you don't have to keep defending my remarks or explaining them away.  Anytime I post something I usually provide reasons and sometimes evidence for my reasoning and the people who dismiss it outright or treat it as crazy and/or completely wrong are usually those that have a particular belief and are unwilling to listen to or look at anything that may dispel that belief.